150KG Giant Freshwater Stingray In Thailand !!! Awesome Catch !!! Monster Catch By BKKGUY
The giant mammoth freshwater stingray, also known as the freshwater whip ray, is found in several rivers in Southeast Asia and northern Australia.
Ever since the River Monster discovery show by Jeremy John Wade, many anglers around the word have been flocking to thailand to attempt to fish this river monster of Thailand.
Due to overwhelming demand from many anglers, we have included giant freshwater stingray in our fishing trip.
Here the awesome giant stingray catch we landed recently.
2 monster stingray- 80KG & 150KG Giant Freshwater stingray Big catch in 1 Single Day !!!
There is no way , any single angler can tame or fights this monster by himself.
In any stingray trip, at least 2 or 3 anglers is needed so we can bring this monster ray to the surface.
Enjoys the 2 parts series 'actions pack' youtube channel.
Giant Freshwater Stingray 80KG Bkk Fishing Tour Thailand Part 1/2.
Giant Freshwater Stingray 150KG Bkk Fishing Tour Thailand Part 2/2
The highlight photos of the day !!!!
The agony fights........
The monster 150KG catch of the day !!!
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
Catch report :The day started
Catch report :
The day started with a nice breakfast.... we don't want to fights the monster with an empty stomach...
My break choice of the day- The America fried rice- Thai style....
Our choice for the biat today- Haruan- snakehead
9 'O' size hook... well there is the saying- Big hook big fish...can't be wrong.. haha !!!
Our choice of reel need to do the job- Penn International reel 30SW.
Rod will be the heavy duty- Custom made rod heavy duty- PE 10 rod.

Sitting at the bow of this big boat to fish this giant freshwater stingray-
The feeling momemt- Priceless !!!
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
After a tough 50 mins fights,
After a tough 50 mins fights, we finally brought this 80KG stingray to the surface..
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
We thought the 1st stingray
We thought the 1st stingray was tough, the 2nd one - a even bigger catch- 150KG was even tougher !!!
We fought for almost 1hr 20mins, rotating the fights among 4 anglers (including myself) before we finally brought it up the surface...
Time to suffer again.....OMG !!!
The trophy catch of the day- 150KG monster stingray- 145cm in length..
Great teamworks !!! Great job !!!- Bkk Fishing Tour- BKKGUY
Hope you guys enjoy my catch report....
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
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Date Joined: 06/07/10
Good sized fish for the
Good sized fish for the freshwater.
Is it common for you to get a couple per day?
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
Not very common........But
Not very common........But we lucky that day...
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Nice catch mate, with respect
Nice catch mate, with respect though I think your handling techniques need some consideration. Would also disagree with one angler being unable to land one, unless they are significantly stronger than their salt water cousins....
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
Will relate the handling to
Will relate the handling to my guys now.
They do fight strong as they live between saltwater & freshwater habitat...
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
I'm sure mate, bloody big
I'm sure mate, bloody big fish from a boat that size. The guys look like they had a ball. Nice work
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
Thanks mate !!!
Thanks mate !!!
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Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
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Date Joined: 28/01/10
treatment of the fish
If that is how you treat the fish you catch, I personally would never go on one of your tours.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Yeah, dont understand the
Yeah, dont understand the rope through the eyes :(
But then stingrays dont really need vision?
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Those holes are the 'intakes'
Those holes are the 'intakes' for their gills with the outlets being the gill slits underneath, and its hollow all the way through, hence being able to pass the rope right through. Their eyes are just infront of these intakes. Doesnt harm the Stingrays. Probably a little discomfort but nothing a Stingray of this size wouldnt be able to cope with considering how thick its skin would be.
Much better than half the landbased fishos I see in Perth gaff Stingrays in their wing to drag them up on the beach where their whole weight is the put apon their body. Though even this often seems not to kill Stingrays if gaffed correctly i guess as I have seen heaps of them diving with healed holes in their wings.
Not my cup of tea personally catching Stingrays so prefer to lock the drag and let them bust me off instead, but each to their own.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
OK, looked like eyes!I never
OK, looked like eyes!
I never tackle stingrays.
Do these ones actually have a sting / barb?
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
I think so. I only saw an
I think so. I only saw an episode on River Monsters where they caught them and I am pretty sure they do have a barb and they wrap a rag around it when handling them. This is a small one compared to the one they got(and also on they lost) on River Monsters.
Yeah I am the same not really into catching Stingrays, though dont mind a tussle with an Eagle Ray if nothing else is happening. Fight a bit better than the big black ones.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
I think youll find that does
I think youll find that does more damage than you are assuming. Seems to be the consensus from the reading ive done anyway
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
You mean the gaff in the
You mean the gaff in the wing?
Yeah I totally agree and dont like the practice at all and encourage all my mates when they get stingrays to not do it. Just from diving I have seen alot of stingrays that have scars of holes in the wings that suggest a few must survive?
But yes agree not a good way to land stingrays using a gaff. Either try beach it or cut it off/bust it off.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
was referring to the rope
was referring to the rope through the spiracle, but yea a gaff is pretty bad as well haha
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 22/12/10
Thanks for the explanation
Thanks for the explanation Buz...
That's the gills holes not the eyes guys..
Whatsapp +66819420270
Mobile Overseas calls+ 66819420270
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
F&ck that- its eyes look like
F&ck that- its eyes look like they're hanging out of its sockets
stano 84
Posts: 107
Date Joined: 22/08/11
farkn biting my tongue
sorry dude ... my opinion, ive caught rays as big as that, a couple in a nights fishing,and its a hindererence, would rather em bust me off, il try and beach em like any other fish, then flip em with me gaff, stick me gaffs in its mouth with a protector on on the end {rubber tube} drag em up the beach get me hooks out out, flip em over and f** em off! mays well spear a whale and drag it with me genesis xl islander... my opinion waste a time... rope in its nostrils... il put a rope in your nose and take a photo see if you find it ( discomforting) and for the record i highly doubt thats 150 kg, my opinion so who cares anyway...
Jiggy jig.