
Where are they biting at the moment

Glassy Day out from Mindarie

Gave the call out late Friday arvo to Shamu who is becoming a bit of a regular deckie for me and also Ox who I had promised I would get a trip out back in January. Ox was due to go on night shift and would finish at 6-00am Saturday morning. That didn't deter him and sure enough at 6-15 as we launched there was Ox rigged and ready to go after pulling an all nighter. The man has the constitution of an ox let alone the size and strength.

We headed out at first light and did teh customary troll behind staggies for zilch. We then decided it would be kind on Ox to catch a few whiting first so he could get his released fish to the fish gods squared away before we hit and big fish. So we pulled up on one of my whiting lumps and I pulled out a ready made rig and proceeded to fish, well 10 minutes later after I had pulled in a dozen fish Ox has finally tied his rig (poor fella must have had his eyes hanging out of his head after a big night at work) so with the bait in the water Ox had his baitcaster loaded up and on the way to the surface only to pull the hooks with 1 meter to go. "that doesn't count mate" was the reply and down he went again. Meantime I've caught 15 whiting by now and Shamu is having trouble with 30lb braid on his jig rod. I tossed him another pre-made rig with the right size hooks and next drop he is pulling up double headers like me.

Ox in the meantime is still struggling and finally lands a nice big fat juicy whiting and duly released it to satisfy the fish gods. We went on to claim about 30 whiting over 30 minutes and when we had enough for a "trip saver" plus bait for dhuies we decided to head out wide to the spot we found a few weeks ago when we went out with Alfred.

The water was glassy all day and made the trip out a pretty quick event. The sounder was reading pretty well at 26 knots and I was doing my usual one eye on ythe sounder one on the water trick, when I noticed a small rise accompanied by a thickening of the bottom sounding. A swing around and slow pass confirmed a nice coral lump with some fish sitting on the northern side.

The first pass gave us nothing to work with so a subsequent one was lined up. We past the lump and nothing again, but I let the drift continue a little and "whack" something monstered my bait and came up solid. A pretty weird fight ensued and whilst it had no significant weight it fought pretty well. A slow retreive saw a very very healthy flounder hit the surface. Unbelievably it had hit the "super snell" and engulfed a whole calamari. To say I was stoked is an understatement as this was clearly a PB.

[img_assist|fid=158865|thumb=1|alt=Hows this for a Flounder!!!!]

We gave this lump a few more passes and I nailed a smallish dhuie of 57cm this time on the single hook with a SW Labs pink squid skirt as added attraction.

One more drift and nothing so we continued on our way to the chosen start point for the day. We stopped at a couple of other marks on the way out and Ox claimed a small blackarse which went back and Shamu got a nice fox fish.

Disappointingly when we arrived at the spot I wanted to fish there were pots all over it. I sounded around to see if I could pick a safe drift line but it meant only touching the north western edge of the lump and there weren't too many fish on there that I could see. We gave it a couple of drifts but only managed a couple of hits. We decided to move again and hit a spot I found with one of my mates about 4 years ago. Given that it is out a bit further I rarely fish it but we decided to give it a go. What do you know....more pots. I was a bit cranky that we didn't have the room to get right over the lump but we gave it a drift anyway. After a couple of passes I picked up another dhuie about the same size and Ox picked up a nice little pinky.

As we were dipatching the pinky a cray boat came flying up to us and stopped and pulled the pots. Woo Hoo now we could hit the spot properly. We set up a few more drifts over the lump and I think on the second pass I came up tight on a big fish. This fish took line at will and shook its head violently to try and get rid of the hooks. After a great fight on the penn 320i (LH) and Ugly Stick combo (old faithful) a beautifully coloured pink snapper surfaced. This was shaping up to be a great day for me but my crew were looking like they were about to commit mutiny.


One more pass on that lump and we high tailed it in to some of my prime ground. I hit several spots on the way back in towards the dropzone and on one of those spots Shamu nailed a very tasty kidneyslapper size KG. His first for the species and a pretty good benchmark PB at the same time.

[img_assist|fid=158871|thumb=1|alt=Shamu's PB KG]

We accounted for a few more fish that went back and a nice Blackarse for me plus a 18 - 20kg sambo for me. One more lump had us getting busted off on something, before on a final drift I called lines up only for my bait to get smashed half way up. A little fight and a few minutes later a nice Bonito surfaced. I asked the guys if they wanted sashimi but they opted for using it as strip bait instead so it was dispatched along with a Sgt Baker Shamu has caught earlier. We finally worked our way back to the dropzone and sure enough on the third pass both me and shamu got connected in a big way, within the first couple of minutes we had both been taken to the reef and busted off. The fourth pass had Shamu hooked up again and this fish was a brute. He was pretty well locked up on this thing and it was going hard. Then after raising the fish 15 meters the fight took on the usual big kick and rest cycle of a big dhuie. We weer all getting very excited about what might come up until we saw that Shamu had caught a big sambo but had tail wrapped it at the same time. That's why the fight was a bit weird. After releasing the fish with a dozen sinkers as a release weight we decided enough was enough and headed home.

[img_assist|fid=158874|thumb=1|alt=One of our unstoppables]

Now I may have got a few of those spots mixed up in order of capture but I am pretty sure thats how it unfurled. A great day on the water and a couple of great blokes to share it with, thanks guys we had a laugh. Ox will be glad to know I didn't mention the attempted "half flex" rod at all in this report.

It was also great that when we got back to the ramp the fisheries guys were there to check our catch and safety equipment. They thought our bag was one of the best of the day and mentioned that they had seen a few flounder of that size being caught lately, so perhaps that should be a target species on the North Versus South comp. I know just the spot to try now (hehehe).

Salmon fishing Anzac day

Went fishing for salmon yesterday.
While fishing i took the time to think of the diggers who put there lives on the line and gave there lives so we have a free country to fish and relax like i did today :)
Went wih a few mates.
I lost 2 Salmon.
One was average size and the other was a HORSE!!!! My guess would of been 9kg!!!! It had a float haing from its mouth that someone else had lost before.
It now has a set of gang hooks to the list because i lost it :twisted:
VERY rough swell today! In the pics it looks calm but there were some monster waves coming through!

I was soaked most of the day.
Here are some pics below....

Mate Scano landed the salmon in the pic

Easter weekend at Kalbarri

Hi Guys just returned from Kalbarri,sadly not much happening fish wise up there (for me anyway). I put about 2 to 3 hours a day of good solid trawling for mac's and tuna over the 3 days I was there and only one tuna landed with about 2 good strikes what i thought could have been a mac.
There were no signs of tuna on the surface feeding either. Each day I must have seen 15 to 20 boats trawling up and down nobody seemed to have much luck.
I did try for tailor at whitekara creek for one night but no luck, a local told me he did well tuesday and wednesday night but since then nothing.
It was still good to get away and give it a go, now im really hanging out for Dirkhatog in a month.

Salmon headsup asap!

Hi boys, just got off the phone to a mate that lives in City beach and he said thats theres schools of salmon running up between there and floreat drain! That report came in 2 mins ago so if your in the area stop and chuck out some raiders baby and hang on!

GAMEX results

Section 1 - IGA Exmouth
HPS Gamefish other than Billfish or shark weighed in on 1 - 2kg line
3rd Jamie Snook 4.4kg Queenfish on 1kg 440 points
2nd Jan Prince 10.3kg Golden on 2kg 515 points
1st Andrew Snook 6.6kg Queenfish on 1kg 660 points

Section 2 - Sam's Cellar
HPS Gamefish other than Billfish or shark weighed in on 3 - 4kg line
3rd Robyn Fenech 7.9kg Mackerel on 3kg 263 points
2nd James Russell 14.5kg Mackerel on 4kg 362 points
1st Jan Prince 13.6kg Mackerel on 3kg 453 points

Section 3 - Exmouth Automotive and Boating
HPS Gamefish other than Billfish or shark weighed in on6 - 8kg line
3rd Jamie Snook 12.2kg Mackerel on 6kg 203points
2nd Chris Hanks 17.5kg Mackerel on 8kg 218 points
1st Jamie Snook 13.2kg Longtail Tuna on 6 220 points

Section 4 - Home Hardware
HPS Gamefish other than Billfish or shark weighed in on 10 - 60kg line
2nd Keith Evans 12.2kg Mackerel on 10kg 122 Points
1st Wayne Roberts 20.7kg Mackerel on 10kg 207points

Section 5 - Kailis / Exmouth Pearls
HPS Billfish weighed in on 1 - 15kg line

Section 6 - Exmouth Smash Repairs
Heaviest Billfish weighed in on 24 - 60kg line
2nd Tracey Rushford 87kg Broadbill on 60kg 72 points
1st Milton Landon 173.9kg Blue Marlin on 37kg line 235 points

Section 7 - Budget Car Hire
Champion Boat Tag & Release Shark
3rd Reel Teaser 5 Tags Average Line Class 60
2nd Awesum 5 Tags Average Line Class 12
1st Catch It 6 Tags

Section 8 - Toll West / Toll Ipec
Champion Angler Junior
2nd Andrew Snook 1 Species 1 L/C 660 Points
1st Rhys Clatworthy 6 Species 7 L/C 3360 Points

Section 9 - Opal Strike
Champion Angler Female
3rd Tracey Rushford 4 Species 3 L/C 3072 Points
2nd Robyn Fenech 5 Species 4 L/C 3110 Points
1st Jan Prince 6 Species 9 L/C 5236 Points

Section 10 - Engel
Champion Angler Male
3rd Gordon Lyon 4 Species 3 L/C 2732 Points
2nd Matt Niikkula 3 Species 3 L/C 3100 Points
1st Gary O'Brien 6 Species 5 L/C 4343 Points

Section 11 - Hotbite
Champion Angler Tag & Release Billfish
3rd Gary Miles 8 Marlin 4800 points
2nd Peter Versteeg 4 Marlin 5 Sailfish 4500 points
1st James Rosic 9 Marlin 5400 Points

Section 12 - Taylor Marine
Champion Boat Tag & Release Sailfish
5th Stray Cat 3 Tags
4th Jamaica 3 Tags
3rd Bill Glass 3 Tags
2nd In Deep 5 Tags average L/C 60
1st Reel Teaser 5 Tags average L/C 48

Section 13 - Reel Teaser Charters
Champion Boat Tag & Release Marlin
6th Touch of Class 9
5th Indizara 11
4th Chuditch 11
3rd Blue Horizon 12 Average L/C 52.3
2nd Reel Teaser 12 Average L/C 50.5
1st My Vice II 12 Average L/C 30.5

Section 14 - Starmart Exmouth
Champion Boat Overall
3rd Catch It 6 Species 9 L/C 4887 Points
2nd Orange Peel 8 Species 7 L/C 6083 Points
1st Awesum 7 Species 11 L/C 6328 Points

52 Boats
180ish anglers

169 Marlin tagged
1 Marlin weighed
1 Broadbill weighed
53 Sailfish tagged
36 sharks tagged
3 sharks weighed
16 other gamefish species captured

Salmon, almost here! YEEEEHAA!

Just got off the phone to a mate in Marndurah and said the salmon are there already! Mandorah bay and white hills have both been sighted for salmon in the 6kg class. He couldnt land any because they were to far out but smallish schools of around 20 to 30 fish have deffently been seen. Im heading down tonight for a try as ive got a mates wedding on saturday night down there. Ill let you know how i go. That means metro catches are just around the corner. See ya monday, SPESS.

Coipasa Classic Sunday 25th March

As a preamble to a report I will hopefully be writing early next week, here is a sneak peek at the prize list for the event along with the points scoring system.

Champion Boat: $100 gift vouchers courtesy of Joondalup Compleat Angler plus the perpetual Coipasa Classic trophy.

Champion Angler: 800mm size Aquarium valued at $995 from Unique Aquariums. Plus $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Dhufish: Bob Slight Boating Course valued at $330 plus $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Most Species: Voucher for two people for one nights accommodation including breakfast at the Duxton hotel in Perth, valid to the 30/06/07 valued at $200 plus a $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Classic Catch: Deep Fryer courtesy of Retravision Joondalup valued at $145 plus a $20 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Pink Snapper: Dinner for two at Oscars Restaurant Currambine valued at $50 and 7 days free hire of a 120-litre esky from Perth Esky Hire valued at $45 plus a $20 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Sand Whiting: 7 days free hire of a 120-litre esky from Perth Esky Hire valued at $45 plus a $20 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Blackarse/Harlequin: A voucher for $50 worth of Fruit & Veg from Garden Glow plus $20 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Other Snapper: $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Baldie: $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest KG: $50 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

Biggest Skippy: A $20 gift voucher from Compleat Angler Joondalup

The points are as follows:
Max weight listed first which carries 500pts above which 100 bonus points added irrespective of weight for anything exceeding that max weight, then points per kilogram listed second. So a 10kg dhuie will score 250 pts but a 501g Whiting or a 2.1kg Harlequin will score 600pts.

Dhufish 20kg + 25pts
Pinkie 9kg + 55pts
Whiting 500g+ 1000pts
KG 2.5kg + 200pts
Black Arse 2kg + 250pts
Harlequin 2kg + 250pts
Queenie 6.5kg + 75pts
Red Snapper 1kg + 500pts
Skippy 5kg + 100pts
Leatherjacket 4kg + 125pts
Flathead 3kg + 175pts
Tuna Blue 10kg + 50pts
YF Tuna 30kg + 15pts
Spanish Mac 20kg + 25pts
Baldchin 5kg + 100pts

Hope that makes sense. Should be a lot of fun.

Saturday morning results.

We headed up to flatrock as you well know with Sid joining me and Sherbs at our fav spot. Pretty dead to start with, with sherbs getting stuck straight into the herring with the help of spess's burley theyre useally not to far away. No tailor to be had so i sent out a balloon with a fresh herring under it to see what was hanging around. Nothing touched it for half an hour but i left it alittle longer. Sid hooked up big time on the new rod and i helped leader the big banjo onto the reef. Great capture bu sid and a beautiful fish to boot. I went back to satr winding in me line when i seen Sids rod load up big time! Big head shakes and runs with the fish giving no sighns of giving up in a hurry. I got mine line in asap a headed over to asist in the landing. I was thinking a big mulla but it was a decent reefy of around 1.2m and hes wasnt happy! Shark snapping at your feet in a foot of water brings out the old foot work believe me! Sherbs was laughing like bluddy usall! We got her up for a few shots and placed it into the esky as old sherbs got the butchering days back for a great job of cleaning it up for the fridge. 3rd cast in followed for sid only to land another banjo of smaller size to the 1st. Not bad on 3 mullies, equals three fish. He wont be asked back Na good to get some new faces up there and cant wait to do it again. Yeah i only got a small flattie and herring for my day, so clearly out fished. Sherbs took us for a detour on the wAy home which ended up getting us lost for a while! Next time yopu get u map off the net mate it might pay to make sure its the right region and dont forget to get some fuel next time either. Cheers guys and thanks to sid for keeping the team alive with a few ggod fish.

Tapout / Shamu / Andy Mac's day out

We headed to the end of staggies first up and tried valliantly to cast to the breakers, with a big crayboat sitting 20m away watching us. Unfortunately it was a bit rough and without risking the lives of my crew we decided to give it a miss.

Next we trolled the back og Staggies up to the Alkimos and I nailed a little Bonito (not much bigger than the lure). We trolled a bit more but no further takers.

Headed out a bit wider and settled on the first lump for the day. This was a spot where I had been busted off about 3 times in successive trips by BIIIIGGGG fish. I had just finished telling the story to Tapout and Shamu when my rod came up tight on that unknown beastie from down below.

I was fishing with a new reel and 300m of fresh braid so I felt I had a good chance. I struggled to get its head up under maximum drag and extra thumb pressure. I stayed connected for about 5 minutes on the first fish before the hooks pulled. Next drop and I hooked up again this time I was connected for a fair bit longer only to have the braid snap at the rod. (Ouch) I had been lazy the night before when I pulled a rod down off the rack to connect my new reel to. It was my father-in-law's rod which rarely gets used and I had switched the reels over rather than buying another rod. Well the end guide looked fine so down we went again for another drift. Wouldn't you know it another big fish. This time I got him up off the bottom and was gaining line. A few big runs and clawed back some more this fight was looking like we might actually see this brute. Then all of a sudden "ping", the line snapped again. A more thorough inspection by Tapout as I lay crying on the deck, revealed a break in the third guide which had caused the problem. The rod was retired for the day and I lifted my whiting / tailor rod out of the launcher. I was dreading hooking up to that fish for a third time on such light gear but I had no option.

I needn't have worried because next drop Tapout hooked up with baitcaster. Wouldn't you know it it was the big momma again. We had most of it on video and Tapout did very well to stay connected for 14minutes before the line broke. We had entered "The Dropzone". Fish 4 Fishwrecked 0. Time to move.

We fished a few lumps before deciding to hit the spot where Shamu and I had nailed a few good dhuies a month or so ago. Second drift and Tapout nailed a nice 5.5kg dhuie to at least get some respectability to the esky. Oh I forgot to mention his first fish (released to appease the fish gods) was a small dhuie which was sent back down with a release weight.

I had been fishing all day with one baited hook and one squidgy or power grub. The grubs kept getting hammered as did the squidgies, again some big teeth marks in the tails of the power grub.

We managed a few more fish, a Harlequin, blackarse and skippy to Tapout, a little flattie to Shamu and a size pinky for me which I decided to release anyway. We started to head back in when we encountered a few baitballs on the surface so out with the lures again. Unfortunately several passes resulted in nothing so we fished another lump on th eway back in.

Second drift and I loaded up on the whiting gear. After a nice little battle a 3ft bronzie surfaced. Shamu was keen to make shark fin soup so we kept him and dispatched him to the esky after the usual surgery to remove all vital organs etc.

We ran three jet heads on the way back in and passed more baitballs on th esurface but again no joy. In th eend it was a magnificent day on the water. We had a laugh all day long and took home a feed so not that bad considering none of my spots really fired today.

Thanks for sharing the day Tapout & Shamu. Video footage will be edited hopefully by the end of the week.

Such is life

I cannot believe todays weather would probably have to be the best its been all week and I am going to be stuck at home with 12 screaming little monsters around for a 2 year olds party whoa is me
Might have to have a visit from Mr Jack Daniels without the Mrs finding out
Looking forward to going out Wednesday counting the days

Hillary's FAD Tue 13 Mar

On the internet the weather looked good, but no one took me up on the offer to fish the FADs today, so I decided to make the hike out on my own.

This is the first time I launched The Outrage alone and I am glad that it turned out to be no dramas.

I decided to leave a little later as Seabreeze indicated that the wind would only drop late morning and by the time I got ice, bait, finished rigging the boat and got it into the water it was 9.45am. The ride out was lumpy and I headed out between 19 - 25 knots and by the time I reached the Hillary's FAD it was close to 11.20am. On approach I saw 3 boats there, so I stopped about 800m away to rig my rods and got the boat ready for fishing. The guys out there were right on top of the FAD and I joined in, but off to one side. It looked like no one was hooking up and a friendly shout confirmed it.

The mahi were there, but for some reason they weren't biting. After I had 2 drifts, two of the other boats decided to try their luck some where else and took off. The remaining boat looked like a really fancy "flats boat", twin 50's, t top and a small radar arch.

Once the other 2 boats left, I set up for another drift chummed a mixture of mullie cubes and squid chunks and this time hooked up!
All the mahi were the same size and as usual, once one was hooked the rest lit up.

I was ready for this and once the first one was alongside, I put the rod in the rod holder (drag loosened) and got my other rod and offered another bait to the bunch hanging around - instant hook up!

I kept the first two and released 9 others in a span of 2 hours. One of them actually took me on a tour round the boat twice! All jumped except for one. Also hooked a mutton bird!

The guys in the fancy boat managed 5 and 2 mutton birds!

The wind did not stop till it was time to go at about 1.30pm. My last drift was almost motionless. I had drifted down to the FAD and actually within 10 meters of it for about 5 minutes!

I took advantage of the flat conditions to make my run in as I had a doctors appointment to go to and managed 30 knots for 21nm! It was only lumpy close in.

All in all, I had a good a day. I have been waiting to catch my first Perth Mahi and I have finally done it. Can't wait for April or May to come, I suspect they will be bigger by then.

Don't know if I should polish off the FAD paint

Sorry about the crappy pictures, came off a cam corder camera, so very low res. Was alone, so no action shots.


Been back a few days from a week in Exmouth. Me and mate Johnny took his Kevlacat up there and managed to get in a few days good fishing.

day 1 was trolling behind the reef in about 30m with laser pros and a small richter soft grassy lure. Managed to land a nice spaniard and some yellowfin tuna.

Next day went out and as soon as i dropped in johnnys mackerel mauler lure while still letting it out something hit it. Brought in a small yellowfin. Was all good until when i went to get it into the boat I copped a treble in the finger The tuna was still on but luckily jumped off the lure leaving me with a mauler in my finger. I tried to get it out but the barb was right in so took the lure off taped the treble to my finger and decided to keep fishing. Johnny got a couple of spaniards then i decided it was time to go in and get the treble out. Of to the exmouth hospital and not long after the treble was out!

Next day went bottom bouncing near murions. No reds or spanglies but a couple of big rankin cod and some red throat still made for a nice catch till the weather turned a bit nasty so in we headed.

The following day we concentrated trolling the 100 - 200m mark with teasers and some pushers. Within literally 1 minute of a pusher being in the water a small marlin hit it and started jumping around a bit. It threw the hook not long after that but made a great start to the day thats for sure! A couple of hours after that a nice wahoo hit the soft grassy. After that was dispatched not much more really was happening. With not long left in the day Johnny seen a billy following and have a swipe at my pusher. I missed it but a matter of seconds later my rod was bent over and i was on! After a good fight my first sailfish was brought along the boat, dehooked and sucessfully released after swimming for a few minutes. What a rush! That was it for that day but wheere hungry to get out chasing billfish the next day

The next day Ant from bluewater came out with us chasing billfish again. Trying in the 100 and working up to 400m of water we raised a couple but no hookups Ant and johnny seen a wahoo come vertical out of the water at the pusher and i just seen the splash as it come back in! Not Long after 2 rods bent over, I managed to land another yellowfin while johnny was bitten off after the tuna was put on ice the lures were back out and after a while johnny was hooked up to something. Another nice wahoo was brought in before trolling some more. In the arvo we seen another follow on the lure but no hookup. After that there was another follow on 1 pusher, then all of a sudden the rod on the other side of the spread went off! Johnny was connected to a nice marlin which was going absolutely crazy jumping all over the place After a long run the line went slack and threw the hook Trolled around for a bit more but the day was over.

That was the last day as the cyclone was moving in and the 40knot+ winds didnt seem too appealing
What a great trip now just gotta get some gear to tackle these billies!

Also one night up there went for a walk to the navy pier throwing poppers for GT's. Johnny managed to land 2 small ones but got busted up by 2 big boys! I managed a gold spot on a fat R but no G's for me. still great fun seeing them attack a haymaker popper!

We seen Adam Gallash also at tantabiddi boat ramp. Sounds like your having fun up there Adam! Bloody paradise up there.

A big thanks must go to ben and ant at bluewater up there. Theyre helpfull service and advice certainly made the trip a whole lot better. Cheers fellas Pics to follow

Fridays fishing

Headed out Today for a in close bash with Hoju. Left Freo at about 7:00 and punched into some pretty nasty chop. Got to the spot anchored up and started to burley. Nothing for about half an hour until a decent hookup on my bait caster wich peeled line off like a train. After about 5 mins fighting Hoju hooked up and then we had to juggle rods to avoid tangles for another 5 mins. After a good fight 2 black tip reef sharks to about just over a metre each hit the surface. Trying to remove the hooks on the side off the boat resulted in both sharks busting the leaders and taking our rigs.After that pretty much every drop resulted in instant hookups on sharks with them hitting the baits on the surface next to the boat and even jumping clear of the water during the fight. We ended up hooking around 20 between us, loosing 15 rigs and landing about 5 each. I managed 1 under size snapper and Hoju 2 rat sambo,s and a decent Tarwine amongst all the chaos. All in all good fun in bad conditions and back at the ramp by 11:00. Well done Hoju hope you had a bit of fun cheif.

G'day from Exmouth

Hey Guys,

Up in Exmouth and well settled in. Went out for a fish today in pretty nasty south easters. We landed one grey mack about 1 metre, went wide, raised one marlin - about 45-50kg range and had him in the spread for about 30 seconds, had him hookup for a good 60 seconds before the hook pulled. SPEWN! Had something 20 minutes later hit the spread, but didn't hookup. We landed one more stripey tuna of 4kg, but a very quiet day on the water and rather uncomfortable. Might head out tomorrow arvo for a bottom bounce and see what we can find, see if this bloody wind drops off.

Will have a permanent internet connection soon and will report more.

Happy fishing guys,

Barra Trip 23/24 Feb 2007

On friday straight after work we set out to our desination from the launching ramp in Butchers Inlet (Cossack). It was a little rough but the 2 boat convoy made it there in reasonable time. After we arrived the other boys chucked out their crab pots and we went for a troll/explore. We didn't get far before we almost got stuck.. the receding tide was going out very fast and these were the biggest tides we'd ever been there on.

The Para boys

Once the tide got a bit lower it was time to find some bait. So we anchored in some shallow water, jumped out and took a stroll to find some mullet. We did reasonably well with around 15 odd good sized ones that would last us the remaining afternoon and evening.

By this stage it was nearly dark so it was time to anchor up and have a fish. We pulled the anchor and moved to our spot. The tide was making it difficult to lock on the bottom so we had to stuff around a bit. Once we'd successfully anchored we realised our bait bucket that was tied to the back of the boat (to keep airated) had been smashed by the prop so we had no mullet for the evening. DAMN.

We fished for a bit with poppers/fizzers but they were proving unsuccsessful and the beers in the esky looked a bit more appealing hehe. After knocking off quite a few drinkies we headed off to bed at around 2-2:30am.

Woke up the next morning to a glorious day and a chronic headache. Not to worry, a couple of panadols and a huge drink of water did the trick.

We pulled up to the bank and went to get some mullet for the day. It was a bit harder than the previous day but we managed to get some good ones. We waited for the tide to go down a bit more and then started to fish.

It started out a bit quiet with only a few catfish caught but soon enough I was on. I could tell by the jump that it was a big fish. I knew it would be in the 90's and possibly a meter fish. After a tussle I got him in and after a quick photo and a measure the big girl was released to fight another day. She was 94cm, my 4th barra over 90cm.

After this I thought it would be the start of a good session but it quietened off a little before Glenn hooked up some time later.

Glenns fish pulled a bit of string and got completely airborne but we realised it was a much smaller fish - the small ones go hard! When we got it in we measured it and got a photo. We decided to keep this one for dinner.

This barra was also tagged. I called up ANSA and here are the details.

Tag number 24464.
tagged on 7th Sept 2003.
by Jay Wheelock (member of Nickol Bay Sportfishing Club)
tagged in jones river 1.

recaptured 24th Feb 2007 ( thats 1267 days at large.)
angler Glenn Hall.
caught in jones river 1
700mm long and kept.
growth of 180 mm.

So theres a little bit of interesting information for yas.

After this the tide started to come in fast. I started to think we had come to the end of our fish but at the last minute Glenn hooked up again. I didn't think it was going to be a barra as it didn't jump nor did it take much line but sure enough when it came in it was a 65cm barra. We decided to keep this one for the paraburdoo boys that didn't get any barra.

After this fish it was time to head home. The tide was coming in fast and it was too high and fast to continue fishing effectively. The trip home was uneventful and just about as rough as the previous day.

All in all it was a good trip out. The catties were a serious problem but we've found this quite common on the bigger tides. Barra numbers were a little below average for this spot but this is something we've also noticed on the spring tides (we usually fish the neaps with much better results). Considering the difficult tides and a slow season in general it was a good trip.

bluewater postponed till Sunday

Too windy...ah well time to unload the boat again and crawl back into bed. At least I don;t have a hangover, unlike some of you guys.

The run continues

Went out with my next door neighbour Greg and his son Matt. We decided we would try to find some new ground and plotted a course for some spots we had been given but never fished before. The day started very slowly with the first 4 spots not looking like anything but sand, so we moved on and kept looking for fresh ground. We ended up about 19nm west of Ocean Reef and found a boat already on one of the spots we had been given, so decided to head North a bit and zig zag around until we picked something up.

We hadn't traveled far before we found a nice lump with some fish on it. The fickle Northerly wind made the drift a bit awkward but we managed to get it over the spot a few times and Matt landed a nice Morwong.

A few more drifts and a small baldie was landed (Matt again).

We moved further north and found another new lump. We gave it a few drifts and on the third drift I pulled in this beauty. Went 9.5kg and made me a happy camper, yet again.

Later we moved again and found more good ground. Greg managed a small dhuie around 55cm and then repeated it a bit later with another fish around 58cm. This one had a twinkle in its eye when it saw me.

We fished on until about 5pm and I landed a pb flathead (no where near as big as Sherbert's but a big'n all the same). We moved back in to the nine mile reef and had a heap of fun with skippy on light line. Matt was the champion skippy man.

A great day on the water and that spot that the other boat was on when we first did a pass left the scene and we had a couple of drifts over it. WOW!!! a mountain of fish and lots of big ones amongst them. Nothing would take a bait and I even tried jigging for no return. But it is marked in now and we will be back for sure. looks like it holds a lot of promise for the future. Thanks to Greg for a great day out and for getting us onto some nice fish.

Airport creek bash

Went down aiport creek yesterday. Left at about 6:30am and got into the creek just after sunrise. This was our first time down airport and I think it's a good system even though the barra fishing was a bit slow... definately be going back there soon.

Trolled up a nice flattie within 30sec of trolling, also got another couple of smaller ones which went back. One thing I noticed is that there was mullet and bonies everywhere! only a couple of good throws with the net accounted for heaps of plump sized barra mullet. The amount of mullet possibly accounted for the number of sharks that were there, we caught about 4 and busted off on a couple, and the number of sharks could have made the barra anxious. The water temp was down a bit which might also explain why there was no barra.

After having our livies out for a while I saw a massive bow wave on the surface. Got my heart going and I soon realised it was in the vicinity of my bait. My line had lots of slack (due to my livie swimming back towards the boat) so I decided to see if it had taken interest in my bait. I wound in the slack and came up solid. The fish went straight to the surface and I initially called it for a barra but then it breached and it looked odly like a shark. Since we'd been catching those I called it for a shark. I played it for a while and got it close enough to the boat for a good look and I realised my 'shark' was a massive giant threadfin. The pressure was on now! Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be my day though, we had several obstacles we had to overcome before we landed this fish!

Firstly, my line had tangled with glenns so there was several tense moments as there was slack line while trying to untangle the lines. Ended up cutting glenns line and winding the tangle onto the spool. I worked the fish some more and got it to the side of the boat. Glenn made a shot with the net and got it's head in gave a heave... my braid cut the net and the fish dropped through the bottom. Now I've got my line going through the net with a huge fish on the other end! While we were trying to sort out the net situation the thready decides to head over the other side of the boat and gets the line tangled on the outboard. The 30lb braid snapped shortly after and I sat there weak at the knees. What a fish! Would have been a good photo of the month contender! I was sooo angry at the time I almost threw my baitcasting outfit into the water lol. Not only was it the only threadfin I'd hooked since I've been fishing karratha, it was the biggest thready I'd ever seen. We decided it would have easily gone over a meter and probably would have been somewhere around the 1200mm mark. Another bloke we saw said he got a 1170mm threadie last weekend. I'll be there to catch her again!

Apart from the it was a less than average day. Didn't have any interest from the barra and the other blokes didn't get anything other than sharks. We picked up a couple of last minute jacks on the high tide and then headed across the bay back to the ramp. Hopefully the weather heats up a bit and warms the water up a bit before we head into winter.

Kalbarri Fishing Report - January

A very busy Christmas break with all the boats going out every day. Thanks to the great weather over the holidays and abundance of large mackerel and yellow-fin tuna everyone had a very productive and enjoyable time. Almost too much content with lots of pictures this month & had to exclude some anglers! (I can’t help it if every one catches fish)
One group of guys had a burster of a trip. Mike Irvine and crew consisting of Tim Storer, Pat, Byron and Chris had the 5.3m boat for 5 days over the New Year break catching 12 spanish mackerel, 3 spotted mackerel, 1 what looks more like a big-eye tuna a dhuie and snapper and a variety of other bottom fish. They lost a hell of a lot of fish as well which is the norm for mackerel fishing and Mike tells me that there was no paint left on his king brown Halco lure at the end of it all!

Spotted mackerel.

A first mac for a happy angler, Nice little yellow-fin tuna.

The King brown coloured lures were the mackerel’s undoing.

The King Brown stripped of paint from so many teeth marks. Note the upgrade to chemically sharpened Owner Stinger Trebles. Code ST-41BC 2x Size 2/0. They do make a difference!

The macs were big as well!

Here are a couple of pics emailed to me from Matt Ryan and John Veerhuis’s trip. They took the 6.1m boat up to the Sand Patch with John picking up this solitary mac.

The second day’s hire was in the dinghy, as they wanted to do some fishing up river. They took the advantage of a quick troll early in the morning at the Sand Patch again and dropped a mackerel, but it all went off for them up river by Castle Rock with the incoming tide in the afternoon. They ended up catching and releasing 30 undersize mulloway among the estuary cods and bream!

Black bream, little estuary cods and 30 mulloway this size made up the catch. ( The mulloway were released)

Now that the river has settled down and a defined deeper channel formed, I have put a series of yellow floats marking the channel at the very shallow first bend in the river. The trick is to keep the yellow floats on your left when going up river. It is still very shallow at low tide but passable at high.

At the beginning of the year Damian Sheridan called in and picked the dinghy up for the 3 days that he had booked. The weather gods smiled on him producing 3 very good days in a row. He emailed this pic saying they headed out to just north of the Sand Patch and in only 10 metres of water picked up a half dozen pinkies with a few bust offs. The pic is of Jonathan Baulch who caught this 7kg monster on a mulie on this first cast! Well done Jonathan, Nice fish!
Damian said “It was a great day for us seeing we didn’t really know where to go”

Jonathan stands in the dinghy with his monster pink snapper.

Matthew was up with his family and friends. I know Matt from mates from Perth and he is a very keen angler. First night he was out at Chinamans landing this little greenback releasing it to grow bigger. Last year it took him all week before he got his first one, he tells me.

Matt’s Chinaman’s caught tailor

With a fair swell running I was sure it would go off at Black Rock. We took a few big waves from surf as shown above but the tailor were on!

We landed 8 just as the sun was setting, this being the smallest and all released.

Here is an unusual catch. During one of the rare days when there is a boat available during the school holidays, I like to get out with my kids. The overcast day was not that good with a 12-knot southwester blowing, but we had a go anyway. After an hour and the lures constantly snagging up on weed, I switched all the rods to skipping garfish. This method keeps the baits free of the weed. Blanking out at the Sand Patch without a hit for 2 hours, despite the blue 23.5-degree water we headed back to the river mouth. Halfway back my daughter Rebecca took a hit on her garfish.

This 8kg broad-barred mackerel was the result. We don’t see them here very often; identified by their smaller and upturned top jaw, very distinct markings on the forward dorsal fin, smaller head proportion and very indistinct broad bars on its side, which fade when dead.

Broad-barred and narrow-barred with the heavier & thicker jaw right

Now have a look at this!
Dewayne with his 35kg plus yellow-fin tuna!

This is the biggest tuna caught from any of my boats and it was in my dinghy.

Matt Radbund and mate Dewayne grabbed the 4.3m dinghy and trolled around the Sand Patch eventually giving up and started a slow troll home when Dwayne took the hit. Chasing it down with the dinghy and 50lb braid Dewayne made short work of it and had it to the gaff within 15 minutes! A huge effort Dewayne and a fish of a lifetime!

Up river later in the day with their partners they had fun on small mulloway and mud crabs.

Phil Kear and his boys also had a good trip up river catching baby mulloway and bream & nearly bagged out on tailor at Wittacarra Creek!

The Kalbarri Sports Fishing Classic preparations are well advanced and ready for another successful event on the 2nd 3rd and 4th March this year. The 5.3m boat and accommodation was snapped up pretty quick for the “Classic” weekend after the cancellation so only the dinghy left now. If you would like info on the classic just email me you address and I will mail stuff out to you. You can download an entry form from the Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club website. Just go to the Kalbarri Classic Sports Fishing page.

The caravan park at Port Gregory is under new management and a booking agent for my boats. You can now book a boat and pick it up in Port Gregory.

Remember if you rent our accommodation you get big discounts on our boats. Have a look on my website for the details, and check out the savings.

Big bait – big fish

Murchison Boat Hire
PH/FAX (08) 9937 2043

Kalbarri Ultralight Competition Results

P.O. Box 350 Kalbarri W.A. 6536


A big thankyou to Paul Maindok who is Kalbarri Electrical Services for his sponsorship and naming rights this year.

Some of the best weather turned up for this year’s two-day Ultra Light event. Gentle north westerlies kept the gamefishing hot and the bottom guys did well, but something was amiss in the river with only a few fish caught.

4 local boats and a couple from out of town experienced some very hot game fishing action. Not often do we see acres of baitfish with literally thousands of little yellow-fin tuna mixed with sharks, birds and whales carving up the bait balls. The tightly packed bait balls were being circled by the tuna, sharks were gorging themselves right inside the bait schools and the occasional whale surfacing and engulfing the lot. It only took one pass with the lures and a tuna was on, but the sharks took advantage and snacked on the hooked tuna, making it extremely difficult to land a fish.

Those that landed fish should be congratulated and Jamie Grieves outstanding catch of a 7.1kg mackerel on 2kg line won him the 2kg section. Matthew Olsen had a mac of 5.35kgs on 3kg line, Jack Grieves had an 8.7kg mac on 4kg line. Sue and Laurie Malton landed yellow-fin tuna on 3kg line while junior; Jared Malton showed a 4kg tuna on 3kg line. Dave Hugill and Val Carter aboard Top Deck also had tuna and mackerel on 6kg and 3 kg line class.

Jamie Grieves with his 7.1kg mac on 2kg line. Jared Malton with one of the 3 yellow fin he caught on 3kg line.

The river was very quiet with only one fish weighed in by Garry Ivey, a .34kg bream. Son Lee followed up the next day with 2 fish to win the junior section. Di Stewart’s 2 fish the second day was enough to win her the senior section also beating Leah Sinner who had one bream.

Lee Ivey, winner of the junior river section.

The land based guys and girls did extremely well with some magnificent fish!

First up Natalie Scagliotta opened her esky and bent the scales with a 15.7kg mulloway surprising everyone. Then Karen Hartig showed us 3 fish, a nice mulloway amongst them and the first whiting for the year. Lou Palamara then had 3 fish 2 of them good mulloway. Daniel Tarasek weighed 5 fish with 2 good mulloway, and Simon Tarasek had a 4.45kg bonefish among his bag of 4 fish!

Natalie Scagliotta’s 15.7kg mulloway and Daniel with his catch.

Liu Palamara and Karen Hartig’s land based mulloway and Simon Taresek’s unusual bonefish

Ross Olsen also fished the bottom with some nice fish coming over the side. His 6 fish of 4 species set him up with 68 points while Matthew Olsen’s 6.7kg snapper and baldchin among his 6 fish was a bonus. Darren MacKellar had 3 fish as well.

Matthew Olsen with big snapper and baldchin groper

The second day it happened again, the carnage persisted with schools of tuna, sharks and whales all carving up the bait balls. Sharks persisted taking most of the hooked fish, but an early hook-up by Laurie on 2kg line saw a 4.25kg yellow fin tuna escape the sharks but not the gaff. Jared Malton had 2 tuna on 3kg line to take out the overall junior section. Jamie Grieves won the 2kg section with his mackerel; The 3 kg section was won by Darren MacKellar for his 10.6kg mackerel on 3kg line. Jack Grieves the 4kg section and Jamie Waite the 6kg section with his 11.7kg mackerel on 6kg line.

Darren with his very commendable 10.6 kg mac on 3kg line and Jamie Waite with his 11.7kg fish on 6kg line.

A very tough 4.25kg yellow-fin in 2kg line for Laurie.

A few more good fish from the land based guys. Daniel had 4 fish, while Karen Hartig dropped back with only one fish. Catch of the day was Lui Palamara who brought in another big mulloway. The biggest to date a monster 22.25kgs, which won him the $50.00 RSL Meritorious Award.

Lui holds his monster 22.25kg mulloway.

More good bottom fish from Ross Olson aboard “The Phantom” with Matthew winning the section with a good dhufish of 8.45kg among his 5 fish.

8.45kg dhuie for Matthew Olsen.

The “Mug of the day” was won by Laurie Malton who lost all his lures in his tackle box to the sharks over the two days. Bill Tolson and Di Stewart won the $50.00 worth of scratchies in the raffle.

Every thing is flowing smoothly for the big Kalbarri Classic at the beginning of March and info packs and entry forms can be obtained from the Kalbarri Visitor Centre free call 1800 639 468. or download one from our website and go to the “Classic” page

Next local comp is on the 17th February followed by the Kalbarri Classic on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th March.

Laurie Malton
Murchison Boat Hire

Fishing Today 28/1/07

Went for a fish on the new tinny today. Conditions looked average at first but ended up being great. Fishing wasnt too hot, fished for a few whiting while easterly was howling then went to fish a spot south of hillarys. Anchored up, chucked what little burley we had in and threw a few softise around. Managed my first dhufish on a softie and ,along with a few reef fish and a huge slimy mack. Mate got 2 small sambos and a skippy on softies. Had a few hook ups but didnt land anything else major. Decided to troll on the way back and mate picked up a huge bonito but thats all we ended up getting. Was good to get out and test the new tub, got the thumbs up cant wait to use it north later in the year!

Howd everyone else go?

Exmouth Fishing Report

Exmouth Fishing Report - Courtesy of Exmouth Game Fishing Club and Bluewater Tackleworld Exmouth

Stewart Newnham from Isle of Wight England is here with his wife on holiday for a few weeks. Stewart is an extremely keen fisherman who has travelled the globe fishing in all different locations but rates his day out he had with local charter boat Aqua C as one of his best days fishing he has experienced. With a perfect day, weather wise, Stewart got to experience the huge variety of species on offer in Exmouth waters. From cobia, longtail tuna, three different forms of trevally right thru to host of bottom fish Stewart caught them all, however it was the 30kg spanish mackerel which is pictured this week which put up the best fight of the day, doing a series of scorching runs across the surface and certainly made the drag on his spinning reel work overtime.

Robert Bosnjak and his partner Sofia Castillo from Perth have been a having a great time fishing down in the local Marina. Using nothing more than there usual bream outfits from back home, all sorts of northern species from bonito , mangrove jacks and a heap of trevally have all fallen victim to the small soft plastics they have been throwing around. Among all the different varieties of trevally they have been encountering, it was a good size diamond trevally that provided the biggest thrill, putting up a 10minute struggle on the light gear before finally being subdued. All fish that Robert and Sofia have been catching in the Marina have been released which is great to see as the Marina really is a sanctuary for all manners of juvenile species.

Tim Woodland and his Father towed their boat up all the way from Perth to chase Sailfish in the Gulf. Whilst it is definitely getting late in the season for the Gulf sailfish run they still encountered a few sailfish as well longtail tuna and spanish mackerel all within close proximity of the Exmouth reef region. Tim was ecstatic to finally catch his first sailfish which fell to a live bait fished on 6kg line.

Earlier in the week huge schools of hardyhead baitfish were schooled up along the shoreline of Town beach in the run out tide in the morning. All manner of pelagic species were seen feeding on the schools of the hapless baitfish with the diving birds also getting amongst the action cleaning up all the scraps.

[img_assist|fid=109303|thumb=0|alt=Stewart Newnham and a 30kg Mack]

Murchison Boat Hire - Kalbarri Report - December

The cray season opened on the 15th of November but I did not put my pots in until the Monday 4th December (After the full moon) with the first pull on the Wednesday. The run of the whites started early this year and we were into the crays straight away. 2 crays the first day and then, 8, 9, 15, 10,16,16,8,12,10,10,16,12,10,13,7,6. We have done better this year than last mainly as the season started earlier we had longer before the boats get booked solid for Christmas and I don’t have a boat to go out in. Our last pull was the Friday 22nd and the tally was 180 crays over the 17 days. That should be enough to see me well into the New Year.

Bruno and my son Jared pull the pots.

A pot comes up full of crays

At least 8 crays in this pot, they won’t be all legal size but with 4 pots we usually get a fair haul!

Some of the 12 crays we got that day, we were off to Red Bluff for a troll for a mackerel before returning to the boat ramp by 9am ready for work!

Amateur cray licences are available at any post office or on line at You may have 2 pots and catch 8 crays per day. We have two licences on my boat which is the max so we are permitted to pull 4 pots thus allowing us to catch 16 crays max. We share the crays, bait and fuel.

Some times the days are just too good to go back in so we have a short troll. As far as I know this is the first game fish of the season, 11kgs of tough fighting yellow-fin tuna! I Caught on the Saturday 16th December. Quite unusual for a yellow fin tuna this early but we did get hits on our lures (without hook-ups) on the Monday and Wednesday before which I attribute to mackerel.
The water has been over 22.5 degrees all month so it is not surprising that the mackerel and tuna are here already.

The next day was a good day as well and Stefan DeLucia was out with us helping his dad, Bruno, pull the pots and we went for another troll. Stefan’s best fish until now was a small tailor from Witacarra Beach, but soon that all changed with this big hook-up.

Stefan’s first mackerel, an 8kg early season speedster that really gave him a work out! You made “Bite of the Month” on my website Stefan! Luckily I hooked up and got one as well!
Top lure colour for this year? So far when the macs have a choice the king brown coloured lures have been taken. Stefan’s incidentally was taken on a redhead. Halco laser pro 190DD’s are the way to go. You can buy them at the right price, from my Shed Shop when you hire my boats. I got loads of them!

Neil Van Nie Kirk is a regular and has hired the 6.1m boat quite a few times coming up to Kalbarri each year around Christmas. Last year he caught the first mackerel of the season, but this year the group caught pinkies, mackerel and tuna with son Viaan getting a nice yellow-fin and Greg the mackerel. The mackerel are bigger this year which means we may be into some monsters by the end of the season!

We have accepted an offer on the house, the “Secret Waypoint” and it should settle next year. We are just about fully booked until settlement. But our other accommodation will come on line as from the 9th Feb and is better that “The Secret Waypoint”. The same deal will continue with discounts on boat hire when staying in any of our accommodation units. The new accommodation will be repainted and fixed up, making it very comfortable and it will have all the facilities a fisherman needs.

Sold already! The new owners say they will be listing it with our accommodation agents so will still be available, but for how long and how much I cannot say.

I have been going out in my 5.3m boat a fair bit to pull the pots when the 6.1m has been booked and am very impressed with the performance of the new 100 4-stroke Yamaha that powers it. It fair jumps out of the water and on the plane quickly. It hits max speed at around 4500 revs so pushing it to 6000 revs makes little difference, thus cruising at 4500 is a real fuel saver. When I collected my pots on the 22nd we had 3 adults and 2 kids aboard plus 4 cray pots and it still jumped up on the plane on the way home. I know that the 6.1m boat would have struggled a bit with that load, as it only has a 115hp 4-stroke Yamaha but the comfort of a big boat is what counts!

Here are a couple of pics of a very lucky Rob Jacobs and mate Ian Brunette. I say lucky because Rob phoned up earlier in the year to book a boat and had a lot of trouble getting accommodation during this very busy time. We hunted around for him eventually coming up with some at the Palm Resort. He then phoned up and cancelled the boat saying that he had bought his own boat! Thanks Rob! Unfortunately when he went to get the trailer registered there was a mix up with the VIN number and ended up having to leave the boat back in Perth. He then came round to me on the 23rd Dec. grovelling for a boat! I say lucky, as the only boat available was the 5.3m on Christmas day. Lucky they also had brownie points stored up and the wives let them go fishing! Lucky they hit the mackerel out from the ever-faithful Sand Patch.

Ian with his Sand Patch caught mac.

Rob with his. Note the Sand Patch in the background. Rob also released a shark mackerel.

Ian got 2 fish as well

The Kalbarri Sports Fishing Classic preparations are well advanced and ready for another successful event on the 2nd 3rd and 4th March next year. I have had a cancellation for the 5.3m boat as well as the house so both are available that weekend. It is the Labour Day long weekend and in the middle of the best fishing months here in Kalbarri. The Classic will be on so it will be very busy and if you are thinking of fishing a tournament this would be a great start. You can download an entry form from the Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club website. Just go to the Kalbarri Classic Sports Fishing page.

Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club, Local comp.

No comp this month, just too busy for everyone!

A how to catch mackerel and tuna by pictures.

Pick a nice day and get up early, be on the water by first light

Select the right lure and colour. This year the colour is king brown. Halco Laser Pro 190DD is my choice of lure type.

Troll where the fish are, around the cray pots 22m deep from 1km north of the Murchison River Mouth to a couple of kms past the Sand Patch. There is another patch from Red Bluff to Pot Alley.

Drag the lures around at about 4-6knots, (fast walking pace). Wait patiently for a strike. It helps to drag teasers behind in the prop wash as well.

Find the bait schools and working birds and troll around them, not too close as you will scare them away. A tuna or mac will find your lure sooner or later.

When the strike comes, stop the boat, bring in all other lines and teasers and take control of the fish, no need to have a tight drag! Jared is fishing 6kg line.

Be patient, this took 1 hour on the morning of the 28th Dec, before we saw the fish. It was a yellow-fin tuna about 15-20kgs.

Have the best tackle you can afford. We fish Shamano TLD15’s and Charter Special 2000’s for 6kg line class. 1000’s for 3kg line. We change the drag washers to carbon fibre washers and get the reel serviced from new and remove the level wind.
Unfortunately the fish bust off after an hour, close to the boat, almost within a gaff shot! I nearly cried, Jared did not feel too good either!

Last month I reported on the sinking of the iconic Kalbarri River Queen. Well it is all fixed up and floating again and back in operation. The skipper is being very quiet about it but it seems that when it was out of the water for survey, he replaced the Hamilton Jet Screws and inadvertently replaced the seals the wrong way round so it was letting water in and not letting it out!

The caravan park at Port Gregory is under new management and a booking agent for my boats. You can now book a boat and pick it up in Port Gregory.

Remember if you rent our accommodation you get big discounts on our boats.

Murchison Boat Hire
PH/FAX (08) 9937 2043
Tell them you saw it on

Onboard with Fester

Working around North Rankin on a Dive support vessel the Geo Sea and i have met a guy onboard who is good friends with Adam and Associates.
Whata unit fester is. He is the king of Porn, runs a book on anything he can think off in winning a few bucks for himself. He is on Hollywood wages anyway.
So whatever he tells you just put it by me for the true story.


Weekend Hunt/Marron

Went out on saturday for a hunt and marron. Drove along the blackwood and looked at the BILLIONS of people down there. Was like a super highway...
Were never intending of marroning there just wanted a look.
Kept cruising around looking for a spot. Caught a nice little piggy on the way. Ended up at the barlee brook near the Donnelly. Stayed there for about 2 hours. Only managed 1 marron that went 95mm.
In my opinion this is a small one and should be the minimum size for them. Managed to get a trout that was pretty sick. Was blind, had half his tail eaten and had bugger all flesh to him.
Moved down to the Donnelly river. Managed none there. Was pretty disappointing. Looked good ground for them too.
Oh well, we had snaggers for dinner that we brought "just in case" we caught nothing...
Got up on Sunday more of a hunt got another pig at about 6pm then Home for a cold beer...
Better than sitting around at home doing nothing...

Mandurah Crabs

Hi all went and did a bit of crabbing on Sunday just gone, we got our self 18 size and over size crabs, lots of small ones about, the place was packed every man and his dog was out there before 9am, we worked from 9am till around midday for 18 crabs, both my Mrs and daugther did most of the crabbing while I drove the boat around.

How did everyone go today?

We did pretty well after a slow start. Trolled behind staggies for zip, then went on the hunt for some KG country. Tried haps of new ground and finally hit a nice spot and nailed the first KG of the day. Unfortunately the bite shut down and the wind eased so we headed out wide. Hit a few new spots and a few old ones and ended up with quite a few quality fish. Left them biting to get home in time for my dad to go to the glory match.

My dad caught his first decent dhuie and replicated it a moment later so it was a great day on the water. I will post up some pics soon, just need to go for a swim to cool off and then fillet all the fish.

Species list included blackarse, skippy, kg's, dhuies and flatties.

Sunday Jiggin report

Headed out with bouttime today as he was kind enough to take a few forum members out. Accompanied by RobC and Madfisher we headed out to do some jigging, and jiggin we did!

Heaps out there, nothing overly huge around the 15-25kg mark at a guess and rob landed one around 30kg. Was alot of fat fish out there and some mysterious leader busting species too which claimed a few jigs. Trolled for those supposed mackies aswel for an hour or 2 to no avail. Oh and mark(madfisher) managed a decent skippy on baits.

Just got home, time to start drinkin so ill post pics tomorow arvo if none of the others post any tonight.

cheers to bouttime for a great day!

Mandurah - Report

Crabs are starting to be caught in the shallow waters, with the sandy drop-offs producing some nice big blue manas, the crabs have started moving up the rivers into the lakes.

The Taylor are running stronger than ever they are everywhere, for the beach fishers the silver sands beach is producing some nice choppers for light gear silver or bronze slices seem to work well, if you are after some bigger Taylor try Tims thicket or white hills. The cut Is Firing at the entrance with some nice Taylor being landed around the 40cm mark, and the salmon trout are still chasing the baitfish (lure that mimic baitfish are the way to go) but salmon trout take nearly anything.

The rivers are producing some nice black bream, you might want to try further up the rivers to get away from the blowies and the crabs. the Gorden road bridge is alway a good shot. Bream around 30 - 40 cm are being caught and released. Remember watch out for the algee bloom, dont fish were there is algee bloom, you can get really sick.

Out in the boats the Dhughfish have been in the shallower water, around the five has been producing some nice dhugfish around the 15kg mark (fresh ockey or squid is the way to go , also some nice Queenies have been caught too, Little Tip Fish around the craypots if you don’t have any spots marked, around the pots seem to produce some nice fish. a few reef and hammer head sharks have been caught.

For the speroes at night the cobler don’t seem to be running to good this year, a few smaller cobler (20cm to small) hanging around the marina, but the best bet is the Mandurah forshaw in-between the 2 bridges. Plenty Of ockeys along the rockwalls.

Squid are in good numbers in the bay in shallow water of the weedy ground, also some nice kg and whiting. burlying up will almost guaranty a nice feed of herring and maybe even some nice Taylor.

Xmas break reports?

Managed to squeeze a quick fish in this arvo, was quite warm but wading the flats made it quite comfortable.

Alot of weed above in lower reaches but still managed 2 bream, a flatty and a herring in about an hour or so of chuckin lures, quite slow compared to other days but nice to be out there.

Anyone else get out for a fish?