Another marlin tagged and released in jurien pics added

 Hey people headed up to jurien yesterday the 15th march for day trip with seasport charters. Determine to better our jigging skills we jigged hard all day and were well rewarded for our effort with baldys every where and a nice dhiue around the 7kg mark which was released. But it wasn't just the fish we where rewarded with it was the the priceless advice given from whitey and Ritcho and being able to fish the front deck next to them was awesome. Little did we know our day wasn't over yet we started heading back in so we put the trolling gear out the back and got about 5 mile out when the two bonga jerks we were trolling were hit and started dancing on the surface and then the rod with the skirt started screaming. The rod was soon grabbed by Luke (captain grumpy) and before I knew what was going on there was a black marlin jumping around going ballistic. Whitey and Ritcho yelling Instuctions and chasing the fish down the fish was boat side within minutes. The fish was tagged and boated for a few quick happy snaps and then released to fight another day. It was estimated to be about 25kg but a black marlin is a black marlin. Anyway just wanted to say a massive thanks to whitey and Ritcho for an unreal day and recommend I can't recommend them enough



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bmac's picture

Posts: 20

Date Joined: 09/07/07


Sun, 2013-03-17 09:33

 Went out with Whitey and Ritcho on thursday with some mates, awesome day, great boat, heaps of good fish but shit weather, didnt matter though. Whitey is a great skipper and you couldnt ask for more in a deckie than Ritcho. Will be definately going again! Same with us too botti, heaps of baldys

botti's picture

Posts: 106

Date Joined: 24/04/10

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Sun, 2013-03-17 20:43

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Date Joined: 21/01/13


Sun, 2013-03-17 21:41



 Wingin it in the west...