Cray dive and swimmer
Submitted by Kakkerlak on Wed, 2018-11-21 09:07
A mate of mine has a cray license and wants to go for a free dive on the weekend for crays. I don't have a license and was wondering if I went swimming/ snorkeling with him and fisheries pulled up there will be a issue? Note I will not be diving for crays.
Posts: 248
Date Joined: 03/08/15
One would think that if you
One would think that if you don’t have any crayfish on you nor do you have any crayfishing gear on you that you’re not crayfishing. You’re just talking a swim. But that’s just me and the way I look at it.
luke george
Posts: 554
Date Joined: 13/04/07
No you'll be fine
No you'll be fine
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
The thin legal lines.
In your case I say you be ok , but this sort of issue came up a few years back with abolone ( spelling , who cares , there not worth it) when all the kids
and grandma on the beach were leaving with combined bag limits cause they all bought licences .
Fisheries now say only people activily fishing may take a bag limit with the approp lic.
Whats activily fishing? dunno , and neither do they prob until it goes to court.
If my daughters in the boat catchs 10 squid , then feels sick and I drop her on carnac or garden for a walk or swim , and i continue squidn , get my 15 ,
and then a officers pulls me up , bingo 25 squid , 1 guy in boat , etc etc , its a bloody mine field , but swim on man swin on , just dont touch a cray.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
I once had 2 dhus on board
I once had 2 dhus on board with just me after I left my brother at The Boat in Mindarie to retrieve and wash up and it dawned on me that I was now in possession of two dhus. I asked a Fisheries Officer next time what I should do in that scenario and he suggested that taking a picture which automatically time stamps the catching of a fish etc would be sufficient to prove that the two dhus were caught under two licences.
Caution: That's the way that he would see the event however other officers may see it differently.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
So long as you don’t have more than the Crays allowed on one licence you are ok as far as I know.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
No problem.
No problem.
It is not illegal to go for a swim during cray season, which is year round now of course
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 563
Date Joined: 27/08/09
Ask yourself.Are you activly
Ask yourself.
Are you activly fishing for them? Snorkeling on the surface would be a no.
If fisheries observe you snorkleing, and your mate doing the diving, then you only have one person fishing for crays.
If they have reasonable susspision that only one person was doing the fishing, and your mate exceeds his limit, they will issue a fine and let you explain it in court.
But its up to you.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
If asked by fisheries
If you get asked by fisheries what are you doing my answer would be you are acting as a lookout for your mate who's doing the cray catching
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 18/11/17
If i have a licence and take
If i have a licence and take a mate out (that doesn't) on my boat. I cant get my mate to put the rope on the winch while I'm skippering? That's being actively involved isn't it?
Under a rec fish boat licence someone without a licence can fish under the bag limit of who's on board.
Possession limits talk about having Cray's in your possession... What defines posession? If my (unlicenced) mate picks up my Esky with my 8 crays, is he/she in possession?
If you ask me the rules are overly complicated and contradictory. So long as there are no more than 8 between you I can't see how you are breaking any rules... Even if you're holding his catch bag!
Stop playin' with yourself, Hooper. Slow ahead, if you please.
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 18/11/17
If i have a licence and take
If i have a licence and take a mate out (that doesn't) on my boat. I cant get my mate to put the rope on the winch while I'm skippering? That's being actively involved isn't it?
Under a rec fish boat licence someone without a licence can fish under the bag limit of who's on board.
Possession limits talk about having Cray's in your possession... What defines posession? If my (unlicenced) mate picks up my Esky with my 8 crays, is he/she in possession?
If you ask me the rules are overly complicated and contradictory. So long as there are no more than 8 between you I can't see how you are breaking any rules... Even if you're holding his catch bag!
Stop playin' with yourself, Hooper. Slow ahead, if you please.
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 18/11/17
Reading the rules, I also
Reading the rules, I also rekon I could mount a case to say you could duck dive down and grab a Cray yourself.. under his licence of course. You have to make the call there, but I'm happy for ppl to challenge me on the phylosophy
Stop playin' with yourself, Hooper. Slow ahead, if you please.
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 26/03/15
Cheers for all the replys.
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
If you got booked for
If you got booked for swimming next to you’re mate, It would be a sad day for Australia.. nothing surprises me these days though