Fishing Reports - September 5th

Well, there have been rumours of the snapper being in the sound already.  With the new moon and storms we've had over the last couple of days, it could well be worth a shot and I wouldn't be suprised if you got onto some.

Been quite a few tailor around the place along the coast and some smaller ones in the river from the heads down to canning bridge way..  Bigger specimens have been found north of Mindarie.. Small samsonfish upto 65cm have been caught just off south mole, but are hit and miss and you need to go over the wreck with you sounder to see if they are there.  Haven't heard a lot about the river lately, but sure you will find the better bream down towards the Mossie Park - Freshie Bay areas, with South Perth Yacht Club and the Canning Bridge, with the small amount of rain we've had they should still be in the lower parts of the river.  Mulloway reports are still unfounded, but with the new moon and a bit of rain, I'd be putting in some time in the river around the usual haunts.

There have been some good catches of King George from close in off the weedbanks around Cottesloe/Swanbourne area with some great bycatches of BIIIG sand whiting, flathead have been a bit slow.. The squid are closer in and shallow water and weed banks should find you a feed..  Still haven't been able to get off Mindarie to see if the Yellowfin Tuna are there, would love to know about that one..

Word from up north is that it been blowing badly for a while now, but there have been the occasional good days and the winds seem to drop off in the late afternoons.  Down South had swells of 8mtrs last week, don't think there would have been too much boating action!


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SHizz's picture

Posts: 1556

Date Joined: 07/08/05

My report is bugger all at

Mon, 2005-09-05 19:31

My report is bugger all at Hillaries except blowies, couldnt even catch the bait we went there for!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Bad Luck Shizz

Mon, 2005-09-05 21:36

Spewn mate.. Take it your back at work then?

Heard the Scarbrough Gutters are producing some good mulloway lately, and the river might be worth a shot for small tailor.. What bait were you trying to catch?


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Local Report

Wed, 2005-09-07 10:42

Seen a few snapper come in from Cockburn Sound over the past week and a half.

Some nice size ones too, every one I chatted too are keeping very quiet on spots. Off to drive around soon at some local fishing spots, theres only a hand full of dudes sitting out in this rain and wind today. got to windly for me so I left LOL
P.S I took my camera with me but forgot the batteries.So next time very soon should have some images of local Snapper thats if the guys i chat too let me take a photo like last year.
TT ( karl )
Local Snapper
Local Cockburn Sound Snapper caught last year.

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Got a few beauties last

Wed, 2005-09-07 21:31

Got a few beauties last year. Including my PB, good to see it closed this year for longer how ever, after seeing how many where taken last season! 

1 decent fish is more than enough.

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Date Joined: 29/11/05


Thu, 2005-09-08 11:25

I don't think pinkies are that crash hot eating wise.. I certainly do like them, but don't rate them up there in my food chain, compared to dhues or king george.. I just love the fight they give and the amount of hurt they put out.. 4 fish that size is way overkill, pinkies don't even freeze well, rather pointless unless your feeding a mini army.. jmo thou..


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Waiting for the weather to

Tue, 2005-09-13 19:58

Waiting for the weather to slow down a little down here so we can get a few nannygai, now there's a great eating fish.





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Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Hey Dale

Tue, 2005-09-13 20:22

Couldn't imagine that the weather is going to get much better in a hurry!  Hopefully it might clear up a bit after this front goes through..

Definately have nannygai up there high on the table list as well.. Hate those gill rakers on them thou, slice and dice the fingers up nastily when its a bit rocky out.. Always nice and painful mixed with a bit of fresh sea salt.


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