Boat trailer over pit
Submitted by Bluedog on Mon, 2014-03-10 15:54
Hi All,
For any of you who have taken a boat trailer over the pit at a DOT Inspection Centre(not private business ones), did you take it over with the boat on the trailer? The private ones I know dont mind the boat on, I am just wondering if the DOT ones are as lenient as I want to take mine over tomorrow.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
They don't care if the boat
They don't care if the boat is on. I took my boat over on my US trailer and it passed first time ( they did go over it throughly though) and my boat was not over width.
A few smart ass jokes about my Trophy not being big enough to get to rotto and off i went! This was at Kelmscott as you can book there.
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/07/11
Cheers Vin,Yeah this is a US
Cheers Vin,
Yeah this is a US import trailer as well but it is has been registered in Victoria, so hoping as its already been modified for Aus they go a little easy. Depending on what angle you look at the tape measure it is bang on 2.5m at the wheel guards! But if they want to be jerks they could probably say its 2.51m! The boat is overwidth(2.59m)
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Personally if the boat is
Personally if the boat is over width i would take it off(even though it is mainroads that deals with over width). They are pretty strict with the inspection. Brakes, chains, wheels, loading, width, length, light, plates etc etc Have a read of the ADR and save yourself a second trip.
Posts: 31
Date Joined: 08/02/11
They don't careJust check
They don't care
Just check the height restrictions on the websites as the boat on top may go over.They have to jack the whole side up to check the bearings so there needs to be clearance.
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What ever you do
What ever you do, do not (repeat) take it to Mandurah for checking/inspection
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/07/11
Ha wont be going to
Ha wont be going to Mandurah! Im at the other end of town. I've gone over the ADR's and all should be good on that front regarding measurements, lights, brakes yada yada. It has already been registered in Australia so if was good enough in Vic hopefully it's good enough here(had to change the chains though).
Do you think they will want a tare weight ticket from a weighbridge or the weights that are on the Vic rego papers(tare and gvm) will be enough for them?
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Date Joined: 02/04/11
I got my weights and they
I got my weights and they never checked them... but its just one of those things haha pain in the ass to go back !
I seen about 10 trailers a day that are registered and wouldnt pass the pits haha. Got Breakaway brakes? Wheels rated at 120% of the ATM ?
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/07/11
Previous owners have done a
Previous owners have done a bit of a dodge and only rated it to 1999kg, so breakway and electric "not required". Boat and trailer dry will come in under 1999kg, put some juice and gear in and it may go a tad over.
Wheels and tyres cover the 120%
My old boat trailer was a prime example of one that wouldnt pass the pit!
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Ah yeh hmmm let's just stop
Ah yeh hmmm let's just stop there. Goodluck
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
id be putting break away on
id be putting break away on it - if you are over 2t and have an accident you have no insurance - period. Couple of grand now could save you a lifetime of regret
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
not to mention how much
not to mention how much better it is to drive, especially with an inertia controller like the Tekonsha.
Id be worried especially if towing with some of the rather generously rated dual cab utes
I havent seen what sort of boat it is but if it is 2.59 wide as said its likely a fair bit more than 2T on the trailer?
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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Just took mine over at
Just took mine over at warwick with boat on. Guys there were awesome. Took me 3 calls to dot to finally clarify the situation but in the end Boat has to be under 3metres high and less than 12.5 long including towing vehicle. Mine was right on 12.5 with prado and 21ft boat.
I have another post on here warning against going to downunder autos in wangara.... just dont.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Since when does the
Since when does the trailer+load have to be under 3m ?
Pretty sure the rule is 4.3m ?
And isnt the 12.5m the max length of the trailer. 19m a max combination length? Otherwise i can tow my boat with my jeep but not my 200 series hahaha
Can anyone clarify this ?
Posts: 472
Date Joined: 15/11/11
I think he may be referring
I think he may be referring to the specific size limit to have the boat on the trailer for the warwick inspection centre. (I think)
Ian S
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 20/01/14
Height 4.3 mLength (including
Height 4.3 m
Length (including load) 12.5 m
Width 2.5 m
I can't find any reference to car and trailer overall length. 19m is the overall length for a semi-trailer, this may also apply to car and trailer.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Yeh combined lenght is a
Yeh combined lenght is a main roads thing. Pretty sure its 19m
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 16/10/09
I have just been through
I have just been through this with my yank trailer and had to take the boat off as it was 2.64wide and they would not pass it with the boat on as it was over width but no probs with boat off as I also needed to get a tare weight. Mine was also previously registered in aus. Make sure breakaway works.