
ok, my cryovac machine is just not cutting it anymore (was a cheaply off eBay). So what's a good machine at a reasonable price, say up to $300. Any info much appreciated.




This habit is getting expensive!

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Date Joined: 27/12/09

Have been good reports on

Tue, 2015-02-03 18:33

Have been good reports on here about the evapakmatic ( i think its called that ) italian jobby that oceanside sell, also get 10% discount as they're a site sponsor. Don't have one myself but will in a couple of weeks, sick of freezer burnt food lol! 

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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 Yeh Evapac from oceanside or

Tue, 2015-02-03 18:39

 Yeh Evapac from oceanside or Dave from extreme coolers!

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

Date Joined: 25/05/11

 Makron brand on ebay 50 to

Tue, 2015-02-03 19:04

 Makron brand on ebay 50 to 60 bucks go well and if they do crap themselves you dont cry found them to be pretty good and have outlasted far more expensive machines .


Far Quirk!

Posts: 6265

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 cant find them

Tue, 2015-02-03 19:23

 cant find them

jighead's picture

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Tue, 2015-02-03 19:18

 Has done the job well for us.

Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

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 I believe the Dometic Unit

Tue, 2015-02-03 19:28

 I believe the Dometic Unit works very well


Belly88's picture

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Tue, 2015-02-03 21:01

 The best sunbeam cryovac machine is under 300.. That's what I have never fails..

Marineboy's picture

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Cryovac machine

Tue, 2015-02-03 21:19

 mormac packaging in balcatta sell them can't remember the brand, they have them priced anywhere fron about $150 right up to as much as you want to spend.. I bought one from there and it is fantastic. 

Be careful of sunbeam and some of the cheaper ebay machines as they don't have the duty cycle of the better machines and after a couple of vac and seals in a row you have to let them cool before they will work again. 

Mormac also have a full range of quality bags and rolls..


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

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 Evapac are good, BUT, you

Tue, 2015-02-03 22:11

 Evapac are good, BUT, you have to use their specific bags or (from my own experience) they won't work. 

But they are a solid unit and Dave is great and easy to deal with!

Posts: 91

Date Joined: 10/09/13

 What was the cheaply off

Tue, 2015-02-03 22:12

 What was the cheaply off ebay thats not doing the job anymore? Just bought a luvelo off ebay :-/

Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Wed, 2015-02-04 00:14

Thanks rocklobster and Vinesh for recomending a site sponsor 


As they stated, we do stock the evapack-matic Italian cryovac machine which is the best machine by far.


We have sold many of these cryovac units to FW members and all are very happy with their purchase. Oceanside owner Ryan Thipthorp was using a Sunbream for a while but when it came to sealing fish with moisture it didnt finish the job where as this unit will!

The evapack-matic machine will seal with moisture and yes you can use other bags for sealing.


PM us if you have anymore questions.


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

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 Mine wouldnt seal with

Wed, 2015-02-04 12:37

 Mine wouldnt seal with different brand of bags!

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

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 I have one and regularly use

Wed, 2015-02-04 19:32

 I have one and regularly use the standard bags from master butchers, have put 100s of bags through it.  Great machine purchased from Oceanside. 



Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

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 Sounds like I might have a

Fri, 2015-02-06 06:00

 Sounds like I might have a one off dud then. 

Belly88's picture

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Wed, 2015-02-04 06:14

 Those bagging out sunbeam must be useing there bottom end model or have never actually used one.. They are amazingly good.. Sealing wise I have used it flat out for over an hour it doesn't have to cool down before sealing again.. I haven't used many other brands admittedly but i have never once had an issue.. As for finishing the job.... :-S sounds suss to me just gotta no how to use it I guess.. My new sunbeam one has settings for everything including wet food so you wouldn't have an issue.. But anyways as long as it vacs and seals that's all you want and I have heard good things about the ones oceanside sell.


Posts: 6265

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 Little confused by sunbeams

Wed, 2015-02-04 07:20

 Little confused by sunbeams model numbers. What's the difference between say the 450 and the 700. Can't remember exact numbers but you get the idea. What model is yours? 

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

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+1 for the Sunbeam, have been

Wed, 2015-02-04 06:48

+1 for the Sunbeam, have been using it for years, including using cheapy pre-sealed e-Bay bags. Only issues have been that you would get with anything--not cleaning the seal rubber and letting crap build up, and it will go out on overtemp if you want to do a heap at once. So you just seal as you go, do half dozen at a time, no issues.

Bodie's picture

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Evapac, best machine I've

Wed, 2015-02-04 10:07

Evapac, best machine I've used.

1 big plus for it, is It does not overheat

Also seals really well too.

Belly88's picture

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Wed, 2015-02-04 11:06

 I have the VS7800 it has a 4.8 out of 5 star review on so can't be half bad. As someone mentioned before clean it down after use but I thought that was just common sence I always clean all my belongings..

rigpig's picture

Posts: 508

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Sunbeam VS7800 FoodSaver

Wed, 2015-02-04 12:15

+1 as per Belly88,

I have a Sunbeam VS7800 FoodSaver and it is excellent. I use the soft setting for sausages etc so as not to flatten them completely. I use mine all the time and love it. I went over to MBL Food Services (Master Butchers) in Canningvale and got a whole stack of bags cheaper than most places. I vacuum seal the shit out of everything that's not tied down..

rigpig's picture

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Sunbeam VS7800 FoodSaver

Wed, 2015-02-04 12:15

+1 as per Belly88,

I have a Sunbeam VS7800 FoodSaver and it is excellent. I use the soft setting for sausages etc so as not to flatten them completely. I use mine all the time and love it. I went over to MBL Food Services (Master Butchers) in Canningvale and got a whole stack of bags cheaper than most places. I vacuum seal the shit out of everything that's not tied down..

The Saint's picture

Posts: 475

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I've had a Sunbeam for 

Wed, 2015-02-04 12:22

I've had a Sunbeam for  couple of years and recently got my hands on an Evapack-matic (Christmas gift).

No comparision, the Evapack wins hands down. And mine is not fussy about brand of bags, works well on any vacc bag.

From memory Ryan sells the Evapack-matic for $249, less $20 for FW members.

Highly recommended !

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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Where are you fellas buying

Thu, 2015-02-05 18:13

Where are you fellas buying your bags from...

Any online places?

I've just ordered a Sunbeam they look the goods although my old foodsaver shit itself it didn't get a lot of love back in the day.


Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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I have two, Sunbeam & Evapac.

Thu, 2015-02-05 19:55

I have two, Sunbeam & Evapac. The evapac shits all over the sunbeam, better vacc & seal whilst the sunbeam does the job the fillets won't go the distance

jarrid's picture

Posts: 363

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 Also keen on where to find

Thu, 2015-02-05 20:27

 Also keen on where to find bags??? No stock at Oceanside, ,ight give master butchers a go as per previous post

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

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 MBL are about $37 per 100

Fri, 2015-02-06 06:22

 MBL are about $37 per 100 bags of memory, I don't really pay tension as my wife goes past ther with work  and has been picking them up for the past few years



rigpig's picture

Posts: 508

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Vacuum bags

Fri, 2015-02-06 09:56

 I got my last lot from MBL in Canningvale but a mate said that he gets his cheaper from Pac Food PTY LTD  phone 1800 823 200 ask for Micro channel bags or go online,


Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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 Call Dave from extreme. I

Fri, 2015-02-06 20:49

 Call Dave from extreme. I get mine from him. Great service!

Belly88's picture

Posts: 380

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Eva pack

Fri, 2015-02-06 05:23

 Ok fellas so I'm obviously a fan of the sunbeam, keeping in mind I would never buy the base model. But I'm open to switching can the guys who rate the Eva PAC explain to me how it shits on the sunbeam.. I'm really interested to know as I'm not sure how it could get any better.. The VS 7800 is so quiet, vacs almost anything with it's various settings, runs for as long as you want not needing cool down time and runs on any bags.. I've eaten fish 2 years old and it's as good as the day I sealed it.. Oh and it looks smick which the misses likes.

All this being said if the Eva PAC is heaps better I'm getting one because I really don't understand how it could be improved.

Cheers Belly

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

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 I had a sunbeam before and

Fri, 2015-02-06 06:27

 I had a sunbeam before and it took longer to vac and had to push down hard to get it to suck. I have 2 mates who have the same thing when I have used theres.  When the sunbeam died after a couple of years I replaced with the evo pack about a year ago and haven't missed a beat since, fast don't have to put much pressure on and after a couple of seconds leave it alone and it finishes it self of.



timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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Its easy to categorise

Fri, 2015-02-06 08:28

Its easy to categorise "sunbeam" as in any of their models but unless your talking about the same one Belly is then whats the point.

Are you talking about the same one Pitty?

Sunbeam VS7800 FoodSaver???

I have had a couple of the old food savers from back in the day but I expect ten years on to hear the reports like that of Belly88...

Its annoying people just trapping off to get on here if its really of no substance...

You could have the Ford vs Holden argument and talk about how bad your Torana is but that aint helping is it...

Correct me if I'm wrong, if you are indeed talking about the model that Belly and others are very happy with then we need to hear about it....

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

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 I couldn't tell you which

Fri, 2015-02-06 18:43

 I couldn't tell you which model I had, so fair call on comparisons, I can only give you my experience on using the evo.



Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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Fair call, from memory mine

Fri, 2015-02-06 19:28

Fair call, from memory mine was the same rrp as the evapack & that's why I was so bemused. The equivalent of the 6600 having a look online now.

No vested interest for me, just my experiences mate

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

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My Sunbeam is quite old

Fri, 2015-02-06 16:17

It is a VAC660, they are probably superseded by now. The bags I have been using for the last two years come from Ebay, Australian supplier,  They were $45 for 200, or there were smaller ones 300 for $53, which were really good for portions to serve two people at a time.

Hope this helps

Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

Date Joined: 26/09/12

I have a Sunbeam Food Saver

Fri, 2015-02-06 19:22

I have a Sunbeam Food Saver VAC780.
The unit I have is 18 months old.
Not sure of the one Belly88 has.
If I use a roll of bags and cut them off, lets say 15 bags and try to seal one end at a time but consecutively it will cut out.
It takes maybe a couple of minutes to cool down.
Now I tend to buy the pre made individual bags from MBL and seal each bag after I have loaded it. This way I have never had an issue.
Every now and then if a bit of moisture does get pulled through the sealing area during sealing it won't take.
The unit is cleaned down spotlessly after every use.

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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I might have to get the evac

Fri, 2015-02-06 22:07

I might have to get the evac as well and give em a vac off....

Winner stays, looser becomes chrissi prez...

Posts: 153

Date Joined: 10/01/11

so to dig up an old thread

Thu, 2015-05-07 19:38

 how long do you meat fish etc will last under refrigeration once cryovaced?