Quick Midday Fish
Submitted by Mick C on Tue, 2019-09-10 21:23For a number of reasons, I haven’t been fishing or reporting for a while. Young Luke hassled me to finally go out on Sunday, and we left Hillarys at 11am to fish the wind change about 5 miles out (<5kn at 11am).
The bite was good and we had a nice bag by 12.30pm, when the SW wind really started to pick up.
We also released a medium sambo, big leatherjacket, quite a few undersized pinkies, and a huge eagle ray. A quick inshore stop to try for KGs on the way back yielded the herring. All filleted up within a few hours of being caught.
Great conditions for the dingy before the wind, and quite a nice result for a 3-hour mission.
- 5594 reads
Jurien bay ??
Submitted by on Sat, 2019-09-07 10:34Anyone got any advise for land base fish in jurien this time of year? Thank you
- 4798 reads
Good KG and sounder shot
Submitted by bennym_82 on Mon, 2019-09-02 09:13Mate landed this 52cm KG on soft plastic, managed to capture the strike on the sounder.
- 4945 reads
Anyone been out of two rocks lately?
Submitted by beeroclock on Fri, 2019-08-23 12:15Gday guys, haven't been out since May and thinking of heading out from two rocks early sunday morning, we usually hit up the 30's - 40's depths anybody been getting any fish out there lately cheers for any reports
- 1 comment
- 3738 reads
Parcel delivery to Port Hedand
Submitted by rossp on Sat, 2019-08-17 19:15Hi fishwreckers.
I am currently travelling norh through Newman, and having problems with the house electrical system in my motorhome.
On Monday I expect to have to order a few components from Perth, and as I will be in Port Hedland Wednesday/Thursday, I am seeking somewhere I can have a small packege (3 to 4 kg) delivered to.
Are there any Fiswreckers able o help me, or suggest somewhere suitable.
Not sure of which courier until Monday - any better options?
hanks in advance
- 3847 reads
Ningaloo 2019
Submitted by ranmar850 on Fri, 2019-08-02 21:01Just back from the annual. Spent 3 1/2 weks, not as long as I'd like, but all I could manage. Things were pretty slow the first week, only managed 3 sails, nothing happening with the inside demersals, caught a few mackerel and wahoo, and a nice Mahi. marlin weren't playing the game, either-our first excursion outside had one little black all over a lure, just couldn't hook up properly, had another pass by , then saw zero for the rest of the trip.
Things got better, sails turned up in numbers at times, had one short afternoon session that saw 6 from 9, and four the next afternoon.
Lost a monster Wahoo near the boat. It had to be 2m long and 40kg, taken by a big bronzie just out of reach of the leader. Sharks were as bad as usual.
We did some bottom bashing this year,first time up there since about 1990. Crew were keen, pressure was on, so i relented and thought I'd cure them of it after hauling up from 85m with a 2lb lead and a redthroat a few times. Unfortunately, conditions were perfect, I found fish, and they bloody loved it. You can see I'm grumpy about catching the red.
They weren't grumpy about Rankins ("but we can catch them inside, I protest"), or goldband.
We went back out a few days later, bagged out on Goldband and close to it on others, so I decided to go wider looking for a Ruby. Found a little one, and a few even smaller, returned.
Then got a Greyband--thanks to Alan James for the ID, thought it was a bass groper.
Had no trouble catching fresh gardies off the beach to keep us supplied with sail bait.
Plenty of robbos there, too, caught 2 or three every session. Along with a few big spangleds, they were all released.
Had all the usual brilliant Milky Ways, lots of good sunsets. It looks we are good for a year or two yet, as the appeal works it's way through the courts. Fingers crossed. I have acres of footage, including some drone, to edit, so I might have a video up by tthe end of next week.
- 5982 reads
Huge Southern Gardies
Submitted by Jackfrost80 on Mon, 2019-07-29 12:17Got the all clear from my surgeon re my reattached bicep tendon last week so I didn’t waste time getting back on the water for the first time in 17 weeks. Did the Auskick thing and then hit the water by 11, tested out the new VHF with VJ6LQ and we settled on a bank only a mile south of the marina as it already pretty lumpy and uncomfortable.
My 4 year old has finally taken an interest in fishing after my pop gave her a bright pink Ugly Stick and she christened it in style with a monster gardy (pic doesn't do it justice) and was steadily out fishing her brothers much to their dismay and dad's pride. The herring were very thin but the kids would have landed 6 huge southern gardies that to the eye were around the 30-35cm mark along with another half dozen decent size ones and I had a tear in my eye returning them to the water due to the ban but definitely good signs for the stocks.
- 5288 reads
Gnaraloo July 2019
Submitted by Xtreme Coolers on Fri, 2019-07-26 10:10Hi all
Back from the latest trip North to Gnaraloo. Here is my quick report.
Track: In pretty good condition up to the Gnaraloo gates. Shire are doing a lot of work up there particularly between Quobba and Bluff turn off. Track from the homestead to the bay was rough a usual. The tires are there to pull if you are so inclined.
We stayed at the homestead again and found Paul and Coleen in good spirits. The Telstra phone is out of commission and the pay phone near the office is working well.
Beach: The softest we have ever seen it. Everyone struggled to launch and retrieve as the beach was so soft. We always moore the boat which takes away that problem. Take plenty of tracks with you as CALM where there clean up any left lying on the beach.
People: There was a major increase in the number of people up ther this year. Marketing and Chris Hemsworth i guess. Lots of families and a good number of boats which was good to see. Not many headed out due to the difficult retrieval conditions and family.
The weather was excellent for a change and we fished comfortably every day. We always chase certain species and found good numbers of Spanish Mackerel in the 30's and 40's. We like to drift bait stingers with a mulie, herring or scallie attached. At stages, there was schools of them around. We found good numbers of reds, rankin and robinson seabream. Unfortunately, the sharks found us this year and we lost a lot of fish and gear to them. The sharks seem to be much more brazen then ever before taking fish right at the boat and being aggressive by hitting our baited rigs on the drop. The jig was working well which always accounts for different species such as trout, amber jacks, rankin, cobia and golden tevally. The hardest thing was to keep them away from the Mackies. We got out to the 100 plus ground which fished particularly well for goldband. Just a long way to go.
Boat: We hire the boat out of Murchison form Paul who has taken the business over from Laurie. The boat has been improved with a new sounder, clears and anchor winch. No leaks at all in the hull and the trailer is rock solid. We have hired for many years and this is the best the boat has been presented.
We had no problems reaching our 20kg bag limit of reds, rankin, snapper, Seabream, Goldband (Correct rig and bait a must) and trout. Happy to catch and release many more Spanich Mackerel and Cobia for the week. Tomato Cod where also quite popular this year. No tuna at all and the water temp was ony around 22 deg which is low compared to previous years.
We are booked again for 2020 so looking forward to heading up there once again which will be our 14th year. Big thanks to Shark Man and the Italian Stallion for the great week and company.
Enjoy a few pics.
- 6769 reads
Submitted by Lefty 44 on Thu, 2019-07-18 07:42Doing our bit for Marron conservation in Harvey on the weekend.
Nice suprise pulling a big girl out.
Calling it at 46cm.
Biggest I've seen in person.
- 4764 reads
Shell Beach last week
Submitted by kirky79 on Wed, 2019-07-17 16:08Hi all, Got up to Shell Beach for the first week of the school holidays. Another great getaway as a family, and everyone getting the run around by nice sized Pinks. Had some more great weather for the 7 days, the mornings were a little fresh but by around 10:30/11 am the wind would drop away, making for gentleman hours fishing which suited me fine. I picked up the fish of the trip with a Pink that went 5.27kg but my young fella had me worried on the last day when he got a buck that was just shy of mine coming in at 5.18kg. Got a visit by Fisheries on the 2nd last day which would of been better at the start as I didn't realise that the wings don't count to our 5 kg possession limit. Lucky we had eaten a few while up there but unfortunately had thrown away a few aswell. Anyway here's a few pics.
- 5801 reads
A few catches over dry season and a bit of camping thrown in oh and a baby was made.
Submitted by Meeuwissen on Thu, 2019-07-11 08:23It's been a while since I've uploaded anything. It's been a awesome dry season so far we got started early with camping because we just had our first son. If anyone ever comes up this way and wants any advise or get pointed in the right direction feel free to private msg me.
Spanish mack caught of willy lump while my wife was 6 months pregnant
The dog and I sorting out the catch all with 5km of the boat ramp. 2 blue one, one chinaman
Cygnet bay king tide tour
The dog and I again with a half day bag out, released heaps of Mack's that day.
Pender bay the last 2 snaps my favourite new spot on the whole peninsula.
The last pic 2 very proud parents with there 4 day old boy Jake Meeuwissen
- 4888 reads
Submitted by Glen.vit on Thu, 2019-06-20 21:25Epic session had on dhuies.
- 6434 reads
Nice Bench
Submitted by Chinbald on Thu, 2019-06-20 19:24Nice bench shot of some good eating specimans
- 4738 reads
Marine radio recomendations
Submitted by rossp on Wed, 2019-06-05 17:27Hi fishos.
I have been following Fishwrecked Forum for a couple of years, in preparation for my trip over here, and have been here for a little while now and doing final preparations for north West Coast fishing.
Have a 4 metre tinny and 25 hp so will be restricted to close offshore areas.
I would like comments (good and bad) on what marine radio I should consider fitting to ensure safe trips.
We will most likley go as far as Denham initially, and then progress north till it gets too hot.
We have no time constraints, and would appreciate suggestions of where we should not miss.
Thanks in anticipation.
Ross Pankhurst
- 4172 reads
Coral bay 17 to 25 May
Submitted by Jsmolly on Sat, 2019-06-01 15:22another year has unfortuantely come and gone. Weather was spot on and the fishing slow to begin but hotted up once the full moon got further away.
we fished north, south and everywhere in between. we stuck the plan that I tell evryone and that is 2/3 drifts and no action, move on! so I kept farming our spots and the fish came. did not lose a fish nor see a shark. only rigs lost were 2 or 3 of tangles that I couldnt be stuffed sorting out!
pic # shows the boat uniform. funny thing is hadnt seen a red until day 3 and within 5 mins of it coming out, we had a red on board!no commentary required, israel falaou emailed the crew to tell them what would happen to them
highlights included;
- 6+ 8-10kg rankins,
- an 8kg red (last day)
- catching our bag of 15 fish in about 45 mins on a new spot (last day), sounder shot depicts this (pic #6 is some of bag)
- using just 35l of fuel to catch the bag in pic # 1
- the food and company, wow we, Greek Barra's kebabs are up there with any I've had at midnight and Harry the chefs battered wings are close to the best I've had
we also dropped the go pro down ona boated rig into anywhere from 60 to 75m of water and the footage is unbelievable. i now have a real understanding of what I am reading on the sounder.
sorry should also have added there was a huge (at least footy oval size) scholl of sardines or similar south of south passge that also had the thrill of jumping in and swimming with along with lots of others. supposedly lots of bities arund this school but didnt see any or get any on the go pro footage.
- 4811 reads
Steep point report from last week Sunday 19/5 - fri 24/5
Submitted by beeroclock on Mon, 2019-05-27 10:36Took 3 boats from Denham to steep point camping at shelter bay ( Blackies 1 camp site) early last sunday morning with 6 fisho's and 2 cars in on the track. Ive never done the drive in before and the track is bad (corrugations and deep boggy potholes). Some guys ahead of us towed a boat in and sure enough the trailer got destroyed and blocked everybody coming in behind them until they could get it out the way (took ages - why the F%$K you would try tow a boat in there i'll never know. Finally set up camp and hit the water at 1pm. My first drop in 73m hooked up a beautiful fish straight away, pulling it up - sharked! Was using 80lb braid with 5metres of 100lb mono PR'd on to it then the rig. The sharks tend to just sit there rather than go for a long run so you cant break them off easily. I had to lock up the drag and plain him up, was surprised how easily it came up and was a big bastard. Got all the braid back then onto the mono and it decides to take off under the boat. Before we could cut the line SNAP! there goes my 24-37kg Bluewater Strudwick jigging rod that I absolutly loved broken in half on the first drop - I was FAARRKKN pissed off. Had a spare 24kg rod so kept moving around fishing. Over the rest of the afternoon we smashed big Rankin, pinkies, pearl pearch, coral trout, red emperor and lots of small pinkies, red throats and other small reefies. We got our bag of five each but to get your 5 you pretty much end up feeding 6 or 7 more really good fish to sharks its out of control up there, the sharks are in plague proportions. Monday tuesday and wednesday weather was great and we all pretty much did the same thing, just catching great fish, feeding them to sharks and loosing a shit load of sinkers and hooks to eventually get your bag. Hooked my first cobia and fought it all the way to the surface till it flicked its head and spat the hook. Only got one spaniard in return for a shit load of trolling. Thursday and friday the wind was shit so we just trolled inside the mouth in front of where they ballon - no mackies. No ballooners on the rocks either so we wondered if we were out of mackie season. So for 5 and a half possible days of fishing we only got 3 and a half days fishing due to strong wind and waves and came home with 67kg of quality fillets all vacuum packed in the deep freezer. Cant complain about that too much i guess its just a real damn shame that we probably lost 2-3 times that much to sharks. The sharks seemed to be fussy too, they only took the good fish cause we landed small fish almost always. On the way out on the track there was 1 car and boat bogged to the axles and 2 other boats with broken trailers along the track blocking people in and out of steep point so took ages to get back to Denham (pisses you off when you just want to get home). Thanks for reading and good luck to you if your heading up that way (dont tow a boat in!! )
- 5419 reads
Mixed bag on voting day
Submitted by Fisheagle on Sun, 2019-05-26 21:16Casting an early line before casting our votes results in a mixed bag. Morning highlight a visit from a friendly GW.
YouTube video
- 4271 reads
Abandoned boat
Submitted by Gav475 on Sun, 2019-05-26 16:46 Anyone know this boat. Son in law found it washed up at wilbinga yesterday morning. Reported to water police
- 4715 reads
Slow day turns pink...
Submitted by richie68 on Wed, 2019-05-15 07:36Took mate Sharpie out to the 30-40's. Low swell, light onshore. Very slow. Landed 1 size Dhuie. Headed back in at 5pm, anchored up behind GI in 10 m at a likeley looking spot. Burlied up for 5 mins, then all hell broke loose! Sharpie dropped a horse, then we both hooked up. 2 landed. Cast out again, dropped another then hooked up to a beast. Went 90cm. All in 15 mins of arrival. Got our bag limit and were in at the ramp brfore dark. Slow day come good. Seems to be heaps of good pinkies around ATM.
Cheers, Richie.
- 4309 reads
Pending IGFA World Record Tuna Off Portland Vic
Submitted by Alan James on Sun, 2019-04-07 14:01There have been some good catches of Southern Bluefin Tuna recently off Portland Vic. Yesterday a 103kg SBT was weighed and this is a pending World Record for 10kg line class. The angler has been chasing this record for some time I understand and it finally all came together. Well done that team.
- 4256 reads
On the water again - bring on more decent weather
Submitted by Fisheagle on Sun, 2019-03-17 20:51During the latter part of February and early March we witnessed one of those rare occasions where we had decent weather over a weekend. Good mate Xaview Dunn and I took advantage of the conditions and fished one of our favourite jaunts near Rotto. During the February session, which coincided with the Rotto swim, we managed a few small edibles and were harassed by a number of sharks. The highlight of the day is when a "friendly" GW came over and kept us company for about 20 minutes. Our February trip was wet, but more successful and during this session we managed a number of larger edibles. We were however humilated by a school of YTK that passed through our swim.
Videos of the trips can be viewed here:
- 4357 reads
Few more fish from all over the state lately.
Submitted by Chris fish on Thu, 2019-03-07 12:46More from from the usual haunts, down south rocks, but of jigging off Margaret River for sambos and some deep drop goodies from behind the abrohlos.
- 4497 reads
Friday fish off Dawesville
Submitted by Browny on Sat, 2019-02-23 19:38The weather forecast for Friday was too good, so left work behind and headed out early.
Was very quiet early on. Tried trolling thru the 30’s (where the SBT’s had been a couple weeks back), but to no avail. No birds working at all and no bait showings.
got out to the mid 40’s and things stayed veerrrryyyyy quiet too. Tried many of my usual haunts with little activity other than a few smaller pinkies that we’re safely returned.
11 o’clock things changed a nice 6 kg dhuie, followed by a nice double header of black arise and swallowtail snapper.
Changed tack again and tried an old marking that is only a 2m rise and the size of a garage, but that produced nicely and we bagged out. Best I thought was a great 56cm Baldie that weighed 3.3kg. Had great fun with a mid sized sambo on light gear. Another really nice bum rounded the day off, so trolled home again for no reward. No sign of any tuna all day until 1nm off the cut! With all the gear safely stowed by then they may as well have tail walked and blown raspberries at us!!
- 4822 reads
Local knowledge
Submitted by Jammo7890 on Sat, 2019-02-23 18:39Hi new to Perth. Keen Fisher. Looking for a fishing partner to gain knowledge of some of the fishing spots . and tips and meet new ppl iv been chasing mulloway of the surf. With no luck think I'm in the wrong fishing spot never fished for them before cheers
- 1 comment
- 3905 reads
Good sized Slob
Submitted by Jackalchub on Sat, 2019-02-23 14:21Been a long time since I’ve had a good fish, good way to get back into things. Big Johns jig heads doing the damage again, very strong
- 5350 reads
Hectic thready session today.
Submitted by Meeuwissen on Thu, 2019-02-21 21:26Tried a spot I did well on last year on the big tide get to access where you usually can get to. Salmon were going off. 52-87cm landed 15 dropped 2 which were the bigger ones good fun on the lighter gear. Cooked prawns doing the damage. Must of been the super moon. Fantastic solo session just kept 2 small ones released the rest.
- 3861 reads
were to find blue manners in the swan river
Submitted by Curly 777 on Thu, 2019-02-21 20:00Were to find blue manners in the swan river can any one give me a good location...cheers
- 3913 reads
Transducer Upgrade with Sounder Shots
Submitted by JohnF on Mon, 2019-02-11 14:25Recently upgraded the sounder on the Regulator from 1 kW to 3 kW. Went with a wet faced, keel mounted R509 with Garmin GSD26 black box, hooked up to 2 x 16 inch monitors.
Had to cut a bloody massive hole in the keel of a new boat and semi recess the tranny to ensure it was sitting down a few inched into clean water...hard to do, but we wanted the best results so this is what it took based on my research. All Marine Services did the install, too big a job for me, they did a bloody nice job.
Finally got the chance to test it out on the weekend, and results exceeded expectation. In shitty conditions well off shore, we did not hit a speed or depth that did not result in a pretty good image, all on FULL AUTO with no adjustment of any settings.
41 knots in shallow.
500m deep. Nice fish, two vertical lines are waypoints, will go back and have a crack at these.
1000m deep.
1600m was as deep as went, Still pinging away happily.
- 5736 reads
Finally some Spaniards
Submitted by ranmar850 on Sat, 2019-02-09 18:48 In Kalbarri, at least. it has been really quiet, just the odd one here and there. I got two on the Australia day weekend, and a few pinks, but worked hard for them. Sounds like a few turned up yesterday north of the river. We left on sunrise, tried a troll north a bit for zero, and steamed a long way up. Picked up a couple of pinkies, then started trolling again. One missed strike on a brand new lure showed definite mackerel teeth, but it was another long stint until we finally picked up a stray. Didn't seem to have company, so we went off somewhere else. A monster double strike turned out to be YFT, dropped one released the other. Then bang bang bang , three Spaniards in quick succession, largest 13.5KG. So with four Spaniards and two pinks the fish bag was full, ( didn't have the big Madfish bag with me ) and we headed home.
- 5430 reads
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