Mandurah Report #2 22/8/2005
Hi All,
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and managed to get some fishing in as well.
The mixed weather conditions this week hasn't allowed alot of fish to be caught!
With the offshore seen producing good catches of Skippy and King George especially around the FFB.
The was rumors of a 48lb dhuie caught down south of the cut, i am trying to get my hands on the photo so i can post it up here to confirm it!!
Night fishers have been doing well in close for pinkies when the swell has allowed it.
The Beaches are starting to clear, so with the exit of the weed tailor should be starting to appear.
The estuary water has been the colour of an espresso coffee so fishing has been a little quiet, although there is some bream upstream.
The cut is still producing Herring with some Salmon Trout thrown in for good measure!
Well i hope everyone has a good week and dont forget to PM me withany questions,
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Mandurah Reports!
Would loooooove to see that picture of that 48 pound dhuie, some big boys around lately!!!
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