Deck hand problem

   Hi all it has been on my mind for a whill and would put it to the fishing people of the web, had a crew that come on my boat and not pay fuel or bait which anoyd me bit {ok alought },i my self didnt catch to many that day and he wanted all the fish he had caught ,i gave them under drues ,should i have split them up between  us all or have done what i did ..........

PS; the new rules i have on my boat are fuel and bait are split between who is on the boat and what is caught getts split up even ly  or if there is a fish u want we work it that way ,even if you dont catch a fish ....  are they the same rules everone uses or are the different for all boats


Scotte's picture

Posts: 1147

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fairs, fair i reckon, split

Sat, 2007-08-04 09:15

fairs, fair i reckon, split fuel, bait, catch, ect.  unless both parties fish together on each others boat.
what goes around comes around in the end.

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Split Fuel & Bait

Sat, 2007-08-04 09:45

I agree Jeff, I had for a very long time just accepted offers for fuel or bait but never asked for it until I realised I was paying a very high price to have a deckie on board. I believe with the current cost of boating (rego, insurance repairs etc) a split for fuel and bait is a gimme but when it comes to the catch, that is up to you as skipper but if you are going to split the catch that must be agreed before launching in my book.

Often if I have plenty of fish at home for the family I will either give my entire catch away to the crew if they haven't caught anything or if I catch a few big fish I will top up their fish with a few fillets from mine. I do not however have a rule of 50/50 split as I wouldn't want to take half a guys big fish if its his/her catch of a lifetime.

Opens up an interesting debate about sharing the catch in the context of bag limits though. I have always believed that once it is filleted its basically a food product and there is no law against giving someone food.

Hypothetical...... If you caught a 15kg and a 18kg dhufish and your deckie caught a 3kg and 4kg dhufish (both within your bag limits) and you split the catch does that put your deckie over the bag limit? I don;t think so but its thought provoking.

As for your deckies that skimped on the bill my bet is they won;t get a return invite.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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individual assesment!

Sat, 2007-08-04 09:47

I think every boat/owner/crew is different ie their assesment of what is right for them!

For me, people kick in money to help out but no caculated divide by equals stuff with me. Money from crew helps and you keep your fish as many of my crew are happy with their catch and they want to show their family/friends etc. If someone bleeds (doesn't happen very often) they'll take home a feed regardless.

*Oceanside-Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax,Shimano,Penn,Furuno*

Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682 ** OPEN 7 DAYS *

deefa's picture

Posts: 642

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But Ryan, you're an

Sat, 2007-08-04 09:56

But Ryan, you're an incredibly RICH small business owner, and can afford to support everyone else........   (j/k mate- i like fishing with you, you normally leave it up to me to organise food and drinkies, which generally means i'm eatin & drinkin what i like....., a good system  )

Back on topic- if i read the OP correctly(ie, doesn't chip in coin whatsoever, then expects more than their fair share of the days spoils), then that is just down right rude. Ive fished a lot, with a lot of different skippers on board their own vessels, and to not offer to help pay for the day just doesn't sit right with me. Manys the time that i've tried to dip into my pockets(my pockets BTW, are notoriously veeeery deep) at the end of the day, only to be told 'she's right mate, but thanx for offering'..... Generally, when thats happened, its one of those situations where i've done the bait, food & bevvies thing, so things pretty much even out anyhoo, but i always make sure to be the first one on the scrubbing brush to clean the rig down, its only fair. The sharing/deviding catch thing is really up to the individual, i've fished plenty with skippers that do, conversely i've fished with plenty of skippers that don't, to each their own. I can understand both sides.

I still can't fathom people that expect that cos its your boat, and i am a guest, then the day comes out of your pocket..... with no contribution from me. I can understand ya frustration/pissed off DW/Jeff. I'm sure it goes without saying that that person/party will never get an invite from ya again, and rightly bloody so too IMO

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 10/01/07

If someone asked to come

Sat, 2007-08-04 11:26

If someone asked to come on my next outing it should be a gimme that they chip in for fuel and contribute to the bait. Not to would be I believe down right rude.
However I have offered to take people out (that would not of asked) that have not expierenced boat fishing before and provided the bait and fuel which I'm happy to do. My enjoyment is getting a kick out of them catching even thier first herring.

Splitting the catch personally I could not take any fish off someone else. I did not catch it so it was not ment to be. But having said that once again with first timers happy to give them some if they miss out and I get Lucky.

Now what does #$@ off is getting back to the ramp and seeing your decking jump in thier car and %$# OFF leaving you to do all the boat wash down and clean up yourself. This should be a flogging offence and guarantees a get nicked next time.

NOHA's picture

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My attitude depends on who I

Sat, 2007-08-04 12:09

My attitude depends on who I am taking out. If its one of my more regular fishing mates then everything is split even, including the fish all filleted and processed
I do however take different people out at times who dont get to fish offshore often and I will generally tell them up front to bring a small token for fuel/bait money. The amount dosn't come close to being half but for me it means a more pleasent day on the water as I have someone to talk to and I may not of even gone out if I was alone.
I will try my best to put that person on to a fish and have often loaded up on a good fish and handed the rod over so they can get that first big fish experience. The next 15kg+ dhuie I give away will not be my last.
The bugger comes when its time to divi up the catch. I always ensure my deckies do well and give them most of the fish. It is very hard when the only fish you have is a good dhuie and I wouldn't mind a fillet off it but they caught it and want to take it home to show the family. I just get a couple of happy snaps and let them keep it. If it was my fish I will give them half the fillets. If those people become more regular deckies their cost share will increase and they only get that first big fish for free now they can catch their own.
An organised trip away however is a different story. You can estimate costs before hand and explain that all participants will need at least whatever amount to cover their share of costs. It is still a case of setting a price before rather than hoping they offer later.
No Orange Hats Allowed


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

Andy Mac's picture

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Deckie do's and don'ts

Sat, 2007-08-04 13:16

Very topical given that this is the title of my article in Sept edition of the FWA mag. Had the proofs back a few weeks ago and it should be a good read as long as you understand it is very much tongue in cheek and meant to be humerous.

The cost issue is a biggie and it should never be underestimated what a boat costs to own and maintain. Someone once did a calculation on here a year or so ago and it scared me half to death.
I'm with you Noha, I never charge extended family (Dad, Father-in-law etc) and often give up a fair amount of my catch or at least offer it up if the deckie is new or inexperienced. Onboard I will always provide spare rigs, sinkers, terminal tackle and a copy of the supersnell for those interested in using it, plus I always provide a few beers for the crew when we get back to say thanks for washing the boat. I rely on crew to get me out there so I am happy to share whatever I can, but with a tight budget I need to know the deckie isn't going to scarper without at least offering to pay their share of fuel and bait.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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    A very good topic i

Sat, 2007-08-04 13:56

    A very good topic i think,we still work that if you catch the only fish on the boat and its your first and biggest fish that you have got, you are fully welcome to take your fish that is for sure ,im not that harsh but for my regular crew that is what we agree on , catching fish and afew of them has never been a problem,no matter where we go,it is only when i had a problem with 1 of them ,im like all of you here, i have caught big fish before and i get a buzz seeing everone else catching big fish ,no mater what they are ,big dhufish,snapper,red emperor,nanagai,sharks and so on .  as a commercial wet liner afue years ago i have caght them all big so i love watching my family and friends catching fish???

   thank you all for the repleys 


rickets's picture

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Etiquette: If you are on

Sat, 2007-08-04 16:12


If you are on someone elses boat: UNLESS the skipper says nay, you ALWAYS chip in for fuel, bait and always help clean the boat down at the end and do whatever else you can to assist the skipz in maintenence. Afterall, if something goes wrong, all the responsibility is on the skipper, if the engine blows up while you're out there, the poor skipper has to foot the cost unless otherwise agreed.....

So if you're a deckie, again, you're subject to the skipper. Your reward is the fish you catch.


What you catch is yours, what they catch is thiers. If someone wants to share thier fish, then thats a merciful and sharing thing to do... a privilege, not a right.

poddyfish's picture

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Fantastic topic

Sat, 2007-08-04 16:21

this is great topic and everyone that owns a boat has surely been in that situation.. i absolutely hate it! fair is fair and costs should be split... hell we boat owners have to pay rego and all that stuff like repairs for our prides and joys so its not cheap... the few ppl that have done that to me before simply aint had a return invite... pretty easy to understand i think haha


Fear The Spear............! 

sherbert's picture

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Bring the bait that the skipper wants,

Sat, 2007-08-04 16:45

 And pay up befor you get on the boat, If thats what it takes to keep the skipper happy.
Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

jimbo1's picture

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Not cut and dry!

Sat, 2007-08-04 17:02

Good topic and here's my two cents.

Chipping in is not a cut and dry subject!
 I am always happy to chip in for fuel when I fish with other people as well as taking bait I have no drama's there. In some instances I am not always able to chip in huge amount of dollars but make up for it with drinks at a later date. I would never hesitate to chip in when fishing with mates as more often than not I go to places with them I dont venture to in my own boat.

Saying that when i take family and freinds out I dont expect them to chip in as I am usually getting out anyhow and enjoy the company, if they do its a bonus.

As for sharing I dont mind sharing my catch, unless as specified there is a particular reason I would like a whole fish if I was to bake it for instance. I have the attitude that at the end of the day it is a team effort and when you go out you are all going out to take home a feed, especially if your all mates. If you dont really know the person your fishing with and have no plans on taking them fishing again well stuff em I suppose, nasty but cold hard trueth!



fishcrazy's picture

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Sat, 2007-08-04 18:31

when ever i go out with others i always rock up with a variety of bait suitable for what or where we are goin and its only fair to pay for fuel or at least offer to .its up to the skipper as to whether he wants paying or how much and an offer to help clean the boat is just common courtesy

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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     hi all thank for

Sat, 2007-08-04 22:23

     hi all thank for the replys ,as you all  know all ready the decky that came out,it  was his first and last trip,he was a family friend not off here that is for sure ,everyone here has courtesy ;}  as i see ever one is different and the way we all run our boats is up to the skipper on the day and all under standing in what we all do and catch,for lots of fish to nothing ....

   ps : i see lots of adds here for fishing buddies and as soon as i can help you all will be the first i will msg that is for sure     :-} 

 thank you all for the in put   jeff 

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

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If you are too tight to go

Mon, 2007-08-06 07:58

If you are too tight to go out with a person who owns a boat dont go. I always pay half the fuel and bait regardless then ask if any ice is needed and what beer they drink! Its still cheeper than going out on a charter. Do the right thing and maybe you will get asked back some time again!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Gully's picture

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Good topic

Mon, 2007-08-06 11:22

Really I reakon this one is pretty cut and dry.

Anyone who goes out on someones boat should make the offer to chip in for the days fishing/ bait etc. I dont always take the money offered as it depends on who it is and how many miles we travel but the offer should ALWAYS be made, every little bit counts. As already said it will at the least get you another invite.

With splitting the catch that is what happens on my boat. Sure I am like a lot of other people and will give the odd first big fish to a new person to them but apart from that all is divided up evenly.

deepwater's picture

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splitting the cost

Tue, 2007-08-07 09:24

  Hi all thanks again all, i love my fishing but im 1 of thos people how like to put i little in the freezer ,wright or rong thats our choise ,my point is that i only fish now and again and whan i do we all ways get some thing so there is allway something to split up,it is normaly betten 2or 3 of us, we all dont like the money issue but the most we have ever split up is $70 betten the 3 of us , we got a good feed but that is not the point , my average trip is about $40 to$60 betten 3 thats not to bad i think or am i wrong , i have a 19foot stacer with 70 hp and we do about 1L per mile so we dont normal go to far ???????????


Posts: 48

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Agrre totally with everyone

Tue, 2007-08-07 15:56

I take mates out all the time as deckies etc and they always offer to pay their share of the fuel plus buy the bait and ice. I always split the catch between everyone else and if we have a good outing (which is most times) I'll take a feed home too. If you own a boat you soon find out who your mates are in my opinion because they won't hesitate putting there hand up to pay a few costs - as SPESS said, it's still cheaper than Charter Fishing.


Vander72's picture

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Tue, 2007-08-07 17:08

you are good enough to share your boat with someone or a few people , they should be good enough to share some of the cost with you...when it comes to fish i think if every one catches fish then cool but if only a couple catch fish and one doesnt then sharing would be a good thing because if they were good enough to pay for their experience well then some people need  be kind enough to share their fish  with that person....if it dont happen , then who didnt share doesnt go on ya boat again ....simple....but then it also depends on the rules of ya boat....common courtesy goes along way...but unfortunately it is thing of the past and you are left footing  the bill....good mates are hard to find !!!!!!

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

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Ill be your mate!

Tue, 2007-08-07 17:52

Ill be your mate! hahahahahaha good comment mate.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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  You are dead right

Wed, 2007-08-08 07:19

  You are dead right vander72 good mates are hard to find,i had afue friends that wernt to good on the decky job 1 way or another,took me 2 years to find the crew i have got now ,we fish all over the place ,easter down south ,the north Vs south comp so on and so on,they  both keep my boat cleaner than i do and 1 of thos mates has his own boat{17 footer},we are moving to exmouth and the worst thing is i might have to start looking for another decky sooner or later bugger!!!!!!!!   good mates are hard to find    ;}


deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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   a different way to look

Wed, 2007-08-08 08:23

   a different way to look at the problem is a kg of dhufish is $50/$60 a kg and a trip out is from $20 to $50 for example  and a day out with a friend or to is a bonis ,the price of fresh fish is some thing we all carnt afored at that price let along eat 2/3 times a week ,we all carnt eat dhu fish so even the whiting i have seen is $25kg as fillet , so putting in for  fuel and bait you are still a long way in front i would think


SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

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You got that right

Wed, 2007-08-08 10:08

You got that right deepwater! The last time i went out i got a 2 dhuies and 2 pinkies and not bad size either. When i worked it out i nearlly had $1200 worth of fish! Cheap day out it only cost me $50 plus piss and an hour to help clean the boat (which i always do! Respect!).

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

synthos's picture

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Ahh the deckies

Sun, 2007-08-19 02:28

    I must admit people talk about chippin in but most ralrey do :( or that so far has been my experience, at least some are cool and bring drinks, a early monrin coffee :) some food and help clean, those are good times and then who cares about $10 fuel. But I had some that just want to come for the ride, ask will you have food and at the end of a days fishing say I can go again ... (yeah right)

I seemt o misplace soem phone numbers some times :)

soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

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I have to agree with most of

Sun, 2007-08-19 07:34

I have to agree with most of what has been posted. The cost of buying a boat, registering a boat, maintaining a boat.... it blows my mind. Not being a boat owner I am more than willing to make up lunch, chip in $40 - $50 if for fuel, buy ice and help wash down the boat; all in exchange for a day out on the water. Like Spess said, that is way cheaper than any charter I know. Most times my skipper is extremely generous and I get more than my fair share of fish, and more often than not he comes over for a big cook-up at my place some time after the day on the water.

Many things in WA are getting more and more expensive, however it would seem a little common sense and courtesy remains priceless.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Sept FWA Mag

Sun, 2007-08-19 10:37

Once again you guys just have to read my Sept article. Whilst I wrote it with a fair bit of tongue in cheek I think it will strike a chord with everyone who has commented so far.

Hopefully a few potential deckies will read it too and perhaps understand what it takes to get a return invite.

The NOR v SOR comp was a classic case of so many guys chasing deckie spots and not being able to get onboard, which inspired me to write the story. If you want to maximise your chances at being a regular deckie you have to take a leaf out of the book of guys like Shamu. He has been a regular with me for about 9 months now and unfortunately he is heading back to Singapore next month so I will be interviewing potential replacement deckies shortly.

Shamu has been a great find, (via fishwrecked) he always helps out, knows the drill and never complains if we don't find the fish. Will be sad to see him go.

For those interested in catching up with him before he goes Alfred and I are having a beer or three with him on Wednesday evening at the Boat in Mindarie. 8-00pm onwards.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Sun, 2007-08-19 11:24

Soupster, your skipper sounds like a very generous man......good on him

Yes agree mate, when you look at the boat, insurance, rego, motor service, trailer service, upkeep and extras you can talk (ballpark) $50,000 to $150,000 plus so in the scheme of things its bugger all for deckies to chip in which will never really offset the true cost but that's not me anyway....JMO

*Oceanside-Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax,Shimano,Penn,Furuno*

Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682 ** OPEN 7 DAYS *

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

   hi andy when does the

Tue, 2007-08-28 09:15

   hi andy when does the sept issue come out mate [date pls] thanks lookinh for another good read


Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Sept Issue

Tue, 2007-08-28 09:28

I think it usually hits the shelves in the first week of the month, barring any issues with delivery. It generally hits my local newsagents by the end of that first week.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

Date Joined: 28/04/07

I think a lot of you boat

Tue, 2007-08-28 18:24

I think a lot of you boat owners seem to miss the point of having a boat, when I bought mine i never had any expectations of anyone "chipping in" I do it for fun if your after money especially from your mates your doing it for the wrong reasons, I think at the end of the day if they are your mates they'll offer anyway but I dont take any as one day I might need their help on something and I'll get it, running a boat is expensive it's one of the drawbacks of owning one but my reward is spending a day out in the boat with good mates that's more than compensation for them not sharing the cost and I would never ask. And before anyone suggest I'm rich like Ryan nothing could be further than the truth in fact reading between the lines I think a lot of you blokes have more money than you can poke a stick at so stop whinging and just enjoy it it's supposed to be a fun passtime after all
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Good onya Fishy Fingers

Tue, 2007-08-28 22:38

Always nice to see someone with a different perspective. If that's how you do it on your boat then that's great. However implying everyone else is a rich whinging bastard for expecting someone to offer to share the costs is a bit of a stretch. (Sorry but that's how I took your last post, so if it wasn't meant that way, then I apologise and please ignore the following statements.)

I doubt any of us boat owners bought our boats thinking we would ever make money from them  (B.O.A.T = Bring Out Another Thousand) or even have people chip in to share the running expenses. It never crossed my mind, as like you "fishy fingers" I selfishly bought my boat primarily for me to enjoy, and I think I have succeeded in that objective. 

I think you miss the point that the vast majority of people are trying to make here, which is related to the act of "offering" to pay not necessarily the actual act or expectation of payment itself.

Quite often I get invited to deckie for my mates on their boats and I always offer to pay for fuel and bait, they either accept it or say "no don't bother its fine" (three regulation "are you sure?" comments later and I either shove it in their bag when they aren't looking or we agree they will come out on my boat next time and call it square). I think its just common courtesy if you are going to be a deckie for someone especially if you don't really know them (fishing buddy forum arrangements and the like), to at least offer to share the costs for the day. Like you, my good mates rarely pay, or we might have an understanding that they buy the bait and I cover the fuel or something like that. To be truthful, my best mates don;t have boats and don't like fishing.

I don't think anyone is whinging, we're just agreeing that its preferable to have a deckie that exhibits common courtesy over one that expects you to foot the bill and give him/her a share of your catch at the end of the day. The first post in this thread by Jeff set the tone in that respect.

Suggesting anyone has too much or too little money has no place on these forums as we have no idea who has what and who doesn't and I'd like everyone to keep it that way. (moderator hat on comment)

As for having fun on my boat when fishing, well, that is just against the law, everyone knows that. No one smiles or laughs, its serious business out there. (Cough splutter, cough cough)

Shut up Shag, Shamu, Ox, Roarfish, Tapout, Adam, Banga, PeteB, and others on here that have deckied for me, we can't have people thinking we actually have fun out there, and catch fish or they'll all want to get on board.

Again, sorry Fishy fingers if I misinterpretted your post and after re-reading it several times I can see the point you make, but its still clouded by the last few sentences that spin it in the wrong direction imo. Hope we can catch up for a fish one day on my boat, and I promise I won;t expect anything other than the routine offer:

"Can I offer you some money for fuel and bait Andy?"
"No its Ok Fishy, next time"
"Are you sure Andy?"
"Yes I'm sure"
"Are you sure, your'e sure"
"Yes I'm sure I'm sure"
"Are you sure you're sure you're sure?"
"Ok but next time you come out on my boat, OK?"
"OK, now give me half of that 15kg Dhuie I got you onto, as my solitary whiting looks lonely"


Andy Mac

PS: I think I just got the record number of smileys in one post.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Tue, 2007-08-28 22:56

):):)::):) beat ya :)

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

Date Joined: 28/04/07

Hi andy yes you did get the

Wed, 2007-08-29 01:49

Hi andy
yes you did get the wrong end of the stick I never sugested eveyone was a ' rich whinging bastard' on the contrary i doubt many people on here are, and  like me they probably do work work very hard for what they have. i suppose I may be different than most as I dont take strangers out on my boat only freinds and family or possibly a friend of a friend from time to time and I suppose if that happens they would offer a bit for fuel, I just got the feeling from the other comments that recovering a share  of the cost for the day out was an important thing for a lot of people instead of enjoying what they did through the day after all is it that big a deal compared to the enjoyment we have with our mates on a day out fish or no fish! but yes I can see what you mean andy with the last couple of sentences but it was said with a bit of tounge in cheek i should have said "the day I start worrying about the cost of running and maitaining a boat is the day i sell the boat" or something simmilar but I get your point

To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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    hi fishy fingers i c

Wed, 2007-08-29 08:26

    hi fishy fingers i c what you mean but it doest take 5mins to put a a wet cloth against a rail to clean up a little but some do and some dont as we all know ,at the end of the day we are all fishing for that fish of a life time and the rewards that come with that no matter what they are :},thanks you for that andy


SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Good points from all

Wed, 2007-08-29 09:03

Good points from all but..........heres mine!


These things are what i always do and ive never had a problem getting a ride nearlly every weekend aboard someones vessel!


Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

dogsoldier's picture

Posts: 943

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 Hey Chris you forgot to

Wed, 2007-08-29 12:50

 Hey Chris you forgot to mention bring a bucket of Spess's blend

I have a problem I'm a tackle junkie Andrew

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Good one SPESS. I agree. By

Thu, 2009-07-09 16:27

Good one SPESS. I agree. By my calculation you still owe me;

A carton of Beer; and

Tub Washdown

from our last hypocritical

Salmo's picture

Posts: 913

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I pick spess

Wed, 2007-08-29 12:09

love the attitude

there is always a spot in my tub for you chris

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Oh geeeee thanks mate!lol.

Wed, 2007-08-29 12:21

Oh geeeee thanks mate!lol. Your my favorite tinny thats for sure! Just love that shallow water plastic fun ive had in i cant remember how long!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Rodrat's picture

Posts: 1672

Date Joined: 13/01/07

All good comments

Wed, 2007-08-29 12:58

I do agree with fishy fingers, it is the right thing to offer, but  it is wrong to expect it.

(Sex is great, but fishing lasts all day!)



SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

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Thats right dogsoldier, most

Wed, 2007-08-29 13:00

Thats right dogsoldier, most people are happy with the leftover berley as payment! But i do always slip a $20 or $50 in the top depending on what size boat it is. Like ive said in the above posts........"STILL BLUDDY CHEAPER THAN A CHARTER"!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Gully's picture

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Wed, 2007-08-29 13:58

I will have to say that the offer should always be made and even though I dont always take the money ect myself I do expect the offer to be made - its just common courtesy.

To think of it a little different what is the first thing that you do when invited over to someones house for a barbie/dinner etc - you ask if there is anything to bring whether it be food or drinks, same policy applies on boats in my opinion.



jimbo1's picture

Posts: 333

Date Joined: 22/12/06

Heres a thought!

Wed, 2007-08-29 14:22

Heres a thought!

If ya get a good deckie who assists with the launching and retreiving, pulls ya anchor, sorts out the sea anchor, helps boat ya fish, cuts the bait, assists cleaning the boat and just generally makes things easier providing you with good company and a laugh.

Shouldnt you be paying them for their services!

Only kidding hahaha, mental note to self I have lost the plot. But puts a good twist on things, considering some people like my self prefer to fish with the security and company of another person on board.


Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

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Have to agree with Spess for

Wed, 2007-08-29 14:51

Have to agree with Spess for all of the above,  plus extra snack in case the anyone forgot. Try to  make the trip easier all round and therefore a fun day out with no hassles.

Ultimately, the Skipper is always THE boss, not a hostess.  

I do whatever the little voices tell me to do



deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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   hi all guess what ,i

Thu, 2007-08-30 09:01

   hi all guess what ,i got to find a new crew iv moved to exmouth and had the offer frow a friend that he will come any day of the week,looking forward to giving him a test run,he likes fishing as much as i do well maybe not that much,i will have to get him to have a look on here for the famious spess brew just in case we dont catch to many only joking thats his payment,{joking joking}


   ps; will take it all in to account and c how we go       ;P

  pss; the best words i have heard yet are from jody {ultimately,the skipper is always the boss,not the host} thank you jody, so true so true ...

jimbo1's picture

Posts: 333

Date Joined: 22/12/06


Thu, 2007-08-30 10:06

Skipper may be the "boss" but all remember be nice to your deckies as your life may rely on them if a tradegy occurs!


Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Well said Jimbo

Thu, 2007-08-30 12:46

Courtesy works both ways, so the skipper needs to be be very mindful of mutiny on his/her vessel. Best to keep the workers happy I say.

My wife understands too how important it is to keep the crew happy, so most of the time when we arrive home she has various baked goodies to consume with our beers while we fillet and clean. She's a good sort... even tries to set up the single guys with dates with a few of her single mates hey Shamu.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Too true Andy

Thu, 2007-08-30 15:45

She isn't shy when it comes to setting up the odd stray fishwrecked singleman. It was all I could do to stop laughing when I was around after the day out....he he he he he lol. Talk soon mate.

As far as being a deckie I agree with Spess (may my tough turn green and I sprout two heads), the deckie should put in for fuel,bait,etc. and remember to thank the skipper regardless of the result from the day (we can't kill the pig everytime and the skipper usually tries his/her best to get you onto fish).

Goes both ways really if your skipper is happy with you as a deckie then the likelyhood of getting a return invite out is pretty high.As for skippers remember the deckie is there to give you a hand and help out but don't treat them as your personal slave, and listen to them as sometimes they could have a little bit more knowledge with regards to spots,rigs,etc. that could make all the difference between catching fish or not.If the deckie isn't doing something right show them how you like it to be done.Even though you own the boat it doesn't give you the talent of knowing everything in the world, sometimes someone else might know a bit more.

Remember fishing is about getting out on the water with a few mates and having a good day out (not nessecarily catching heaps of fish but enjoying the whole experience).Sometimes we all forget this simple fact. To all If you feel offended by my opinion this was not my intention just wanted to state my view on this pretty good topic.

Cheers OX

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06

You Got One

Thu, 2007-08-30 21:15

Youve got one already. Thats why you take Stewy isnt it?

Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club

jimbo1's picture

Posts: 333

Date Joined: 22/12/06

I like it

Thu, 2007-08-30 22:18

I like it Tim good one!


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

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Thu, 2007-08-30 22:36

I think what has been said pretty much sums it up. Pay your way, do whats expected of you and everything runs sweet. There are many levels of experience when it comes to skippers. Having been out on 30 + boats in the last year it has given me an insight into the intricacies each skipper has. From how the boat is launched, retreived, set up for drifts, methods of fishing, how long spent doing that type of fishing, if the bite shuts down, length of drifts, vessel handling, how they use their technology and equipment etc etc etc. Getting different perspectives and stories/methods of fishing from skippers is as exciting as the day on the water sometimes.


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Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

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Interesting Adam. Always

Fri, 2009-07-10 08:43

Interesting Adam.

Always good to have someone on your boat who has experience with different equipment, boats, drifts, and ultimately the location your fishing.

Ive been on a few different boats with different skippers, and it is interestingg to see how they operate.

Ive been out on a boat a couple timeas from Karratha with a mate up there (he came 2nd in GameX) and he can see things on the sounder and knows what they are that other do not, me included.

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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Very interesting thread

Thu, 2009-07-09 21:40

Very interesting thread written in 2007 seems often theres deckies chaseing more spots than whats availble.

 A good read for up and coming deckies.


jersey's picture

Posts: 393

Date Joined: 12/06/08

Good to read

Wed, 2009-07-08 18:25

from the comments above there are Still some gentleman of the sea and  fishing. I did not mind so much people having short arms and deep pockets,  when I was able to work,but since I am no longer working I find it hard to make ends meet.As many of you know,its not just the fuel its oil,insurance and servicing,I have decided that I can no longer afford to operate a large boat that needs crew,that do not share the costs,so I am selling it and will get a smaller one,one that i do not need crew for  jerseyFrown

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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Yep times are tough

Wed, 2009-07-08 19:03

Yep times are tough Jersey,,Just read today unemployment has more than doubled in the Rockingham area since May 2008,,other areas are probally not much different.

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Wed, 2009-07-08 19:04

That was a good thread for sure.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

dan1's picture

Posts: 379

Date Joined: 11/07/07

I dont mind if my mates give

Wed, 2009-07-08 19:51

I dont mind if my mates give me fuel money or not it helps for sure but i am going out on the boat anyway and i enjoy the company we split the fish at the end but if it is a pb for a fish i let them take it whole to show there family but you soon learn who your real mates are and who is bludging on you and besides when i cant afford to go they pay for the fuel and i take them out it all works out in the end

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Still is

Wed, 2009-07-08 20:04

Thanks for Shorty for going back through the archives and bringing it back to our notice.

When I take my boat out with a decky we start with a full tank and fill it up when we return splitting the cost between us.

As for divvying up the catch it depends on who caught what and always keeping in the back of your mind that you might like one type of fish and he likes another species.Quite often I've only taken one fish out of a heap of it because I've got a swag of fillets already in the freezer at home,but this isn't always the rule.

As for bait I usually put the net out the day before to get fresh mullet,in itself can be a relaxing task.If for some reason they are not playing the game we split the cost of buying the bait.

One bit that hasn't come up too often in this whole discussion is the cost to the owner of maintaining,licencing the boat and the gear that goes with it is all born by the owner which recently has gone up some $400+ for new epirbs and in the near future of a fishing permit/licence.

Posts: 223

Date Joined: 28/10/08

Half no matter

Wed, 2009-07-08 20:14

On my Rig,we fish together we half fuel together we catch and half together.

This way all is even no matter whos boat we are on.

I had a case when i took a fella spearing and fishing on a 40deg day for a night stay on the islands i payed for fuel and i caught and i cleaned my own boat and i was fucked..and i have never done that again.....The sum bag shit Dave J.....

Posts: 75

Date Joined: 25/10/08

Always an interesting issue.

Thu, 2009-07-09 15:28

Always an interesting issue. Etiquette is for the decky to offer to pay half of costs for the day. As the owner I will not always accept, but generally take some money if offered. I generally share all fish amongst crew, no matter who caught. There are times when I will not take a share if I have fish in the freezer.

 However, some people have no idea. I was on holiday for a month and took a guy out wide 5 times. He shared all fish caught and did quite well, I would estimate he had $600 to $800 worth of fish if he had bought it. In that time I spent about $400 in fuel and another $120 in bait. He would of known how much I spent as he helped me empty the jerry cans into the boat and was with me one day when I bought the bait. The guy gave me $50 and bought me a carton of beer just before we were due to go home. Were having a few drinks the day before we left, and his his wife tells me how he was too generous and I was a disgrace for taking his money. Was that shocked I never said a thing to her, but just goes to show its all in your personal view.

Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

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Thu, 2009-07-09 16:21

But what the blokes wife thinks fishing costs is probably because he tells her it's $50 bucks to fill the tank! I do otherwise she'd never let me leave the jetty! Like the old saying goes... "My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife will sell all my fishing gear for what I TOLD her I paid for it..." LOL

At least the bloke gave you some coin and a carton - really the guesture that counts - I'd forget about his wife's remarks.

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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Not long ago i used to do a

Thu, 2009-07-09 21:51

Not long ago i used to do a charter out of Cairns with show traders, usually we go out and when we got back to the camp we would clean/fillet and divide them up.

Last time one of the guys brothers came out, just fresh from flying up from Camberra,,it was a rough trip 9 of the 12 were violently sick from the start,except for myself,another guy and the guys brother.

The guys brother was the only person catching anything decent and caught a few, back at camp we filleted them upthen he goes i am flying mine back to Canberra and took most of the fish,,5 of the guys/gals were from one family 5 x $195 and none got a line in or a taste of fish,,lol

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

Date Joined: 07/12/08

Yep, deckie goes halves

Fri, 2009-07-10 03:32

...for fuel and bring their bait i guess...and their own lunch!

As for splittng the catch, na no way, what you catch is what you keep in my boat.

Thats unless its a friend of mine we usually ring in if weve done well and make a night of it, have a big fresh fish cook up and get as many people around to enjoy it with us that night as we can.

I prefer fish fresh and its a good social gathering of friends.

Although one time we got onto a patch where we got 2 goodies in good sucession, made the call too early and then the fish went off the bite, had to call into the fish n chip shop for some fillets on the way home!

Still a secret to this day to the majority! Sealed


Gooooone Fishin!

Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

Yep pretty straight

Fri, 2009-07-10 08:46

Yep pretty straight forward.

Split the fuel up, and bait up.

Usually i will buy the bait, that way we not taking too much out.

For example went out on Sunday.

5 people, $140 in fuel, $60 bait = $40 a head.

Pretty simple

As for fish, usually its just split up between everyone, unless there is one fish with 3 or 4 people, then the person who caught it takes it.

Also if there is a top shelf fish on its own, goes tot he person who caught it. I stuggle to hand over any baldie if i get one!!!!