Double Strike pics................. the collection
Submitted by mako magic on Mon, 2009-11-09 09:34
Heres the collection of pics that Kaney68 has sent over so far, some have been posted some havent but i have now chucked them into one post at the request of a few people.
Again many many thanks to Paul for making the time to come out and take these great shots, was a fun morning and i now have some great action shots of the boat in action and with the new name and decals.
the contact details of the lady who designed it for me are....Tracey Ellis 0428272322
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
Excellent pic Mako
giving me bad ideas of getting one my self in the future {commodare}that is ,great photo mate well done
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Much better!
You need to polish the hull Matt. A few marks from the rollers I take it.
Pics could of been alot better if an 'appropriate bikini clad' model had been used too.
Great display of pics.
Cheers Pete
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
yeah Pete i hear ya in
yeah Pete i hear ya in regards to polishing, ive done the sides and deck ready for the new stickers once the old ones were removed, will do the underhull next, oh and as for the model, maybe i should work on that ready for next pics, a bit like the WAFM ones lol.
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Yep, that sort of quality
Yep, that sort of quality would really compliment the new design. I'll assist with new pics.
Cheers Pete
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
you will
you will assist.........................i hope not being the bikini model hahaha
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Looks a million bucks Matt!
Looks a million bucks Matt!
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
You have got to be happy with that Matt
It looks as good as you envisaged. Nice photo work there Paul. Very professional.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
nice work guys.
great pics - the boat looks pretty big in some pics and then in some others it looks huge.
looks like a great setup and handles well. I love the curves in the tower - looking forward to Pete's pics which could compliment those curves...
Posts: 2515
Date Joined: 03/08/08
gettin me all fired up
for Exmouth - but it's still 6 months away!! I guess that mean more time to save for toys and get prepared.
Hopefully we can notch up a sailfish this time round - that'd be a nice addition.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
Posts: 162
Date Joined: 27/03/07
sweet rig!
i'm not a massive fan of glass boats normally but that one looks the bomb! love the hard top. have you tested out the under-canopy rod racks? how do you stop them contacting the roof at speed in chop? great idea.
tight lines...
Posts: 2515
Date Joined: 03/08/08
At exmouth
I had my rigged fly outfits (9') in those holders. They didn't seem to bounce around much at all that I noticed.
Given their length, they hung out the front and back so that may have helped?
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
those rack are great, dont
those rack are great, dont use them unless needed and havent had too much issue with them bouncing in it, though i might line the room with some foam one day soon just to give some extra protection
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
good stuff mate sick arse
good stuff mate
sick arse stickes and awsome boat.
cheers danno
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Looks great Mat!!
Looks great Mat!!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
got to admit for a
got to admit for a "COMMODORE" it looks great
. very nice Matt and some great pics were taken, pity it wasnt a glass off as some reflection off the water would have set it off nicely. great job on the decals with a lot of thought gone into them
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Commodore Marine
Posts: 96
Date Joined: 12/05/08
Run out of Ford and Falcon Stickers
Great work Matt, the boat looked good and you have done a great job in cleaning her up.
Andrew Welch
Commodore Marine
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
Exactly Russ...
A glass off would have been awesome... plus a blue sky !
The bay's in Rotto offer a lot more protection, but I guess given time restrictions we had plus the overcast conditions, some rain and the wind blowing around 12+ from the N/NW... still happy with what we got..
Posts: 218
Date Joined: 15/08/09
Great photos Mako, Double
Great photos Mako, Double Strike looks lovely in the water.
Member of Cockburn Power Boats Association
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
Great looking boat there. I
Great looking boat there. I think you may have just pushed me past a polycraft and into a 670. There is even a couple second handies around....................
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
welcome to come for a spin
welcome to come for a spin one day if you want, they are a great boat, had it pushing 45.4knots on the river sat morning, thats not bad with all the extra weight from the hardtop and bar work
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
Thanks mate, that would help
Thanks mate, that would help for sure.
Sadly the ones in my range only have 140hp 2 strokes on, so they would be undergunned but I could always save my biccies and and upgrade in time.
I will give you a call soon.
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
That's one awesome
That's one awesome boat....and the graphics make it look even better. All you need now is the fish!! lol
Posts: 1518
Date Joined: 19/08/09
very nice boat & great
very nice boat & great photos. Where are the bikini babes?
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
you even shaved for the
you even shaved for the day!!!!
she looks great set up like that,
well done Paul on the great photo work as well,
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)