October Fishing Report
Well, its been a pretty good fishing month all up. Here are some of the reports that I've seen and heard.
The dhuies are close in at the moment because the crays have started to walk and with the new cray season around the corner it won't be long before the pots are out again and finding new ground becomes a lot easier. Have heard a few reports that dhuies upto 15kg have been landed within 500m of Rottnest.
Out wide has seen the fishing fortunes change from pink snapper in the early couple of weeks to large 5kg+ skippy. Best guess is that the snapper have moved into the sound to start spawning. We also managed to get into a few nice mulloway out wide and the sambo's are starting to fire up with atleast 3 caught from the Derwent from a regular jigging boat and we managed to get into a nice 13kg++ specimen in around 50m behind Rotto.
Inshore has been a little quiet lately with big king george still the go and a few cuttlefish around the place. The sand whiting have been a little hard to find, but when you get onto a few, the size is well worth the effort.
Reports from Ocean Reef are similar to Rotto with the Dhufish moving in close to pick off the kakkas and there are a few whispers of good baldies coming from 40m of water. The yellowfin tuna reports are still unconfirmed, but with water temperatures starting to heat up and by the looks of things a strong leeuwin current this year could see one of the best game/FAD seasons for quite some time..
The river should be starting to fire up with some flathead pretty soon and with the recent small amounts of rain I wouldn't be suprised if the fish started moving into the lower reaches of the Swan. The mulloway run seems to be very late this year and my prediction of them starting a few weeks ago was a bit premature. This time I've heard on good authority that its not far off, but please be sensible with what you catch and if you do get one or more, please keep the frames/guts intact for research and get in contact with me at . Haven't heard too much on the bream front, but theres a few stories of rat sambo's giving a hell of a tug on light gear around the boating clubs.. A few blue manners have also been pushed down the river by the recent rains..
Up north, sounds like barra season is about to heat up, if your lucky enough to be in that part of the world.. Apparently the threadfin salmon are starting to appear as well.. Hope to see some photos from the up north brigade soon..
Down south has seen some extremely heavy rain during the last week and many of the local rivers were pitch black and fresh, which shut down the fishing big time. We still managed to get into a few small black bream specimens, but the big ones were absent. Seems a late winter was on the cards for down there and I would assume things will be back to normal pretty soon.
Hope you all get into some good fishing,
Tight lines,
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Forgot to mention that tailor are firing up along the coast everywhere as well.. Heard of some good ones coming from the river the other day and a few from the northern rock walls..
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