banning 4X4's

i know its not in wa, but just shows the mentality of people etc, sucks the attitude of some people, expecting 4x4 owners to pay more for rego's etc

tailor marc's picture

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I fully agree that people

Wed, 2009-10-07 09:04

I fully agree that people who need 4wd's for fishing/offroad/country driving but im sick off the 1000's of all the little tryhard awd's driven by mums in the right lane doing 15 under the speedlimit.

Ban them and raise rego but leave the fisherman/country folk alone. Just my opinion.


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Colin Hay's picture

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I agree with you Marc

Wed, 2009-10-07 09:33

I have had two side mirrors taken off my parked car by mums taking their kids to school in AWD and 4WD cars they clearly could't handle.


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Wed, 2009-10-07 09:48

You are kidding I hope
I can't believe you two just said that.
I was going to write - get stuffed :p
but will settle for "get a grip"



Colin Hay's picture

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Lol I was waiting for a bight

Wed, 2009-10-07 12:05

I also reckon that blokes in big white vans should not be allowed to take up two parking bays at Triggs Cafe (Lol).


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Dale's picture

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My Outback is AWD and

Wed, 2009-10-07 10:03

My Outback is AWD and doesn't pose a risk to anyone whether it's me or the cook driving. I got to agree about some of these women and men trying to negotiate roads and car parks etc in their gin palaces on wheels, they're as bad as each other some of them. Our Corolla goes in for some touch up work and a new rear bumper soon due to these people. Wonder when the bull bar debate will reappear??



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ody's picture

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  Hi Ya, "sucks the

Wed, 2009-10-07 13:54


Hi Ya,

"sucks the attitude of some people, expecting 4x4 owners to pay more for rego's etc"

Dude, in NSW at least they already do pay a lot more for rego etc.  Apparently they are covered by a blanket categorry of "Commercial vehicle" so are charged a lot more for rego.

If I remember my brother correctly, the troopy he had cost him near $1000 per year, about double the cost of is car.



Rodrat's picture

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Wed, 2009-10-07 16:30

I have a 4wd and i use it to tow the tub up north and do some off road stuff. I also bought it for the safety factor with having a young family. A lot of people buy them for safety reasons, i would rather be in a 4x4 in a crash situation then in a sedan! Next we will be taxed for farting, expecting people to pay more cos they have a 4x4 in discrimination. JMO



allrounder's picture

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i will sell my 100 series in a buy back scheme

Wed, 2009-10-07 17:09

then take the cash straight down the truck yard and pick up a 4x4 dual cab canter see how much they b@3ch about that.Laughing


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

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FFS some of the cars getting

Wed, 2009-10-07 17:37

FFS some of the cars getting around weigh more than many 4WDs.  Some of the 4WDs weigh less and are smaller than some of the cars in the 60s.  WA is charged by engine size already.

Just because some greenie head has purchased a lunch box death machine dont force it on me.

Australia is losing the plot.  All these small minded groups with chips on their shoulders and too much time on their hands.  They should be ordered for psyco therapy for their mental illness.

In the 60s theyd get a clip round the ear.Laughing


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wtf ?????? a 4wd uses double

Wed, 2009-10-07 17:58

wtf ?????? a 4wd uses double the amount of fuel as a 2 wheel drive and 3 times the green house gases ????????????? my car is a 4wd and it is almost 3 times more economical than mums commonhore and has a smaller engine wtf is the difference its got absolutey nothing to do with having a 4x4 its the person who drives it .

Tony Halliday's picture

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yip jono.... agree with you

Wed, 2009-10-07 19:47

yip jono.... agree with you 100%

my Jeep V8 4,7 litre 4wheel drive will run most days around the 10litres per hundred!

many a commodore V8 will only dream of that kind of usage!


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

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gumbyconts's picture

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raise rego for all western

Wed, 2009-10-07 21:06

raise rego for all western suburbs mums in 4wds, especially the ones who cant drive properly, park in no parking areas, wait in round abouts to pick their kid up from school, and generally have a 4wd just so they can see over everyone (to claim their rightful place at the top of the socioeconomic chain).

Faulkner Family's picture

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imo , the 4x4 owners that

Wed, 2009-10-07 21:39

imo , the 4x4 owners that can prove that they need a 4x4 should be exempt from the excess charges and not the ones that may use it to tpow a trailor maybe 6 times a year , im talking ones that tow on a regular basis weather it be work or pleasure 4x4ing.,,,, Rodrat, you said you have one for safety, it has been proven if your in a bad enough accident to be injured a 4x4 has a higher rate of injury than a regular car as the cars have the crumple zone which is one thing most 4x4's dont have


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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wtf ?????? a 4wd uses double

Thu, 2009-10-08 08:44

wtf ?????? a 4wd uses double the amount of fuel as a 2 wheel drive and 3 times the green house gases ????????????


This is the common misconception. This is not always the case, well, many cases with modern 4WDs more so the diesels.

The other point is that not everybody drives their 4WDs around full time.  For instance I use my mrs Corolla because its easier to park at the shops.

Its another fight night started by the media and paid people who have run out of safety material.

At one stage they wanted 30 k/ph in suburbia that was knocked back by the then premier carpenter.

Do you see more 4WDs driving aggressively, or sports cars?

Why ont we ban trucks and buses from school zones?  See the parralell?

Another attempt by the media to divide the community.

Two words, f@$# @##!!!!


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Rodrat's picture

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Thu, 2009-10-08 10:39

I'd rather be in a land cruiser then a sedan! Not telling me that the crusier would come off second best.



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Its not about the car, it

Thu, 2009-10-08 18:36

Its not about the car, it doesn't matter how the cars come off. Its about the occupants and the fact that its a 4WD often does very little for the safety of the occupants, and quite a lot to the detriment of non-occupants involved in an accident.

Its like the fishos that are too self-important to turn the bullbar-mounted rod holders around on the road, because its not them that they're going to hurt in an accident.


DazSamFishing's picture

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So penalise the people that

Thu, 2009-10-08 23:44

So penalise the people that use a 4WD to store groceries or pick the kids up from school. Plenty of people I know use the vehicle for the purposes it was built for (off road use).

Reason I purchased a 4WD is;

- Towing capacity & traction at plenty of poor boat ramps (QLD & WA)

- Regional driving (wouldn't take a sedan on a trip north - too many roo's etc.)

- I use the vehicle down the beach/off road on a weekly basis

- To store the 60kg dog on the back



Bluebonefamily's picture

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mmm...  never going to keep

Fri, 2009-10-09 08:57

mmm...  never going to keep every one happy.  We have our 4x4 mainly for work purpose.  It tows the work trailer and carries lots of materials on the roof.  It also tows our boat.  We drive it on country trips to visit family.  We consider it is safer to drive the 4x4 as oposed to my commodore wagaon as if the two collided I'd prefer to be in the 4x4. The 4x4 has less crumple zones which means the occupants absorb the impact.  My commodore has crumple zones but the 4x4 would crush it, and I would hate to consider what would occur to smaller vehicles. 

The problem as I see it is the driver of the vehicle.  Agressive 4x4 drivers are frightening.  I don't tend to have much of a problem now but when I used to drive my old Pulsar 4x4 drivers would sometimes have thier bull bar in the back window of my car.  It was not just my driving.  When we had our first baby hubby and I swapped cars and I drove the 81 landcruiser as it had air conditioning and Hubby got my pulsar.  Hubby encountered the same agressive behaviour from 4x4 drivers. 

When we drive our 4x4 we allow a stopping space ahead and 'read the traffic' as much as possible.  I have never removed side mirrors from other cars in parking lotsSmile.  I think it comes down to the arrogance of the person driving whatever type of vehicle on the road.


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