cubing at the trench?

Has anyone been out and given this a go???

Didn't get to give it a go last summer , but seriously thinking about taking a few blocks out there and spending a few hrs drifting.

Maybe pick up some live baits and  balloon them.

Any idea's on rigs as in poundage and hook sizes??


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

reece's picture

Posts: 522

Date Joined: 10/07/08

 Guessing you have been

Tue, 2013-01-15 18:39

 Guessing you have been watching wicked tuna on discovery channel to? I'd been thinking about it but the current would be the biggest problem! Pick your day an it couldn't hurt!


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

lurcha's picture

Posts: 455

Date Joined: 29/12/09

 It works over east so can't

Tue, 2013-01-15 19:02

 It works over east so can't see why it wouldn't here! The blues have already run but yellowfin, wahoo, dollies should all be about and maybe bigger fish!

fishcrazy's picture

Posts: 1235

Date Joined: 27/01/07


Tue, 2013-01-15 19:47

Yea grayzee cubing is good works well for dollies and tuna lotta fun at fads

Posts: 126

Date Joined: 09/01/13

 I was literally just this

Tue, 2013-01-15 19:47

 I was literally just this arvo reading an online article about how no one cubes over here, even though it is successful over east.  Can't rememver where I read it but the suggestion was that you're best just to troll.

Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

I think it would deffently

Tue, 2013-01-15 20:39

I think it would deffently work but u need to have a whole day set a strong consistant trail somethings got to come along just need the right weather had a big front chase us in last year just as we started hookin in to blue fin scary shit by the time we got into a bay at rotto and changed out daks it was back to glass gotta have respect for that ocean it can change so quick out there hey


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

fishcrazy's picture

Posts: 1235

Date Joined: 27/01/07


Tue, 2013-01-15 20:43

Cubing for dollies on bream gear is heaps of fun

crano's picture

Posts: 712

Date Joined: 04/11/09

Sounds like a good idea as

Wed, 2013-01-16 17:29

Sounds like a good idea as long as the mutton birds leave you alone.