
Where are they biting at the moment

October Fishing Report

Well, its been a pretty good fishing month all up.  Here are some of the reports that I've seen and heard.

The dhuies are close in at the moment because the crays have started to walk and with the new cray season around the corner it won't be long before the pots are out again and finding new ground becomes a lot easier.  Have heard a few reports that dhuies upto 15kg have been landed within 500m of Rottnest. 

Out wide has seen the fishing fortunes change from pink snapper in the early couple of weeks to large 5kg+ skippy.  Best guess is that the snapper have moved into the sound to start spawning.  We also managed to get into a few nice mulloway out wide and the sambo's are starting to fire up with atleast 3 caught from the Derwent from a regular jigging boat and we managed to get into a nice 13kg++ specimen in around 50m behind Rotto.

Inshore has been a little quiet lately with big king george still the go and a few cuttlefish around the place.  The sand whiting have been a little hard to find, but when you get onto a few, the size is well worth the effort.

Reports from Ocean Reef are similar to Rotto with the Dhufish moving in close to pick off the kakkas and there are a few whispers of good baldies coming from 40m of water.  The yellowfin tuna reports are still unconfirmed, but with water temperatures starting to heat up and by the looks of things a strong leeuwin current this year could see one of the best game/FAD seasons for quite some time..

The river should be starting to fire up with some flathead pretty soon and with the recent small amounts of rain I wouldn't be suprised if the fish started moving into the lower reaches of the Swan.  The mulloway run seems to be very late this year and my prediction of them starting a few weeks ago was a bit premature.  This time I've heard on good authority that its not far off, but please be sensible with what you catch and if you do get one or more, please keep the frames/guts intact for research and  get in contact with me at .  Haven't heard too much on the bream front, but theres a few stories of rat sambo's giving a hell of a tug on light gear around the boating clubs..  A few blue manners have also been pushed down the river by the recent rains..

Ive got crabs...well a few

Put a net out while fishing for flatties at claremont this arvo, only had 1 out as im lazy and couldnt find the other nets but managed 3 nice mannas. No flatties unfortunatly.

Friday Report for Perth Metro

Big blackies are around maylands and up at midland. The lower reaches of the swan have been fishin well for big tarwhine, small blackies along with a few flatties popping up too.

Offshore, big pinkies off ocean reef. Dhufish are still around, but apart from one hooter landed over last week ( 24KG!!) there has only been small fish.

Well my head hurts, and its a friday night so i cant really remember many more reports(from customers) for the time being.

See you on the water!

Recent Reports - End of Sept 05

Well, been a bit of mixed weather lately.. Had a pearler of a day down at Walpole on Saturday when there was hardly a breath of wind and it would have been magic out on the ocean.. We still managed an array of fish from King George to Shovelnose sharks..

Locally there have been reports of pink snapper from a few of the southern rock walls and from offshore.  Seems the varied weather is stirring the bottom up nicely and there are reports of dhufish in close, if you know where to go..  Catches of king george have been solid lately and the size has been exceptional.. 

The mulloway rumour was put to the test last weekend and after 2 small runs it was decided that there wasn't a lot of action at the spot chosen.. Unfortunately it was too late to pick up live baits before hitting the spot, so chances were diminished quite a bit.. Haven't heard too much about how the river is fishing for other fish..

Plenty of baitfish out there to be caught at the moment, if livebaiting is the choice..  Also patches of school mackerel and bonito have started showing up and hopefully it shouldn't be long before the pelagic action starts heating up.. Did hear from one of the other websites that one of the guys got into 14 and 18 kg yellowfin out from Garden Island.. So they are around..  Still haven't heard of any in the northern waters.

And.. There has been 30 knot winds up north for the last week, and 40 knot winds down south with the occasional window.. Not a lot of fishing to be done in these conditions.. Here's hoping they turn soon..

Will update when I hear more..

Snapper...3 days to go!


Well, with snapper season almost closed around the sound, there was a red hot session at a local rock wall in the sound this morning. Apparently there was non-stop action for an hour an a half, with one one pinky being stopped by a person i know. He lost about 4 fish in that time. The resulting fish was a 5kg PLUMP pinky, taken on a yellowtail.

Keep it on the hush hush, this is exclusive for FW members!


North Mole Sunday 18th Sept

Fished near the kiosk, alot of tailor there, but the majority are just size.  A heap of silver bream were around too, with some upto 35-40cm!

Put a big bait out, didnt get any runs on it but the water looks fishy after the big blows we've had.

Fishing Reports - September 5th

Well, there have been rumours of the snapper being in the sound already.  With the new moon and storms we've had over the last couple of days, it could well be worth a shot and I wouldn't be suprised if you got onto some.

Been quite a few tailor around the place along the coast and some smaller ones in the river from the heads down to canning bridge way..  Bigger specimens have been found north of Mindarie.. Small samsonfish upto 65cm have been caught just off south mole, but are hit and miss and you need to go over the wreck with you sounder to see if they are there.  Haven't heard a lot about the river lately, but sure you will find the better bream down towards the Mossie Park - Freshie Bay areas, with South Perth Yacht Club and the Canning Bridge, with the small amount of rain we've had they should still be in the lower parts of the river.  Mulloway reports are still unfounded, but with the new moon and a bit of rain, I'd be putting in some time in the river around the usual haunts.

Mandurah Report #2 22/8/2005

Hi All,
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and managed to get some fishing in as well.
The mixed weather conditions this week hasn't allowed alot of fish to be caught!
With the offshore seen producing good catches of Skippy and King George especially around the FFB.
The was rumors of a 48lb dhuie caught down south of the cut, i am trying to get my hands on the photo so i can post it up here to confirm it!!

Mandurah Fishing Report 15/8/2005

Hi my name is Josh and i will try and keep all the Fishwrecked users informed on whats going on down in my part of the world..Mandurah!
Last week we were blessed with some beautiful weather and it allowed the offshore brigade to get out and try thier luck!
The fishing for skippy was productive especially around the Five Fathom Bank, with anchoring and berleying being the go.
Sambo's are around the high 20m mark with them stealing baits from snapper fisherman at night starting to happen regularly, not huge fish but good fun! i have included a pic of a nice little sambo taken on 6lb gear last sunday night (7\8\2005 Angler -Ash Proprietor of Mandurah Tackle Mart)

City Beach Report 10-8-05


Fished city beach groyne tonight for a few hours, used a kg of scalies but unfortunatly no fish landed. One small run that we missed but it could have been anything. The north side had a massive bank and the left was very shallow too. Swell was down for a change tho!

Chasing the elusive mulloway but with no prevail,just fed the fish, Heard there has been a few soapies around tho(Cottesloe area)


Fishing, 7th of August, 2005

Looks like a trip to the barge is planned for the comming weekend to target some big samsonfish or yellowtail kings. From looking around the various other sites and from our experience at the 3 mile there are quite a few sambo's inclose at this time of year. With the weather conditions we have been experiencing lately there is a good possibility that it will be a good day and hopefully we won't need to anchor up.

If not, theres always the bottom ground not too far away which generally produces large king george and the occasional dhuie and baldchin groper. It's been a little difficult getting excited about going fishing out of Perth compared the waters around Exmouth. Seeing as it will probably be another year before we get up there again, it really is time to start getting back into the rythmn of fishing locally. What better way to warm up on some big sambo's, i think i'll start stretching now in preparation and start praying to the weather gods.

Can't wait..

Local Report - 23rd/24th July

Rumours have it that there are large numbers of good sized black bream and flathead in the lower reaches of the Swan, other good catches have come from the Canning Bridge and South Perth Yacht Club foreshore. A few weeks ago there were good runs of prawns after the rains, but have died down recently.

Squid have been thick lately and not far from shore, best catches were reported from the weedbanks off Leighton and out from the Fremantle harbour, some were meant to go close to a kilogram with a few larger ones amongst them. Rockfishing reports have been a little quiet, but there are large numbers of gardies and baitfish from the ASI groyne and nearby rockwalls.


After 10 days in Exmouth we are back to the wonderful cold and storms of Perth. The fishing has slowed and the nearest likely prospect of hitting the water is 2 weeks. It seems so far away......

A complete wrap up of the trip will be featured shortly.

Slow Down