Big swell coming - Cray pot advice?

Hello fellow fishwrecked mob, I'm chasing some advice, I've got a couple of craypots out at the moment near inshore reefs, I'm a little worried that the big swell coming over the next day or so will cause issues to the pots (damage them, wash them under a reef etc) what are your thoughts, bring them in or leave them out? Has anybody else had a bad experience with pots during rough weather/ swell?

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Bring them in no doubt,

Wed, 2023-04-12 15:45

 Bring them in no doubt, you'll lose them in this predicted swell. 


Love the West!

Posts: 27

Date Joined: 17/02/12

 Thanks mate, that's where my

Wed, 2023-04-12 15:56

 Thanks mate, that's where my thoughts are leaning towards, I think you may have made up my mind

Posts: 110

Date Joined: 27/07/16

I fetched mine from GI

Wed, 2023-04-12 20:47

I fetched mine from GI yesterday and normally I'd reset in deeper water but I need to do some maintenance and will take them back out Sunday.

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 03/08/19

Bring in or shelter them

Wed, 2023-04-12 16:18

 Yep, bring them in or, if you want to keep going over the next month or so, consilder temporarily relocating somewhere protected like the lee of an island until things settle down. I'm also trying to get a few autum-winter reds and those have been the two options for me.  I brought mine in last Sunday for an overdue clean when I saw the swell forcast for this Friday, but before that if the bgger swell was coming I just dropped on sand behind an island so they stayed wet, then zipped out and redeployed to fish the 2-3 day gap. Starts to become a bit of work though.

still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 Ive left mine out its right

Wed, 2023-04-12 16:41

 Ive left mine out its right near a big ledge too so I may get it stuck if I  get it out on sunday I am confident it will be loaded with crays I always catch well in big swells.


 rather be fishing