back to onslow

well me and a few of the pilbra pirates are going for a qick dash to onslow ,hopefully leaven at 4.30 tomorrow morning

not expecting to much ,but am hoping the wind gods are in a good mood .

staying in town .

will be heading outside early early for abit of a bottom bash ,then once the expected wind turns will troll back to the coast and see if we cant pick up a few mudcrabs in the creeks ,ARH muddies 4 chrissie is a lovly thought,anyway ive been tolled a few different ways to keep these lovely tasting creatures, they will still be tastey for chrissie lunch ,but i am a bit confused what is the best way to go about it,has anyone got any suggestions! it would be most appreciated,  i.e do i cook em then freeze or do i freeze em raw etc

am thinking a few of you must know some clues ,reckoning along the lines of how you keep blue mannas would be a good start

cheers mitch.........


Posts: 110

Date Joined: 03/10/05

Check out this website

Tue, 2005-12-06 10:48

Check out this website Mitch:

Live mussels, oysters and pipis will die if placed in a refrigerator; they should be kept in a damp clean hessian bag and stored in a cool place. During cool weather, oysters, mussels and pipis will stay alive for five to seven days. Yabbies, lobsters and crabs can be kept alive if tightly packed in damp straw (to restrict movement) and kept cool, but crustaceans are sometimes difficult to keep alive and are better cooked on the day they are purchased. When they die they should be chilled (iced) immediately and cooked as soon as possible. Dead unchilled crustaceans will spoil rapidly.

Cooked or uncooked fresh seafood should be kept for only one or two days in the coldest, non-freezing, part of the refrigerator. It should be well wrapped to prevent drying out and to stop its distinctive smell from tainting other food.

Good luck with the fishing Mitch..  Look foward to seeing some of that up north magic..

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05

onslow an back

Sat, 2005-12-10 15:58

always in it just the depth that varies

well got back home yesterday arvo, all 3 of us werte pretty stuffed from the hectic trip

fistly our 4.30 start time was blown out of the water due to myself an jack drinking well over a carton of beer while we packed the boat an studied the charts ,i think jack staggered of home about 3 in the morning saying to me ill be back at 4.30 be ready to go,well he didnt make it back an i wasnt ready. ya get that!

so we get away all supporting sore heads make it to onslow in record time book in and sitdown to watch the wind swing 180 an blow its guts ,nothings gonna stop us gettn the boat in though so its of to the shops for bait and an onslow famous sauage roll,then down to boat ramp ,boats in and the first of many a coldie is opened the plan is to just trol up an down the creek wich is what we do ,i dont think any of us realy cared if we caught a fish or not .and thats the way it went ,no fish an a boat load of empty studdies,was a very relaxing afternoon,

next day boats in bye 7 we head to left of town and out passed ashburton island in go the lines an crack goes the stubbie lid, an assortment of little fish come into the boat,mostly charlie courts an a few small nw snapper, not trusting the wind we stay around this area biggest fish boated was a golden trev that gave jack a bit of curry ,a couple of pics taken an over the side goes the big trev.the arvo plan is mudcrabs,so back to the coast we go still try to head left of town ,a creek is picked out an every one prays that me boat gets in the creek,we manage to bounce our way over the bar at the mouth of thecreek and we are in ,6 dillie nets are bait ed up and over the side they go,in 3 seperat droppes we manage to get 7 good size bucks with a lot of small jennies returned ,

we are all stoacked but it time to go as the tide is on its way out.once outside the creek the wind is howling an we travel back to onslow with the wind behind us so its not to badwe all get a bit wet but no one cares cause its seriously hot and the few beers an 7  muddies on board make the half hour trip back very enjoyable indeed

next day goes similarly except we push a bit further out to anchor island roughly 40 kms out from the boat ramp ,we start trolling picking up heaps of charlies which we plan to use as muddy baits ,while doing this yes you guessed it in comes a 50cm coral trout ,we are on the board ,a few high 5s an we anchor  up {shes to windy to drift}, within about an hour an half 1 good spanglie ,1 big chinamen ,2 size bluebone an a couple of size nw snapper,the esky is looking good,

of we go bounce bounce bounce an we are back in the creek, same as the previous day with one exception dave pulls a muddie up on line an next cast pulls a 43 cm mangrove jack,3 votes dave

that night we decide to have a counter meal down the pub ,i go the surfan turf an dave an jack go the goldband snapper ,ihve never seensuch a big entry of garlic prawns ,and the serves of snapper were huuuuuggggggggggeeeeeeeeee, both plates were 1 fillet of snapper that i reckon would of gone 2 kgs a piece.

anyway the trip was short but it was deffinately sweet the only downer was blowing a trailer tyre on the way home

second days catch
yum yum

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15641

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2005-12-10 19:20

What a beautiful bag!!! Some tasty treats there..

Sounds like you had a bloody good trip!


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