Aluminium or Stainless Steel for a targa bar w/rod holders
Submitted by Coyote_Dave on Mon, 2014-06-16 11:15
Hi all,
I'm looking into getting a targa bar w/rod holders fabricated for the tub (a voyager LTD) to go with a new canopy and clears.
I had a look through the site using the search function and i couldn't find a clear answer on the benefits of aliminum or stainless steel for this application.
Can anyone recommend one over the other?
Also I haven't ever had anything fabricated so if anyone can recommend someone to do the job it would be much appriceated (I live in North Perth but work in Freo so anywhere sort of metro would be suitable).
Attached is a flick of the boat from saturday morning.
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Weight, go ally
Weight, go ally
Posts: 735
Date Joined: 24/09/08
I heard Marineline in
I heard Marineline in Wangarra are supposed to be pretty good.
Posts: 1462
Date Joined: 22/08/07
Yep marineline did ours, the
Yep marineline did ours, the main difference between ali and S/S is the price.
Posts: 109
Date Joined: 25/10/11
Depends on the finish really. Ali will go dull where-as S/S will stay bright with a wash and wipe clean. If you find a good fabricator weight wont really come into play as ali will use a thicker tube section to S/S. Depending on where you are, ive seen some really good work come out of MetalCraft Marine.
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 31/03/14
skymaze is really good for
skymaze is really good for ss
i use him all the time and cant fualt his work
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 04/03/13
Thanks for the replys -
Thanks for the replys - sounds like marine line is the go.
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 04/03/13
stainless increasing the roll
Would stainless (likely heavier than Ally) increase the roll of the boat at rest?
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
doubtful - the weight
doubtful - the weight difference between the two is unlikely to make much difference to any roll factor.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
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Date Joined: 15/11/11
I did the same
Hi CD,
I was in a similar predicament ... the tub had an old s/s rocket launcher/t-bar and seperate canvas bimini. I couldn't stand at the wheel with the bimini zipped, it gave limited (if any) shade and the canvas was due to be replaced. The rocket launcher sheared at one of the mounts so this triggered my hunt... I ended up wiht Jim at Marine Line based on reputation and personal reference from a friend who is very particular about his boat. I've ended up with a hard top that I can stand under, gives plenty of shade, provides secure handholds moving forward on the walk-arounds and integrated rocket launchers. I had it painted white to match the rest of the boat - this was done by a professional spray painter and oven baked so a 1st class job. I've also added clears so now have a fully enclosed 'cockpit'.
If you're interested, ping me a message and I'll send you some before and after pics.
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PM sent
PM sent
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I'd go stainless, if you go
I'd go stainless, if you go a light gauge tube the weight difference will be minimal. The reason I'd go stainless is it's less prone to stress cracks, I changed all the supports in my bimini due to the ali ones all breaking with the constant stress and banging as they are separate to the boat. Just MO and some food for thought.
Love the West!
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Front bow rail is stainless, targa stainless, gives a better refined finish and wont look as bulky. 32mm main tube is the go and 25mm for supports. Go have a look at the haines sig 575 at that boat place in Kingsley for some designs.
Good luck
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Thanks again for the replys -
Thanks again for the replys - Its all really helpful!
I have another quick question - I have been on some boats where the targa bar/t-top shakes and viabrates when underway if conditions are choppy or when theres a reasonable swell. Can anyone suggest ways to mitigate this? I use the boat to fish out of fremantle and around rottnest so the ride home in the sea breeze can often be a bit bumpy.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
essentially it comes down to
essentially it comes down to the points where its bolted to the boat (amount and positioning - wider/further apart the better) and support cross members on the structure itself to minimise movement.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
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Date Joined: 22/03/13
Hi Dave. I have the same
Hi Dave. I have the same Voyager boat so I'll be very interested in the progress of your hardtop! At the moment i have a foldable ali rocket launcher/bimini and yes, the ali looks crap after a few months losing the "shine" etc.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
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just called marineline re stainless targa
.... they dont do stainless.
Posts: 59
Date Joined: 27/02/15
G'day Coyote_Dave, I realise
G'day Coyote_Dave, I realise this is an oooold post, but I'm keen to know what you ended up doing and whether you might share some pictures? I also have a Voyager LTD and looking to install a new targa with launchers, cover and clears. Also looking for recommendations for manufacturers.
Cheers in advance!
Endurance Marine
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 29/03/16
Extreme Engineering next to
Extreme Engineering next to us in Freo are the bomb with stainless. Top quality workmanship and years of marine experience. Experts in stainless. Drop by if you want an introduction.
Cnr Mews Rd & Capo D’Orlando Drive Fremantle
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epic marine site sponsor is
epic marine site sponsor is worth a call