Boating-from South to North

After having the boat racked in freo for the past 10 years, a few weeks ago I decided to move the boat closer to home and into a floating pen in Hillary's marina. Having accumulated my life's fishing spots all out of Freo, I was a little hesitant starting from scratch further North, but also excited by the fresh start in exploring new ground out from Hillary's. Two weeks in, both Hillary's trips have produced very fruitful results. The most notable difference has been the abundance of red throat's I have stumbled upon out from Hillary's in both isolated trips ... as I have never managed to catch one out from freo before.

Anyhow, attached pic (hope it uploads) of last Saturdays quick morning Hillary's run ... using my new Madfish Soft Esky that I was keen to baptise. Must say, it's a hell of a lot lighter to carry than my equivalent plastic esky!

Cheers - J

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Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

very nicely done

Wed, 2017-05-17 14:15

 it's a nice surprise catching a red throat. I caught 1 off mindarie before, tasty little things too. what depth did you pull it out of? i think mine was in the 30's

snuffs's picture

Posts: 140

Date Joined: 06/08/12

similar depth Timmy, just a

Wed, 2017-05-17 14:38

similar depth Timmy, just a tad shallower. Yep, tasty little buggers!

Stevo81's picture

Posts: 1278

Date Joined: 16/04/12

 Nice bag Snuffs. Some

Wed, 2017-05-17 18:46

 Nice bag Snuffs. Some quality fillets there and I agree redthroats or Sweetlip as ive always called em are top eating 


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Hopefully onto a few of the

Wed, 2017-05-17 19:04

 Hopefully onto a few of the larger models soon mate ;) 


Love the West!