bent st boat ramp

was down at the bent street ramp this morning about 15 meters to the left of the ramp I found a pelican that had been decapitated .I reported it to wild care , they say it was probably killed by a fox and didn't seem very interested , has any 1 ever seen a fox in that area

Posts: 1755

Date Joined: 02/01/10

Bloody muslims are amongst

Sun, 2014-08-31 11:15

Bloody muslims are amongst us!


mr_meks's picture

Posts: 189

Date Joined: 11/02/11

Foxes are everywhere. I've

Sun, 2014-08-31 11:41

Foxes are everywhere. I've seen them on the riverbank in mosman bay. Also on the beach just south of hillarys on west coast drive, pups coming up to us while we were eating pizza.

strike_zone's picture

Posts: 403

Date Joined: 09/09/10

+ 1

Sun, 2014-08-31 14:09

 I've seen a fox running along the railway line between Perth and northbridge have also seen them in bayswater maylands and mtlawley areas so you would be surprised where they actually get 

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

 I saw one on Rae road at 3am

Sun, 2014-08-31 13:42

 I saw one on Rae road at 3am once and I had to stop the car because it wouldn't move out of the way. If it was my car it would have been smooshed. I couldn't believe it, in the middle of all the housing there's a bloody fox

shonky's picture

Posts: 203

Date Joined: 22/04/12


Sun, 2014-08-31 14:47

 Bloody things are everywhere mate and if one pisses around there you will smell it, they make a tomcat look weak.


This habit is getting expensive!

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

just me but

Sun, 2014-08-31 18:04

I would have thought a mature pelican would have more than held its own against a fox , looking at the body of the poor pelican it didn't appear chewed up and looked like it was cleanly decapitated looked more like the work of some sicko two legged animal , thinking about the black swan a few weeks ago

BoozeFishSnooze's picture

Posts: 99

Date Joined: 27/09/12

I'd say it's probably because

Fri, 2014-09-05 13:37

I'd say it's probably because it's easier to blame something on nature.  I wouldn't put it past foxes being around this area though.


Call me the wrasse whisperer.