blue ring occys

 read in the sunday times about a bloke geting stung by a blue ring occy , we had 1 drop out of a pot today and didnt see it until old mate steped on it and squashed it tiny little occys 

hilly9's picture

Posts: 282

Date Joined: 13/10/12

 Yep, found one cleaning my

Sun, 2018-12-09 19:19

 Yep, found one cleaning my boat at home the other day. More common than a lot of people think

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05

Sun, 2018-12-09 19:30

Got bitten by one when I was about 10 down at Augusta collecting cockles at the dead water, they reckon it didn’t inject much venom, but it hurt like you wouldn’t believe. Had to stay in hospital for a day or 2.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 heard of a couple of reports

Sun, 2018-12-09 20:25

 heard of a couple of reports of these little buggers . never seen one in real life and hope to never deal with one


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Yeah we had one today fall

Sun, 2018-12-09 20:31

 Yeah we had one today fall off a pot too ,only a  small little  thing sure seems to be alot around  lately might start wearing  shoes  from now on 


 Happy dayz 

Wes F's picture

Posts: 1067

Date Joined: 07/01/12

Found them in various items

Sun, 2018-12-09 21:31

 Old shells, empty cans and bottles from Rocko beach upto Coral bay. Awesome colours.


 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Plenty this time of year. 

Mon, 2018-12-10 08:05

 Plenty this time of year.


Posts: 999

Date Joined: 26/03/17

had one come up on one of my

Mon, 2018-12-10 18:28

had one come up on one of my pots. didnt know he was there until i noticed him crawling over the esky lid..... started wearing gloves after that! given the size of them, would be so easy to get bitten..... awesome colour.

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Guy yesterday

Mon, 2018-12-10 19:41

Area where Iam. Had one crawling over foot ,bare feet lucky.tiny this time of year (baby's ) later on in year there way more visual 2 " to 3 inch long.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13


Tue, 2018-12-11 06:47