Be Carefull Hillarys Floating Jetty
Submitted by Jackfrost80 on Sun, 2020-01-26 08:46
I pulled up to the jetty yesterday to grab the old man and noticed the plastic rub guard is missing. Got home and saw that the jetty has a sharp edge and did significant damage to my gunwhale rubber and I was bloody lucky it wasn't the gelcoat.
Going to head down now and take some pics and put in a claim through Clubmarine to take it up with the Transport Dept.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Not good at all. Money thats
Not good at all. Money thats spent up there yo would expect decent stuff. Good luck
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
go check out the posts on
go check out the posts on here about the quality of maintanence at hillarys and you wouldnt be surprised. they also have a facebook page dedicated to the shit the pen guys go through.
millions in but not much going out
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Is Hillarys privately owned?
Is Hillarys privately owned?
Love the West!