BIG swell today

5m swell today made it a bit hairy at times. Decided to give the gap at Hillarys a miss and took a more conservative route up toward Ocean Reef through the 3 mile, but even that was dicey as we had to pick our way through breakers in places I have not seen break before. A big 45 ft cabin cruiser that was hanging inside the 3 mile decided to follow me through, and it almost went tits up for him as he was about 400 m behind me and did not time the swell, with a friggen big swell breaking between me and him, and he needed to gas it sideways to the wave to miss it.....lucky!

Anyhow, the day got better quickly and by 9 am was calming off nicely, but it was not nice early!

What did others think?


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

Jason P's picture

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 Too big for my liking, but

Sat, 2014-08-23 19:38

 Too big for my liking, but I'm only a fair weather fisherman.



Rick's picture

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Sat, 2014-08-23 19:41

 We went from Freo around the north of Rotto and the swell was huge, sets of 4 or 5 huge rollers. We fished wide all day for 1 greyband and a pinkie. heaps of whales out wide too. current was too fast today


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sunshine's picture

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Breaking across the GI Carnac channel early

Sat, 2014-08-23 19:42

 Completely across, only the second time I have seen it do that, fished the Sound for three gummies, one small ans put back the other two 1.3 metres each.......yum

tim-o's picture

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Haha, there was more boys

Sat, 2014-08-23 19:54

Haha, there was more boys with surfboards than fishing rods at the ramp this morning. Wasnt too bad where we went, south of Hillarys, lucky to have a swell bigger than 2m


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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 went out of two rocks. So

Sat, 2014-08-23 20:10

 went out of two rocks. So gnarly we barely made it out of the Marina haha! Was certainly a brown pants experience getting out between breakers..... calmed off nicely behind the 3 Mile and turned out to be a nice day. Got a heap of sambos, one dhu, one pink, few other shitfish. Pulled the hooks on what I called for a big bunta dhubanger. Could barely turn his head haha. 


bludgin' since 94'

De-Crais's picture

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Two Rocks.

Mon, 2014-08-25 06:11

 Hey Leemo, were you out in ally centre console with a fully decalled hull when we were cruising back in we came across a boat with four guys on board one bloke up at the bow was hooked up pretty good.

We left Two Rocks marina just after 6am headed out through the south passage wasn't to bad going through that way and then came back north once out, we couldn't believe that boats were coming out of the marina and heading north west....not sure but we are thinking the boat that followed us out and then headed NW might have been the boat that had to be rescued.

Leemo's picture

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 Yeah mate, that was us. That

Mon, 2014-08-25 11:18

 Yeah mate, that was us. That was me hooked up solid up the front hahaha. Ended up popping the hooks on it - Could barely turn his head. Called for a big dhu but could have been anything. Was a nice day out there hey. Swell didn't even bother me and i'm usually the first to have a ralph and get KO'd for the day haha. 

Yeah we went out south and picked a nice flat spot to fang through. Few hairy moment with swell appearing out of nowhere and the dissapearing out from under us. Almost lost a whole tackle bag over the side, complete with phone, wallet, keys and everything. 


bludgin' since 94'

beau's picture

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Launched at Point Peron

Sat, 2014-08-23 20:34

Launched at Point Peron around midday, big surge in the marina lots of guys having trouble retrieving, helped out an old codger trying to do it solo, even with my brother and I on the ropes it still took a bit to get the boat on the trailer, hairy stuff. Made it to the 40s via some surf dodging on five fathom. Couple sambos and a lot of spew and I had had enough. Some ass clenching moments heading back over the ffb and entering point peron. Tide was fairly low by this point and some knee height waves breaking across the marina enterance. Low tide and strong surge made retrieving difficult, couldnt get the tub on the rollers straight, back of the car copped a couple breakers too. Saw one boat break down 30 seconds out of the marina, lucky to get a boat to tow it in before it washed up on to the rocks. Watched a 7m+ cat launch then turn around moments later, they ended up dropping off a driver and do the retrieval at woodies instead. A convoy of 3 6m+ boats rocked up, realised it was all a bit much so they parked up in the carpark and had a pissup in the back of the boats haha, good call I reckon!


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good on you

Mon, 2014-08-25 17:07

good on you for helping out the old codger , I am nearly at that stage of life , and you will be one day

beau's picture

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He deserved it, after we

Mon, 2014-08-25 18:38

He deserved it, after we helped him out he told us he had helped someone in his position when he was launching earlier in the day.


Belly Fish's picture

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Ocean Reef

Sat, 2014-08-23 20:51

Definitely a white knuckle ride out this morning. I knew the leads weren't going to be good when we were leaving the marina and heard a huge roar. A huge swell had gone over the whole marina rock wall!!

z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

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 You geezers are crazy! Hard

Sat, 2014-08-23 21:29

 You geezers are crazy! Hard core stuff for sure. I went to Mindarie after lunch and saw breakers where I haven't seen them before. Before heading to the boat I went to see the crowd on the rock wall to see what was happening just in time to see a guy bleeding a nice pink. Young son and I spent a few hours hanging on the boat and then headed for home. Was a lightbulb moment when he was cleaning and I was catching blowies.

Posts: 26

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Crazy swell

Sat, 2014-08-23 21:40

I woke early looked at seabreeze and saw the swell was still up so I sent an sms to the mates to call it off, cuddled the missus, had a sleep in and then went out for a decent breakfast and finished off the afternoon with a siesta.

Posts: 5981

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No fish is worth a life

Sat, 2014-08-23 22:35

To all those that put out to sea today, glad to read that all got home safe.

jng's picture

Posts: 488

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We made it out between the

Sat, 2014-08-23 22:57

We made it out between the islands just at sunrise a few boats turned around we decided to to make our way between the breakers. Had a couple of close calls. Won't be doing that again in a hurry. Went to the 40's for some sambos then out to the 60-80 for only 2 size dhui's. Lots of miles for a couple of fish.

Swompa's picture

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 We headed out from Woodies

Sun, 2014-08-24 09:08

 We headed out from Woodies at 0745 and headed towards Mewstone. After watching the 2m high rollers break on Success bank, we opted out of a trip to mewstone and headed to GI for a play off the ammo jetty.

On the way across Challenger Passage we had to keep a good eye on what was coming and we had one or two which we had to turn into. One, in 8m of water, crested just before it got to us, I had to power off and turn into it. Got some green water over the bow and everything in the bow got airborne. It was 4m according to the sounder. There was nothing on the bottom so I think it was a NW wave meeting a SW wave curling around Carnac.

Got a few nibbles at GI though they were trumpeters, and they destroyed my burley trail. Headed across towards pinnacle Rock and drifted for anything without luck, then continued in towards the Alcoa jetty and found a few lumps, which again resulted in nothing.

Motored down towards toe Desal plant trying to find something worth fishing on but after the dog fell in for the second time, headed back to the ramp.

Back at woodies, there were some concerning folks launching boats. One was what looked like a 30 foot centre console being backed down the ramp, with the front wheels of the towing car OFF THE GROUND! Second was a brand new tinny rolling off the trailer half way down the ramp with a loud BANG.

Unsuccessful day on the water but good to get out and play in big waves.


sea-kem's picture

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 Have been watching the swell

Sun, 2014-08-24 09:59

 Have been watching the swell up here at Seabird, I know it's a big one as theres a place called larry's lump about 2k's offshore that will only break with a 3m or more swell. Fool's errand going out in that crap. 


Love the West!

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was out today (sunday)

Sun, 2014-08-24 18:44

headed to Coventry reef this morning the swells rolling through there were scary , fished Coventry for about 90 minutes and as the swells picked up even more we thought we would head in a bit (a bloke was solo out there in a 12 ft ali with a 15 hp on the back) and try some ground between the sisters and 3rd rock ended up getting some very solid sandys and a few skippy

MandurahMatt's picture

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Sandys n Skippy

Mon, 2014-08-25 02:25

You got lights on your boat Pete? Try some of that ground just before sunrise.


 Bewdey Fellaz

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

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 Fark that! Wife n i were

Mon, 2014-08-25 08:26

 Fark that! Wife n i were fishing in the dingy just inside first rock near pengo sunday, it was breaking in spots in there, got couple herring n kg. Glad i decided not to go saturday.

Posts: 1

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Left from grey

Mon, 2014-08-25 00:16

 set out from grey.. will not be doing that again...

crasny1's picture

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Some no brain no pain guys on here

Mon, 2014-08-25 08:53

Wouldnt even contemplate that swell. I dont spew easy, but if I am going to it is always swell that does it, not chop. No way for me. Getting to old a back feeble to bother in that!

If I was that desperate for a feed a fishmonger will do. Luckily love shore based aswell, and scored a few cut hezza's.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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funny you should say that

Mon, 2014-08-25 17:25

funny you should say that about your back after we got back to the ramp my back was killing me and my offsiders knee was swollen up the size of a football , weather like yesterday (not that rough but just huge swells) will show show up any crook spots on your body we must have looked a right pair me bent over and at 45degrees and offsider limping like he had been shot when we were retrieving the boat , if I wasn't retired I would have been having a sickie today and probably the rest of the week

snuffs's picture

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John F - We headed out deep

Mon, 2014-08-25 09:50

John F - We headed out deep pre dawn (in the dark) and came back post dusk (in the dark). Swell was impressive, particularly when you can't see it! When passing through Rotto area it was breaking well off the island!

Escape's picture

Posts: 82

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No fish but found Saturday great straight out from Hillarys

Mon, 2014-08-25 09:52

 My first time straight out from Hillarys through the Channel being guided by a very experienced Skipper heading out to 80 m due West. We were fortunate to have a great trip out and the rolling swell caused no dramas.

Decided coming back home that the safest option was to come back around the Centaur South Cardinal Marker to avoid any chance of "surfing" back in.

Some one else mentioned the current being strong. We also experienced that which made holding bottom a bit difficult.

Still a great day on the water even though another trip without fish - oh well.





One day I hope to replace the boat picture I am using with one of a decent fish...One day...

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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 Out of two rocks, we had

Mon, 2014-08-25 11:14

 Out of two rocks, we had virtually no drift, pretty much maxed out at 0.4kn haha. Could hold bottom with an 60g jig in 40m, even put a fresh squid down on a drift rig with one size 5 bean sinker (around 60g) and I didn't need to let any line out hahaha. 


bludgin' since 94'

Dirt's picture

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Did you catch anything

Mon, 2014-08-25 15:27

 Leemo how did you go mate, we were out of two rocks on Saturday, found it very quiet on the jigs, dropped a big fish early and very little after that. 

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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we finally got fishing around

Mon, 2014-08-25 16:49

we finally got fishing around 10am and it was slow for the first couple of hours. Afternoon bite time picked up around 3pm and we had fun on some small sambos and the like. Hooked something very big on Fanky (called as a dhu) but popped the hooks on him someway through the battle. Was a cool little session, getting hammered on every drop. Some very finnicky fish though- only one legal dhu and one pinky caught, plus a couple of bakers. 

If there was no swell, It would have been a complete glass off. was hollywood weather out there 


bludgin' since 94'

Dirt's picture

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Mon, 2014-08-25 17:43

 What boat were you guys fishing on, we headed in to a spot of ours in the 30s and there was a boat full of guys all hoooked up on the mark, we were in a carrabean reef runner ?

De-Crais's picture

Posts: 107

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That was Leemo

Tue, 2014-08-26 06:10

Hey Deano have a look at Leemo's first post under Timo's!.....That was Leemo hooked up at the front!

DTrain's picture

Posts: 486

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I went out from Mindarie on

Mon, 2014-08-25 10:03

I went out from Mindarie on Saturday I followed the lead lines out and it wasn't that bad on the leads, but there were waves breaking in places where they don't normally break. Once outside the reef it was a nice day out. Managed to score a Dhu from direction bank.

When I got back to the marina someone had knocked into my trailer and bumped it off the tow ball and bent the lights at the back of the trailer. The bastards just left the trailer hanging on the safety chain, didn't leave a note or anything.

I also saw a BIG sambo cruising around the shallows inside the marina. I was tempted to go throw a popper at it, but I wasn't sure if you can fish inside the marina or not.

Iceman's picture

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Rescues on Saturday

Mon, 2014-08-25 12:34

 I was in the ops centre at Ocean Reef watching people go out and actually saw JohnF and the larger boat going out and was wondering what the hell they were doing going through that section o fthe reef. Very dangerous.

We had to rescue 3 person who were surfing at the Alkimos see link -

Our skipper and crew did a great job considering the conditions and where thet were in the water.

We were keeping a look out on all boats heading out as it was very dangerous wherever you went. Heard a lot of people heading the 5 FB and turning around.

It was amazing how many were going out of Ocean Reef marina and not logging on.

As mentioned it is really worth catching a few fish to endanger yourself and other that may have to come to your rescue


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


The_Wanderer's picture

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 YEah we went out from ocean

Mon, 2014-08-25 12:52

 YEah we went out from ocean reef- Slow day big swell should have stayed in Bed!! Oh Well beats working!! 

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

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 Was a bit hairy on the yak

Mon, 2014-08-25 17:31

 Was a bit hairy on the yak at Greenhead, even inside the reef. Waves breaking over featureless ground in the middle of nowhere

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

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Yeah Iceman, I won't be doing

Mon, 2014-08-25 22:12

Yeah Iceman, I won't be doing that again. Lesson learnt for me, sub 4m will be my limit and via Centaur or north lead out of Ocean Reef for anything over 3m, which is how we came home.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

crasny1's picture

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Did you get any KGs!!??

Tue, 2014-08-26 08:11


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

dumper's picture

Posts: 1027

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 Did anybody else find the

Tue, 2014-08-26 09:09

 Did anybody else find the dhuies quiet on the weekend? Everyone I spoke to at the ramp only got pinkies. Wondering if it was the swell or the notherly wind that shut things down

De-Crais's picture

Posts: 107

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Yeah dumper.

Tue, 2014-08-26 11:07

On our first drift off Two Rocks had a big hook up on what we were calling for a big Dhu, but unfortunately dropped it after a minute or so into the fight picked up a couple of very small dhuies after that which went back very well. But apart from that it was very quiet good shows on the sounder but weren't interested in the jigs or plastics, must admitt I haven't really ever had much joy on the big swells even with bait.

Last couple of trips up there with Dirt we've had our two Dhuies within two drifts last week we only did one and the wind was north easterly but only a metre swell.

JohnF's picture

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I got a fat KG and a 56 Dhu.

Tue, 2014-08-26 12:31

I got a fat KG and a 56 Dhu. Released the dhu, kept the KG.....mistake.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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LOL. Just had to check after

Tue, 2014-08-26 14:24

LOL. Just had to check after the other post. You could have passed it this way!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

jng's picture

Posts: 488

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 Fishing was very slow for

Tue, 2014-08-26 14:12

 Fishing was very slow for us, had good shows on the sounder- lots of driving between spots. Managed a heap of sambos on jigs, kept 2 dhui's 53cm and 64cm

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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Weird, our spot was packed

Tue, 2014-08-26 16:20

Weird, our spot was packed with sambos but really fussy hey. This was about 2-4pm


jng's picture

Posts: 488

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The sambos in the morning was

Tue, 2014-08-26 20:35

The sambos in the morning was hitting anything we dropped down, they shut down after a 15+ fish- they weren't massive fish, biggest was  aprox 15kg

Posts: 307

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Tue, 2014-08-26 19:20

 Looks like I missed all the action at point peron ramp , launched solo ( centre console) on dawn and headed out to the 40 's ,swell was rolling through the channel at the north marker but it was all about timing and made made for an easy comfy ride out . Fish around and kept one good sized dhu for dinner ( bout 8kg and 800mm ) with a few smaller ones always making there presence known. Came back in in similar conds . Had an easy retrieve except for gettin bogged on the ramp ( crazy amount of sand ) which needed a fair bit off rockin back and forth to dig through to the ramp !!! 

Posts: 330

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 fished off busso early in

Tue, 2014-08-26 21:46

 fished off busso early in the morning and was a washing machine turned around and headed in