Axiom 9 pro B175M Ningaloo sceenshots

 I didn't get around to posting these after the Ningaloo trip this year. Ignore the water temp readout, turns out is was picking the Mercury gateway OAT temp as the signal. I seem to have fixed that by unplugging the temp sensor, it's now picking up the B175M. I started out with a cluttered screen, with A-scope, then eventually settled on a good clean layout.


I spent a fair bit of time playing with settings--Auto gain and Auto Power generally don't suit me. Auto power had me beat for a while, I couldn't work out why I was getting these sudden variations in picture when trolling out deep, until I worked out it was the auto power. I settled on about 40% ( 1KW) and I was clearly marking fish and bottom hardness variations at 100m so there is plenty of power. I have bad interference at speed, whch I largely put down to installing the transducer cables alongside all the rest of it going down the back. I did it because I think the cable will be too short to run the other way, and I'll need an extension to do it.

crano's picture

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Mon, 2018-09-03 10:42

 Nice shots. Have you got any of the 3D function ?

Posts: 37

Date Joined: 26/09/17

 What sort of fish did you

Mon, 2018-09-03 11:32

 What sort of fish did you get from these readings? 

gruntre69's picture

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 Thanks for posting mate, I'd

Mon, 2018-09-03 12:16

 Thanks for posting mate, I'd love to see you pics at any speed after the hull lifts onto the plane. That's a good tip on the power setting... I have similar results with the same unit and PM265 but mine sucks when it lifts onto the plane in anything but glassy water. I have been using the A scope(cone) because I like the way it gives the cone width reading.

One thing that annoys me with the Axiom is that you cannot specify a depth range and then zoom at that range. It is zoom or range set only... I think Raymarine should do a lot to increase functions of the sounder and update...

Crano, I have used the 3D many times now and I find it virtually useless. The side scan is MUCH better at showing what the bottom actually looks like.. Hopefully one day they will update it and get that powerful proccessor to do some work and actually render a 3D image of what the actual bottom really looks like...


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

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What kind of fish showing?

Mon, 2018-09-03 19:26

 Bear in mind that these were all trolling shots. You stop and drop, you die--or the fish you hooks dies. Sharks are murder. A stack up of long large echos over an edge or lump usually is mackerel or wahoo, mixed with sharks. You can get some nice markings of what looks like medium size fish sitting up off the bottom, and they may be stuff like various species of trevally , or spangleds. Although not every showing is fish you can actually catch. I used to get a good showing over one particular spot for years--you could actually see these biggish, yellow fish down there if the water was really clear,  never a bite. So, one year I dropped a gopro down--they were big yellow surgeons.  just sitting facing into the tide , must be filter feeding. We will drop jigs on showings like that sometimes, results are mixed--the big surprise one day was a YFT when we were thinking  wahoo.

The cone width reading is useful, but you eventually get to remember how much each depth  is, so I just gave it away. Might revisit when I am looking for edges in the whites, as the bottom lock doesn't appear to be what I need for that. I didn't take any 3-D screenshots, as my method on mounting the RV100 transducer gave me issues. I had it on a sliding transducer, to stop it bumping on the bottom in the surge when we were getting on board off the beach. Forgot to slide it up, bump the bottom, gets bent up. Fix that, then the endless mooring rope would grab it when it swung over and bend it down.   So it wasn't often pointing in the right direction. I bought it with the intention of not so much using it on the bottom as getting a widescan of midwater fish when trolling out wide. It did seem to work for that--a couple of times I had solid returns off the one side before raising sails, so it has promise. I'll  using it at Exmouth in October for trolling wide, so I'll see how it goes then.

It appears I haven't fixed the water temp issue--I thought I had after disconnecting a temp sensor I found in the loom, but , turn the ignition on, and it goes to zero then shows a different temp. 

I haven't used the sidescan much at all, but certainly will give it a go. It certainly is annoying not having zoom on manual ranging. Even if you dial the gain back to clean up the picture at speed, it has to be pretty calm to get a good continuous picture at speed with my particular installation--I mounted the B175m between two strakes, but they finish well forward , and I think the disturbed water fans out as it travels back, giving a non-existent area of clear water flow.

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 One day, these hull

Tue, 2018-09-04 15:47

 One day, these hull designers of small/meduim boats will design so that there is a position for a through hull transducer that will actually work well at speed..  Dreaming


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

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Tue, 2018-09-04 17:56

my cruise craft came with exactly that. Slotted in an m260 and it works sweet at speed

(as long as it isn't too rough)

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Date Joined: 17/06/10

A big thank you for the pics

Tue, 2018-09-04 17:58

I could spend all day looking at the sounder shots and what great ones these are the clarity is just unbelievable.
again a big thank you for posting them.

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Tue, 2018-09-04 20:08

 My haines signature has had 3 different external ducers and I have tried firing through the hull and nothing works over 10 to 15 MPH. Running one right out the edge of the hull to get ti to work. Not just cruise craft with problems.

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Date Joined: 22/07/10

 Turn on the white line

Wed, 2018-09-05 10:32

 Turn on the white line setting mate. it helps split up structure and fish and will help you locate more fish close to the bottom

gruntre69's picture

Posts: 533

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 Unfortunately the white line

Wed, 2018-09-12 08:56

 Unfortunately the white line on the axiom just seems to be a big fat white blob line that is rendered over the upper bottom. Nothing like what Furuno does and I don't find it useful at all.

I have found a way to trick the Axiom pro sounder into zooming into a preset range. I did it by acident the other day. Zoom in to the level you require with the toggle set to auto range on, then change the toggle to autorange off. The rotary knob will then work to set range and it holds the zoom level previously set. It's very clunky but it stops the unit hunting depth range which I can be annoying when it's on the edge of an auto change depth..


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

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Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

Cheers for that

Fri, 2018-09-14 17:43

 I'll  give it a go. Haven't been online for a while, working in Tassie all week.