Wolf Herring on Fly x 2

Wolf Herring on Fly x 2

Another Wolf Herring


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deefa's picture

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From the east side

Wed, 2007-06-13 19:36

From the east side Adam?

Onya Gribbo.... ;-D Woulda given ya some stick eh?

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-13 20:12

West side of the east side. :) Didn't go that hard, but boy did it do some aerials, musta been 4-5ft out of the water all the way to the boat.


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deefa's picture

Posts: 642

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West side of the East

Wed, 2007-06-13 20:39

West side of the East side??- man, now thats a cryptic clue if ever i saw one..... Mayhaps over near where the photo of Nick doin battle on his light gear that we been discussing hereabouts?

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-13 21:43

Lets just say, not far from where you got your diamonds....


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nickyau2's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-13 21:47

any further west and that'd be pretty close to where deef made his deposit onto the rocks!


Here fishy fishy....

SPESS's picture

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Still a nice fish regardless

Thu, 2007-06-14 07:40

Still a nice fish regardless there Ad's......i gave the old fly a go when i was up in broome, i hooked a smallish GT and my nuckles and thumb nail got hurt! Everytime i went to gain line it took off smashing my fingers on the reel. Ill keep to spinning gear thanks.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

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slimy little butters

Thu, 2007-06-14 11:34

slimy little butters too....hard to hang onto

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Thu, 2007-06-14 11:46

Good to see ya getting right into the fly Gribbo, your certainly in Gods country for it......see ya soon :)

** Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Shimano,Penn etc...**

Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street,
O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682
** OPEN 7 DAYS **

seansurfy's picture

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wolf herring

Thu, 2007-06-14 15:22

One of the all time best big spanish mack troll baits....wahoo love em too

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Can you get Wolf Herring in Perth????

Sat, 2007-06-16 18:27

Can Ya? It would be cool to catch them...


max199's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-20 17:51

They also called a Giant Herring?? cause we get em in the Swan. Sometimes near the Cannning Bridge area of sorts. MAXY

Posts: 16

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Wed, 2007-06-20 18:17

No Wolf Herring are northern species that dont frequent our waters,in the Swan is Giant Herring....different species!

** Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Shimano,Penn etc...**

Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street,
O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682
** OPEN 7 DAYS **

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What do you use to catch Giant Herring?

Wed, 2007-06-20 20:44

So they are different species but the closest to them are Giant Herring that are inhabited our waters. Is there any good spots were I could try in the Swan or Canning River? And what would you MAD fisherman use to land one of these elusive fish?


Rajamullet's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-20 21:13

Into fly fishing Ad's?

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2007-06-20 23:16

Nah, not me Raja, but my mate Gribbo. Have been thinking about it, but not sure if I can be bothered with the amount of effort it looks like it takes.


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Rajamullet's picture

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Thu, 2007-06-21 10:12

Yeh my thoughts exactly.

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Date Joined: 01/01/70

Whole new world!

Thu, 2007-06-21 16:13

The fly is an awesome way to catch fish and not the effort ppl think it takes. Fly offers a whole new world on sportsfishing and the extra effort is replaced with ALOT more enjoyment with a fly capture.....I'll stand by that!

** Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Shimano,Penn etc...**

Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street,
O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682
** OPEN 7 DAYS **

max199's picture

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Thu, 2007-06-21 20:34

Agree with ya Ryan. It just takes a bit of practice, that's all. When you catch on fly it's awsome. Be it trout or saltwater species, both great. MAXY

tangles's picture

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go the fly!

Sat, 2007-06-23 14:21

go the fly! nice fish gribo! hey adam come on m8 take a punt youll love it, even better when you tie your own flies and they get busted up after one session. I lost 20 flies up at cone bay when i was up at maxima pearl farm. The best buzz. Next is the pinks in the shallows up ere!!!!