Abalone rules
Submitted by Tarpon on Tue, 2015-10-27 11:19
I would apprecaite it if anyone can advise re: abalone rules.
Intend to go out in season to our non-sanctuary spot at Rotto to get our crays and also snorkel for abs on the legal days between 0700 and 0800
Do I then have to return home before 0800 and drop of the abs and then go back out in the boat or is it OK to leave the abs on board (unshucked of course) and come in later
I have called Fisheries who are unsure
Anyone with experience in this I would appreciate your advice
I don't want any hassle from fisheries with the kids in the boat
If its too hard I'll just leave the abs alone
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
as far as I know, and the
as far as I know, and the guys Ive dived with you just need to be out of the water.
Stupid of fisheries (but typical) not to be able to tell you.
Shit what if you dived, raced back to the ramp and theres a big line waiting as expected?
If that is what Fisheries expect then they have just made up yet another stupid rule to catch out law abiding fishers-of whom they appear to think there are very few.
Just the fact they cannot answer such a simple question then that's a sad situation.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
send them an email and get
send them an email and get something in writing.
don't think they would send an email back saying "no idea"
I have called them b4 and when the person I spoke with didn't know they said that someone would call me back....which they did bright and early the next day. (I was impressed with the service)
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
We have done it many times
We have done it many times off Rockingham, ie snorkled for Ab's then dived for Crays.
We have also been checked many times and there has never been a problem
Belly Fish
Posts: 499
Date Joined: 09/03/12
...I've got the abs snorkling from the boat in the morning , then gone fishing all day and been checked in the arvo when I came in and there was no problem at all.
Posts: 60
Date Joined: 22/05/14
Thanks for the repliesYes I
Thanks for the replies
Yes I was called back by a ?compliance officer from fisheries who confirmed the above, as long as the abs are legally taken and not shucked at sea then all good
Thanks again
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
cheers Tarpon
Always good when someone gets back with the word to clarify issues like this.