another lazy day saturday

well not quite true , busy morning with the misses off to work and the weather looking good it was an hour drive to the mother inlaws to drop the kids off , arrive back home just as my brother and he's mate get there , hook up the boat and get on the water around 9:30- 10am much later than i'ld hoped . did the usual headed for the decided spot and have a drop on the way if something shows up so half way there a school shows so do a drop but no bites so carry on , arrive around 11-11:30 first drop and it was my brothers mate who hooks up first , up comes a 60cm dhuie . whilst i was down the back of the boat gaffing and bleeding the fish i had my rod up the front with next to no drag and just the ratchet on before i couldn't get the first in the eskie my rod takes some line, knowing there's no drag on i wasn't to concerned and carried on , then another at this stage starting to think i should get up to it , then a blitering run i'm fumbling around trying to get up there as fast as i can by the time i get there it had dropped it so i let out about 2m of line whilst quietly saying every expletive under the sun once the line comes tight i feel alittle weight so give it a pull and it's on . called it for a big one then start back tracking  and saying it ok after the fight slows alittle but once it gets closer bang of like a rocket so it was to and fro for a while by this stage my arms and back are feeling worse for wear and try to give the rod to my brother who blantly told me to suck it up princess evently get a glimpse and a huge white figure starts to get closer and closer any way up comes my PB dhuie are 2 pic's and a try at getting her onto the scales without doing to much damage as we'ld alredy decided she was too big and going back so we dumped the weigh in .release weight with a 24 oz sinker didn't really do much she bsiclly powered her way back down hoping to christ the release weight would let go when required which it did . 2nd drift accounted for a undersized dhuie and that was the last fish in the boat ( plenty showing on the sounder but nothing biting ) around 12:30 the action died sounded around tried a few new spots had a whale (not sure on species) come and sussed us out for 20min or so  then moved in to my pinkie spot and nothing biting there calling it a day around 5pm by this stage it had glassed off and full noise back to the ramp and home for a trip i won't forget and a few cold ones


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Posts: 83

Date Joined: 28/12/12

Nice report and congrats on

Sun, 2013-08-25 12:26

Nice report and congrats on PB. Great stuff!

opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07

Terrific effort.

Sun, 2013-08-25 17:10

 Putting a PB back is strong stuff.

Fish guts's picture

Posts: 318

Date Joined: 20/07/12

ywas very strong willed to

Sun, 2013-08-25 17:37

ywas very strong willed to put that fish back. Not sure I would have done that. Looked a solid dhu.


All men are equal before fish.... 

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crickey mate

Sun, 2013-08-25 17:42

what had that dhue eaten looks like it had swallowed a small cow it has a beer gut

Posts: 896

Date Joined: 25/05/09

 Wow man to put that dhu back

Sun, 2013-08-25 18:50

 Wow man to put that dhu back is awesome , would of been very tempting to keep it great effort on the release . I personally feel the 6 to8 kilo dhus are much better tasting. Great effort on the waters looks awesome. 


living is fishing

Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

Date Joined: 23/07/12

Nice dhu mate, the reason the

Mon, 2013-08-26 11:20

Nice dhu mate, the reason the gut is so big, is the swim bladder is enlarged due to the decompression as you bring it up.

Releasing the dhu IMO is a waist of a fish, as most suffer massive inturnal injuries due to the affects of decompression.

I am not saying its a bad thing to catch and release, just most will not live.

Why do I feel a back lash coming on.



More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

little johnny's picture

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no back lash

Mon, 2013-08-26 12:39

 correct . they get air bubbles like us .stop bringing fish up at 10 to 5 meters from top if you dont want it. hold for 2 to 5 mins depending on depth, they come back to life big time .let them go no probs without release led . cracker plump fish and great photo well dought that fish wold have swam away easy . 

Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

Date Joined: 23/07/12

John, its not just the

Mon, 2013-08-26 12:46

John, its not just the nitrogen in the blood stream, its the pressure on the heart, liver etc from when the swim bladder blows up, its not normal.

weak fish = shark food = shark shit


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

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Date Joined: 20/01/10

cheers guys and no it didn't

Mon, 2013-08-26 14:44

cheers guys and no it didn't hurt putting her back . i think of it this way she'ld have atleast 100k eggs which 100 of those should make it to legal size . future photo's on here ;)

eaten a cow/ i think the photo does her no justice i wasn't holding her out she was resting on my stomach and leg doesn't look nearly as big in the photo as in real life but was extremly fat (took a bit of busso jetty squid i caught a few months ago ).

air bubbles no i'll put up a sounder shot was only 85ft and took around 20min to get her up so it wasn't like she was scull dragged from 200ft. the stomach wasn't hard and swum down strongly with the release weight (release weight doing bugger all)



Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

Date Joined: 23/07/12

Yer, sounder shot show depth,

Mon, 2013-08-26 16:03

Yer, sounder shot show depth, but the GPS would show the place of release, then I could check it out and see if she is ok 

Tight lines


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

mate wasnt having a go

Mon, 2013-08-26 18:58

just ment she was a fatty and looked in good nick well done on releasing her cant say I would have

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

well done

Mon, 2013-08-26 15:39

Good show mate, nice fish.


Posts: 315

Date Joined: 20/01/10

dhuboi 3-4kg's my fav skin

Mon, 2013-08-26 18:09

dhuboi 3-4kg's my fav skin peels off whilst filleting and has that red/orange/bronze shimmer to the see thru flesh

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 20/01/10

i know she looked liked she

Mon, 2013-08-26 19:17

i know she looked liked she was on a diet of deep fried squid rings and a box of beer 6 meals a day

no offence taken petermac , it isn't me misses haha

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 20/01/10

few interesting

Thu, 2013-08-29 16:00