Chicken oil
Submitted by catchalittle on Mon, 2013-02-18 22:51
Was speaking with the brother inlaw who is a mad snapper fisherman in Victoria and uses chicken oil he gets from the chicken shops question is has anyone on here tryed that to attract fish would say it would be cheaper that buying tuna oil,the brother said that it really gets the fish on the bite
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Date Joined: 03/03/11
Yeah i use it
Yeah i use it when i can get it . I find it is usualy quite fatty and have to heat it up before adding to a burley mix. Not sure if its better than other oil's but is a goes a long way and works well. Definately cheap ( or free ) source of oil and worth using .
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
Used to go around shops as a
Used to go around shops as a kid and get the chicken oil to use for burley, was great for herring and stuff. These days its hard to get though and not really worth the time imo id rather just spend the money on tuna oil.
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Date Joined: 28/08/07
I still get it and use it to
I still get it and use it to make oil rags that i put on a rope and dangle in the water when Landbased fishing beach and rocks. Gets an oil slick going that would put the Exon Valdez to shame! Hahahaha. Seems to work getting Sambos and Sharks in off the rocks.
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cheers picked up a 40 litre
cheers picked up a 40 litre drum this morning
Posts: 171
Date Joined: 29/05/08
Where do you get it from guys
Where do you get it from guys iam i have been trying to get a hold of some for years!!!
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Doesnt exactly have to be
Doesnt exactly have to be chicken oil. Even normal cooking oil that has had chicken/fish/chips cooked in it will be fine. So really any restaurant or fast food joint will have a drum of waste oil out the back that they usually have to pay someone to get rid of. Me personnally i get my drums from two local fish and chip stores as i give them lemons in exchange.
My mates dad has also been doing waste oil collecting for the past decade but he uses it to make biodiesel for his hilux. 13+ years later and his Hilux is still cranking on it!
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love being a chef
I save oil from marinated chicken, prawns and salmon at work. Also the chunks from the friers. It's free n works for me.
beached as bro!
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Date Joined: 24/05/11
Rooster treat or red chicken,
Rooster treat or red chicken, oil drips off chickens in rotiseree and collects in buckets, just askem to save you a bucket full (with a lid-old mayo bucket)
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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We keep all
our own deep fryer oil when we clean the electric deep fryer out, save the old oil in a 2ltre juice bottle till we need it either for the boat or beach fishing.
Used to go to the fish & chip shop get all the old splatters from the batter when they dropped the battered fish into the hot oil, keep that for burley as its full of oil, damn good in a old sock with a small sinker in it, tie it to another bigger sinker and throw it into the water off the beach for a good oil slick, works a treat.
Ginger Tablets Rock
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Date Joined: 13/09/05
I've used it too. Get some
I've used it too. Get some chook pellets and pour some of this chicken fat over them and leave it for a cuppla days. Then take it out in the boat and toss it over the side a bit at a time as you normally would berleying up. It will sink to the bottom and the pinkies love it, so do the skippy and small stuff also. But once smaller fish hang around it, the bigger fish generally follow.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
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when i was keen
i used to funnel any oil left from cooking at it steak,bacon chicken.any oil in the pan used to go in the bottle.used to work a treat in the burley or the oil rag.
pale ale
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Date Joined: 02/01/10
Great for herring!
Great for herring!
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
even better than that
take out cold chickens for tea and throw the bones and stuffing over the side! the snapper go nuts on it!