Cruise Craft 685 and Transducer Location
Submitted by bsir on Sun, 2018-06-17 11:40
ive curretly got an M260 transducer mounted in my boat (photo below).
This works pretty good, but i am considerign a switch from Furuno to Garmin based on some reviews i have read here.
I am considering installing a pair of thru hull transducers (B175H and B175L).
Does anyone with a CC have a pair of these fitted, or similar SS264(?) transducers?
Im really interested to know where they are installed if you could post or PM a coupld of pics or some advice it would be appreciated.
One additional screen shot of thsi workign at 30odd knots. I did promoise someone i would post a pic some time back.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Not sure about the
Not sure about the transducer but get a new fuel filter housing, about $20 or so off Ebay!
That alloy has a tendency to crumble as it deteriorates
I moved mine right to the back under the outboard well, out of the way and easier to see, drain and change the bowls (twins on mine)
Will chuck up a pic when I find one.
Is yours twin? Seems to be all outlets being used on there
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Its a single 250.
That second line is actually teh main fuel line from the filter which goes to the bulb, and when i tookthat picture just happended to be sitting up on the filter.
I just cjecked out the location you mention.I would need to extend the fuel line but about 500mm but all easy enough....and you are correct, the fuel filter housing has had better days.
Posts: 533
Date Joined: 15/10/16
Yep, I mounted my fuel
Yep, I mounted my fuel filter/seperator to the front of the outboard well too up behind the seat. Heaps easier to check the water bowl and service.
From what I have read, the location you have the M260 is the best performance location for a puck style transducer you are thinking of. I have heard they don't work as well on the starboard side of the CC hulls. I don't know about installing 2 though. You could possibly install the two together inline on the Port side and make up a flushing filler between the two to eliminate the turbulance that you will get on the rear one from the 3mm protrusion.
Seems like a lot of work to go from dual channel 1Kw conventional to two chirp units. If it was me I would be looking at a B265 with a fairing and making the trailer work around it. Better performance and easier install with smaller hole to cut in your hull..
JohnF is your man on this. He has B265 and Garmin and is very happy with it. Stevo81 one as well
Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)
Posts: 574
Date Joined: 24/04/11
The B265 is defintely an option (and cheaper).
I am a little put off because i havent worked out a way to modify the final roller frame to make way for a fairing blockthat hangs down about 90mm. Also not sure if that drag will have any performance effect on the boat. No firm decision which way to go yet, or if to change at all.
I did read your reviews on the Axiom. It was probably those reviews, plus a few others, that have swayed me to the Garmin.
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Date Joined: 15/10/16
The trailer can be tricky
The trailer can be tricky but anything is possible, the rollers can be cut down and made more narrow if needed or a new wobble bracket that has more clearance. I managed to make mine work with the three transducers but it is very fine tollerences now and I added side rollers to make sure it centres every time.
I don't know about hull performance but my feeling is that it would be negligable on a hull that big... JohnF says its hardly noticable on his 23 BW but I think that's an even heavier hull that the CC.
Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)
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ive seen some pics of a cc with bunks rather than rollers.
im trying to get some info on how well that works....but it starts to become an expensive install.
its the problem (and joy) of boating. Too many options.
Posts: 533
Date Joined: 15/10/16
I'll follow with intrest. My
I'll follow with intrest. My brother is about to purchase a CC685 and has his own ramp on a canal. We are thinking about installing fixed bunks onto his ramp that he can use to winch the boat up out of the water. I can't see why you couldn't use bunks just inside the reverse chines.
Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)
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dont do B175's.....I had
dont do B175's.....I had SS264's and was not happy, they did not hold bottom well at speed as turbulence down the hull goes over the face of the tranny as they are flush mounted, plus the CHIRP 175's are more sensitive to turbulence than te tradtional M260 you have.
Nothing wrong with the M260, they are a good tranny.
I would either stay with your M260 or go a full fairing with a B260 (same elements as the M260) or B265 (Chirp) or B275 (HW CHIRP). The B265 with fairing is great.....cut up your .
You can just chop the end off the Furuno M260 and it wil work fine with a Garmin using an 8 wire adaptor box, or make up a furuno 8 pin pigtail tha can then go tothe Garmin 8 wire adaptor box. I have doen both on my boat (I have LOTS of tranducers, and converted my old Furuon with a pig tail to go into my Garmin!!!)
Drop me a pm if you want more info.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
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Cruisecraft 685
I am running 2 x transducers (200b-8b and a 38bl-9hr) wet faced on my CC 685, running through a 295.
Have installed them in my bilge area,where your bilge pump sits at the moment
Works great at 30 knots
Shoot me a pm with your mobile number, and I will shoot you through some pics
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
I have 2 x SS264 fitted to a
I have 2 x SS264 fitted to a 685 CC - I get a clear pic at WOT and can mark fish at 25knots in 100m plus water. If you want to see the install I am sure I can send you some pics. Shoot me a PM.