Best mulloway rig

Hi all


Ive never been mulloway fishing before, and seeing that i have just sold my boat i wouldnt mind getting stuck into one of these beasts onshore.

Can any one tell me the best rig set up, and bait to use?  Any advice would be good, cheers.

Liquidtension's picture

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waist deep with a 8-10wt fly

Thu, 2012-04-19 12:07

waist deep with a 8-10wt fly rod.. intersinking line & a big olive/chartousse flashy profile clouser on a 2/0 - 3/0 hook! haha thats one way!


mate if im chasing mulloway from the shore I will usually haev 2 lines out.. depending on how im going with the live bait situation!


I like to run braid on my reels with a 100meter topshot of mono! run the mono straight down to a running sinker.. pref a ball or bead sinker as light as possible to hold the bottom into a swivel.. I tend to use a 60lb leader but it depends on where im fishing.. and I will run 5/0 or 6/0 hooks depending on the bait size in a snelled hook rig!

so here is a TEXT version of the rig!


-------------------------------------(  )-----------o()o------------------------------------------------------------J   J 

main line 20-30lb max    RUNNING SINKER    SWIVEL          60lb leader 1-1.5meters in length        gamagatsu 5/0 Occy hooks snelled

bad example but its the best I can do atm!


thats a ruff example you may do it differently depending where you are fishing for them! deeper water, skinnier water etc! you might pefer a single hook rig its very personal thing but thats how I would approach it!


all the best!




Cheers Steve


flangies's picture

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 Love the 'Text' bit. I can

Thu, 2012-04-19 19:48

 Love the 'Text' bit. I can imagine a mate going oi text me a rig for mulloway.

------------------------------------(  )-----------o()o------------------------------------------------------------J   J 

Posts: 209

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Cheers steveThats a pretty

Thu, 2012-04-19 12:19

Cheers steve

Thats a pretty simple rig, thought it was going to be a bit more complex,

What bait is the best?

Posts: 60

Date Joined: 17/04/12

 I use fresh scalies snook or

Thu, 2012-04-19 12:28

 I use fresh scalies snook or small whiting caught at e shed bit of a diff setup I use 80lb braid to a swivel bout a meter of leader with a small star sinker on the bottom with a single hook with a piece Of wire trace and a treble fixed about half way up the leader 

tim-o's picture

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Be carefull keepin undersize

Thu, 2012-04-19 19:02

Be carefull keepin undersize snook in the live bait tank, a fisheries bloke was handin out size limit stickers and peepin into buckets when I was there few days ago.  


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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Do they prefer live bait or

Fri, 2012-04-20 05:40

Do they prefer live bait or slabs/strips?

Posts: 60

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 Live bait or fresh dead

Fri, 2012-04-20 11:43

 Live bait or fresh dead whole ones 

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Fri, 2012-04-20 13:40

The best bait for Mulloway is either mullet or small chopper tailor.... By FAR..

snappermiles's picture

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i would have to disagree dooma

Mon, 2012-04-23 06:46

fresh squid you cant beat!



Redfin 4 Life's picture

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 Ive heard small herring can

Sun, 2012-04-22 23:13

 Ive heard small herring can be good for mulloway :)




Posts: 209

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Cheers fellas,gonna have a

Mon, 2012-04-23 13:49

Cheers fellas,

gonna have a crack this weekend.

bitten's picture

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the reality is that all those

Mon, 2012-04-23 14:28

the reality is that all those baits are the best bait depending on where your fishing

e-shed scalies are best because thats what is there

where i fish tailor is great, whole herring big or small are great mulies do the job

squid would be fine too especialy around harbours

take your pic all these are jut peoples opinions if you can match the bait to the fish that populate the area your way ahead

cartera's picture

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mullies are best !!

Thu, 2012-11-22 14:36

mullies are best !!

Mitchisdatwitch1236's picture

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fillet of mullet, seen so

Fri, 2012-11-23 07:42

fillet of mullet, seen so many hookups on them

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no wire

Fri, 2012-11-23 08:45

I would not recomend using wire trace on anything except sharks as for bait use anything fresh, fish or squid or frozen fresh,catch on average 7 mulloway 12-17kg  per year, mate gets about the same. Any rig as long as the hook trace has enough movement


He fishes, He fishes, He fishes, its the only thing in life. All he ever gets is hell from his fed up wife

catchalittle's picture

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I have used mullet fillets or

Fri, 2012-11-23 08:50

I have used mullet fillets or live scalies as for rig a live set up rig use a three way swivel sinker attached to the bottom swivel loop then a trace attached to the side loop with a size 4 livebait hook

for a slab bait a snelled hook set up with a running sinker



Mitchisdatwitch1236's picture

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+1  just what i use

Fri, 2012-11-23 12:46



just what i use

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Fri, 2012-11-23 11:49



drinkin TNT n' smokin dynamite

peter.i's picture

Posts: 18

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I actually caught my smaller

Fri, 2012-11-23 11:59

I actually caught my smaller one (in my photo) in a trumperter! Besides these 2 and a few soapies I haven't had much luck lol