coupla jews from the weekend

coupla jews from the weekend

 headed out to our usual spots on saturday but the sounder lit up before we got there, this was the result!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 14935

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Very nice mate, depth? 

Mon, 2017-01-16 20:31

 Very nice mate, depth? 


Love the West!

Posts: 30

Date Joined: 28/01/14

 cheers mate, got them in

Thu, 2017-01-19 19:10

 cheers mate, got them in 35m



Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Pigeon pair

Mon, 2017-01-16 23:41

That is a very nice pigeon pair you have there. Well done.

Handi 1's picture

Posts: 151

Date Joined: 27/06/11

Nice !!

Tue, 2017-01-17 09:39

Are you out metro , south west  ,north ?


Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .

Posts: 30

Date Joined: 28/01/14

 south west  

Thu, 2017-01-19 19:11

 south west



little johnny's picture

Posts: 5353

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Solid fish

Tue, 2017-01-17 17:37

 Great feed.

Sea Hunter's picture

Posts: 148

Date Joined: 04/07/13


Tue, 2017-01-24 12:58

 Nice going mate, what part of the SW, if you dont mind me asking?