Anyone being around white point/ scott river last few weeks.
Submitted by quadfisher on Fri, 2015-05-22 17:12
Just wanting to maybe get a idea of beach conditions, weed etc etc, might head down this weekend.
Realize last weeks storm may have really stirred the pot, If no-ones being , I will do a report myself next week.
cheers , and yes It was me whom got that hema gps yesterday , but please no bleeting,
I have chased a reasonbly priced second hand one for a year or so , so maybe it was my time.
good luck with returning to pomgolia paul !!!!!
Posts: 1011
Date Joined: 03/07/07
There was shit
loads of weed to the east of snake springs , I know that's a bit west from where your asking about but I think the whole coast line copped a bit
Just one more cast , honest !!!
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Thanks mate
Yeah , more to the east seems to suffer a bit, we will head west and try to find a clear gutter somewhere.
Standby for weed report!
Posts: 248
Date Joined: 29/11/11
Hey Quadfisher, any reports
Hey Quadfisher, any reports forthcoming?
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
South coast report , with a warning!!!
Yeah sorry mate was at work, We went down , with the quads , not really expecting anything that great , to find some really nice, weed free gutters.
Both ends of the beach , lets call them river end , and white point end had salmon during the day , really really nice ones ( back runs?)
and caught some small soapies ( thrown back gently) and some middle size tailor in the late afternoons.
I can only plead with people , that if you visit the white point area to do the right thing.
Access is usually through private propery, and as its the closest bit of the south coast accessible to Perth, not in a national park , we need to respect it
as to hopefully have access in the future.
If I got reports of vandalism, rubbishing etc myself , I would start splitting wigs personnally, as its a great area for camping and fishing on the coast, most of which
we have lost full access too.
Pardon the french , but how f---g hard is it to take your rubbish out, and keep off the fragile coastal vegatation?.
There are enough soft c--k groups out there trying to ban anything remotely fun and free, without shooting ourselves in the foot as well.
Rant over , a great trip it was , enough memories to get me through a cold Perth winter!
kymco mxu 400 4x4
canam outlander max 800r xt-p .4x4
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Emu Springs
Some magic spots along that section of the coast. You have to be able to read the signs on where to fish as a lot of the beaches only have poddy whiting and small herring but those with good gutters can contain all sorts of good fish. I found fishing at night seem to produce the bigger fish, just the case of doing the exploring during the day, find a spot and set up for the night.
Did you come across any paper nautilas shells during your travels up the beach, they usually come up after periods of strong southerlies and big swell conditions. You have to be there when its happening as they are so light and fragile they break up easily and blow away
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Lost cowrie?
Didnt see any nautilas carnarvonite , but found a middle size cowrie with some minor shell damage, didnt know they were down that way.
Also saw some strange plastic bits , yellow and white ( mh370?) and the usual broken cray pots, floats and thick thick blue netting, is it shark net
or some from overseas?
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Shark net
Shark net is monofilament, usually green, red or clear and with a mesh size of approx. 7. 1/8 to 7. 3/4 inches pulled tight . Looks to be about 50lb line. Possibly from a deep sea fish trawler or scallop boat.
Never found paper nautilas shells anywhere else, most times you have to look at where the scrub meets the sand as they are blown up the beach.
Posts: 248
Date Joined: 29/11/11
Last year I got quite a few
Last year I got quite a few paper natilus all in the same weekend, havent seen any since the 70's. We used to find some at Warren Beach that wernt as big but had a bigger corregation patten to them. Emu springs is the only beach Ive seen the phosphorus glow in the sand/wave wash at night time. Thanks for the report Quadfisher. I havent been for a couple of months but might be worth a look.