
anyone know any good batter recipes for deep fried squid rings???

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dont you just use egg and

Fri, 2009-10-09 16:20

dont you just use egg and bread crums?


Dreamtime's picture

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Fri, 2009-10-09 16:26

i dunno really i rang the old lady and said flour egg a bit of cornstarch and water with salt and pepper, ive had way better though!

Posts: 1676

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yer that for salt and pepper

Fri, 2009-10-09 18:10

yer that for salt and pepper squid ay.

i lik the bread crums way. but that me

cheers danno

AmericanBen's picture

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Fri, 2009-10-09 22:07

I use flour, salt, pepper and some cajun seasoning & wrap in alum foil with lemn or orange slices on the grill!  Also add some a bit of beer to my batter sometimes. 

Dreamtime's picture

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Sat, 2009-10-10 09:35

that sound joy, definatly gonna have to give that a go.

bear's picture

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Instead of normal flour,

Sat, 2009-10-10 11:05

Instead of normal flour, drop into Kakulas Bros (sp?) and get some potato flour. Quantity depends of how much you're cooking.

To that add some Tinder Box Herb Sprinkle. Most small health food places sell it. If you're ever passing through Balingup drop in and have a look at their range. Great cooking herbs.

Lastly, add the beer of your choice to get the consistancy you want. Heavier mix means thicker batter. I like Premium Dry or Hoegaarden for the best taste.

As a bit of a variation, you can add very finely diced chilli and even lemon.

HuggyB's picture

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my batter recipe

Sat, 2009-10-10 11:25

1/2 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of self raising flour

1 egg

1 stubbie of your favourite beer

pinch of salt


mix the flour together and add a touch of salt. break the egg into it and start sirring. Add the beer bit by bit as you stir to get the batter to the consistency you want. chill it in the fridge for about an hour before use. My cousin (a chef) reckons its best to substitute some of the plain flour for corn flour, but IMO is not necessary.


Make sure your oil is HOT! The bestest lightest batter is made from using very cold batter and very hot oil.


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

seansurfy's picture

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200g plain flour 200g white

Sat, 2009-10-10 15:32

200g plain flour
200g white rice flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp honey
300ml vodka
300ml lager

1 Tip the plain flour, rice flour and baking powder into a bowl. Put the honey and vodka into a jug, stir, then add to the flour to create a batter mix. Open the lager and stir it into the batter until just combined. It doesn’t matter if the consistency is a little lumpy. The most important thing is to open the lager just before stirring and transferring to the siphon (see step 2), to retain as many bubbles as possible.

2 Transfer the batter to a jug, then pour it into a soda siphon. Charge the siphon with three CO2 charges and put it in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes.

You now have the best fish/seafood batter known to man.....

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buy tempura batter and just

Sat, 2009-10-10 19:14

buy tempura batter and just dip them in there =D then when they cooked put a bit of salt and lemon on them

Timwoody86's picture

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beer batter

Sun, 2014-11-23 20:02

keep it simple, equal parts corn flour to plain flour a cold beer salt and pepper comes out cripy and golden every time. the secret is to have the oil very hot and cook it quick so just cut your fillets fine so it cooks quick about 10mm


shut up and fish 

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 My beer batter1 measure

Sun, 2014-11-23 20:11

 My beer batter

1 measure plain flour;

1 measure SR flour;

1/2 measure corn flour;


2 beers (one for the batter, one for the cook);

Then refrigerate.  The key is to have the batter really cold, even put ice cubes in it.

Dust the squid / fish in flour and cook slowly first (low heat).  Remove and drain.  Heat the oil up and when you're ready to plate up, drop them back in to golden up.  Only a half a minute or so.


Fish! HARD!

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Hot oil

Sun, 2014-11-23 21:06

hey Randall,

not a bad idea... But you need  to have the oil hot straight up, trust me on this.

nothing pisses me off more than when I have 200 people lined up at work and the oil isn't hot enough. Will cook eventually but looks and tastes like shit. The oil will soak into the fish 

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 I'm only cooking for a

Sun, 2014-11-23 22:04

 I'm only cooking for a family of four.  I have have it hot enough so a drop of batter floats and 'sizzles', but not hot enough to burn it straight away.  Cook it for a couple of minutes at this temp then remove it and turn the heat up and drop it back on for a moment just to get that golden colour.  Tastes great, looks great, and importantly the kids don't complain.


Fish! HARD!

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Sun, 2014-11-23 22:08


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 does the ice melting ruin

Sun, 2014-11-23 22:07

 does the ice melting ruin the flavour at all, seems like a bowl full of ice under the bowl full of batter would be better

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Sun, 2014-11-23 20:42

+1 The colder you can get it before you drop it in the oil the better it goes off.

Matt T's picture

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Spot on with cold batter

Sun, 2014-11-23 21:11

 A good way to keep the batter really cold is to put the bowl of batter inside another bigger bowl filled with ice and water. Straight from there into hot oil.

little johnny's picture

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Sun, 2014-11-23 21:18

 water ,cajun crushed pepper gluton free flour,1 cap full off egg yellow food colouring.,yum

scubafish's picture

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fish batter

Mon, 2014-11-24 11:16


crasny1's picture

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For Squid

Mon, 2014-11-24 14:34

Im with fishing fanatic for sure - Nothing beats tempura as it is so light and doesnt obscure the delicate taste of squid. If you want salt and pepper I just add this to the batter without overdoing it. Then you can always add extra to taste.

Same with Prawns and other shellfish like scollaps, mussels etc but a good ol beer batter which is more robust for fish, unless it is small pieces.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Ashen's picture

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 Yesterdays iFish program had

Mon, 2014-11-24 17:12

 Yesterdays iFish program had a very simple batter recipe that looked quite good.


Dust the fish fillet (or whatever) in some flour, then soak it lightly in egg yolk, then coat it with crushed up "salt & vinegar potato chips", and then fry it. 


Havent tried the recipe but it looked delish! Lol




A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

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had a friend who was a cook

Mon, 2014-11-24 17:21
had a friend who was a cook at the pub. she only used the egg whites, NO YOLK! beer and flour. I always add salt and pepper. My mum used to put a teaspoon of carb soda in to make it crispy. For squid, I like flour, egg then bredcrumbs with lemon pepper seasoning
mjohns's picture

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Premade packet batterblack

Mon, 2014-11-24 17:44

Premade packet batter

black packet cant remember what its called

cant go wrong, always crispy