boat ramps were chocas
Submitted by Faulkner Family on Tue, 2010-03-02 22:33
just wondering how your local boat ramp fared with so many boats out on the water. We got down to point peron around 6:15 and there was around 30 boats out there already, we got back in at 2 and the place looked like the parking lot at the royal show, cars and trailors parked wherever they could. i dont think you could have squeesed a mini into the area.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 02/01/09
hillaries was crazy busy
hillaries was crazy busy yesterday, no trailer parking at 10am.. mate had to park the trailer infront of a car in one of the trailer bays. Plenty of boats out near little island, just managed to beat the rush in around 1. The breaky hasnt done any favours for the users of the boat ramps. Seen so many idiots try to drive out the one way entrance of the ramp once they figure out there getting in the way of people launching/retrieving
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
Really gets to me the parking at hillarys, before noon its meant to be trailer parking only but it isn't enforced at all. If we dare not to buy a parking ticket were hit with a fine, why not atleast a caution or a notice for any vehicles parking before 12? Trailer boats pay for there parking spots but get second preference to non paying patrons.
We launched from mindarie for somethin different on monday haven't been up that way in ages, had a great day up there, ramp parking was only about half full too:)
Dave J.
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Who was it that said this
Who was it that said this wouldnt be an issue? Its only going to get a lot worse.
ReefMonkey :If we dare not to buy a parking ticket were hit with a fine,
You have to remember Reefmonkey, they want to encourage drinking, not boating.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
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Date Joined: 05/01/10
Boat ramps
I arrived at Ocean Reef at 7.50am on Monday, for a mess around in close expecting it to be absolute chaos, slid the boat straight in and messed around off Staggies for a few hours for not much reward, then a bit further north off Yanchep for very much the same result. Decided after very little deliberation it would be way more productive to drink beer in the pool at home, so pulled stumps and I was back at the ramp for 2.00pm and was greeted with a fairly quiet ramp again, barring the usual jetski traffic. No waiting at all but the carpark was pretty much at capacity, so I have no idea what time people generally launch but in my case I missed the traffic both ways. Maybe boaters were a little bit hesitant because of the strong offshore breezes in the days prior. I normally launch at 5.30am from Ocean Reef and fish fairly wide and I never have a issue.
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Every time i have launched
Every time i have launched the kayak at Ocean Reef theres only one or two boats about and carparks deserted, i often wonder if north of the river folks do much fishing at all up there,,i think most come south,,,
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Ocean reef is probably the
Ocean reef is probably the better option unless your heading to Rotto from Hillaries and live nearby...
It makes sense to utilise the car park space on the North side of Hillaries if its not being used. If people are going for an afternoon fish it may get more congested in the future with people coming out under the influence...
Not policing random parking of non-boaters is a bit rough though considering the hoops boaties have to jump though even when the ramp machine is vandalised. Anyone who cant pay because of vandalised machines is jumped on in a second with an amazing fine that takes enormous effort to gain reprieve. Its often policed harder than the vandals that break into the cars parked in various car parks... Where's the justice? I guess no money in vandals and thieves? A whole lot easier to get money out of the people who use the facilities with good intentions but no means of paying, especially at 5:00pm in the morning..
Maybe have a space set aside at the East end of the car park for non boaters so the parking bays are filled sporadically potentially taking up a space for car and trailer with the sparse spread usage by non-boaters?
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
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Date Joined: 12/06/08
How do I word this
Without upsetting people on this site.
I posted comments about the Hillarys commercial car park about a year ago on this very subject.The fact that Cars were being allowed to park in what was,is and should be a boat trailer parking,I have had meetings with a female from simple simons office,and the Harbor master on site and shown,& discussed,the problems caused by (a) allowing cars to pak,free of charge,before 12noon,and how they were taking up space that was/is rightly meant for the original concept of the Hillarys marina,trailer boats and their owners,(b) I told,and showed the two responsible government representatives the (1) danger of allowing pedestrian,people on push bikes,crossing what is a traffic able zone ,as any one who has used this trailer boat launching ramp will know,people walk out from the north looking at the boats/water but not looking at a boat trailer being reversed down the ramp.
I personally saw a kid running in-front of his parents almost get his legs broken or even torn off by a trailer being backed down. I told the H/Master of this and he said it was the same as a shopping center,my response and exact words Bull She- it,as shopping centers dont not charge for parking,so I have told several people that if a person is ever injured by a boat/trailer,who will be up for the suing,the person driving the trailer or the people allowing this sort of pedestrian/traffic interaction?I also asked about who would be liable for the damage to (2) the boat or out board leg if a car driven through the launching area hits them,I did phone club marine and spoke to the manager,he couldn't give a F****.The HM told me that the Joondalup shire gets either $12 or $20 million a year from the commercial area in rates,so,who do you think will get the priority?,I have managed to get the parking inspectors down there,and so far,they have collected $40,000.00 in fines.
I find many people whinge about lack of launching facilities,boat fees going up but when I asked for people to phone the Hillarys HM and simple simons office,did any of you,if you did,great,and my thanks,if you have not,stop whining you only have yourselves to blame.
Posts: 188
Date Joined: 10/11/08
I launched from Ocean Reef
I launched from Ocean Reef at about 5:30am, I was the second car in the carpark. Got back in at about 2:30 and did not have to wait at all to retrieve. Can't complain about that really. I usually try and avoid Hillary's.
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
good on ya jersey
For doing something. I totally agree with wat you are saying just like people that will donkey vote but then complain about the state of the government, really gets up me too. My major concern is just the fact as a paying customer we get second preference. Yes i have complained to the marina head office only got wat i felt was just the lip service but no i never took it further than that so i may be guilty there. I also feel tho on a public forum people are able to have an opinion on something they may just find a minor issue or observation, sure if they are passionate about their cause by all means they should do something or shut up.
Personally i think hillarys is the best laid out of the northern marinas in terms of the ramps themselves its just the traffic pedestrian and car that sucks but i think that comes with the territory and i don't know how that would be prevented, mayb just more signage?.Its not the traffic/pedestrians bother me personally tho,only the 12 noon rule not being enforced, not that i've seen anyway.Just gets annoying when on a hot day and the place is busy you cant help but feel a little pevved when all the closer spots to the ramp are taken by one car(parking for free) blocking a whole trailer bay when u have just paid 6 bucks to use the carpark. ocean reef sure has more lanes but the finger jetties are too far from the ramps and mindarie with just 4 lanes and the jetties are too short and will only really fit one boat if its 6m or over. I'm not likely to complain about the layouts tho because I am more than gratefull that we even have the ramps in the first place, i also dont think i could realisticly convince them to spend the millions it would cost to redesign the ramps and it doesnt bother me that much. i can still use the ramps happily as they are and i will continue to do so. No i havent complained through the proper avenues i'm not that bothered that i feel i should do so but that doesn't mean i/people can't have an opinion i don't think.
I think its like most things in life if you go looking for problems your likely to find them, no ramp is going to be perfect and on a public forum people should be able to comment.
The 40k in fines you mentioned? is that for cars parking before 12 noon? if so excellent work. We do need those passionate people in the community.
Dave J.
Posts: 393
Date Joined: 12/06/08
Not Passion
Its just frustration at the way some people in the community are treated so that others (Commercial) can make money,Yes The $40,000. is fines for parking before 12noon. I have been the owner of a trailer boat in WA since 1968 and in those days we had only the ramp at HMAS Leewine.On behalf of all boat trailer people I represented the situation to the WABIA and the government at the time, about the time we Australia won the Americas cup,I told them of the lack of launching ramps in the Northern Subs,Yanchep Sun City was the only one,or over the beach at Pinnaroo point,Then we got Hillarys,and it was as it is now,but the Greed of some sections seeing a money making opportunity have taken away the original concept ,a marina for trailer boats and some Pens,Why,The original owners were,(I think) Lombardis) and they operated the shops part,but that went guts up? so ,I believe the Marine & Harbors took over the marina and (I'm not sure) the commercial part.We all know and I think agree that it is a fantastic vacilaty ,But GREED and total incompetence has come into it with the building of the JETTY across from the northern area to the new commercial shops and pub.I say total incompetence as any one with any ability would have seen the parking issue,we have 247 or 267 boat trailer / car bays and only Ocean Reef and Mindarrie marinas in the Northern subs for how many registered trailer boats,it was 55,000 in the 1980s in all of WA so a large number would have been in Perth and the northern corridors.If any one has a child or partner who works on a Saturday or plays sport until late morning or goes shopping or the sea breeze is due to drop of later,they may get to the Hillarys marina at 11am or after 1200 and they pay for a ticket ,launch the boat but find the trailer bays are full of cars,people who are at the commercial part.and they park for FREE?WHY if they use the parking they should contribute to the upkeep Half what a boat fee is?.Another Frustrating thing,that amounts to gross stupidity,allowing pediatricians to enter an area were boats & trailers are being moved,I do not want to run a kid over or hit a person on a push bike who I do not see while Im trying to reverse my trailer,and I do not want to get the boat or trailer or motor damaged by a car that drives through the area and the occupants are looking at the water. Many of you will think Im petty,or over dramatic but surly, If the ones with a bit of thought put down how much a year they spend on,boat fuel,servicing,registration,Insurance,bait,and all the other costs involved in the joy of owning a boat,so way is it so hard to think that a person should be able to go boating when they want too,and not find BLOODY cars parked there so some incompetent official or politician can.. I have removed this as it might be taken the wrong way