Eating Dhufish

 All these years, I hear and read about people raving on about the eating quality of Dhufish.  Well, today I found out what the fuss is all about! Tastes bloody awesome!!!


Have caught a few Dhuies in the past and all have been undersize so never had the pleasure of eating one until today!


Steamed with caramelised onion, ginger, chilli and spring onion.  Garnished with my homemade sauce.  Had it with rice paper rolls (with mint etc).

Do people reckon the meat "tastes" of shellfish?



I cant wait to catch more Dhuies!! Lol




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chris raff's picture

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 That looks the goods Ashen

Tue, 2017-01-03 22:05

 That looks the goods Ashen .. on the bone , skin on I presume the sauce a had a little tang yummo ... How'd you find scaling it ?


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sea-kem's picture

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 That looks bloody delish

Tue, 2017-01-03 22:31

 That looks bloody delish mate, if you fancy cooking up a couple of crays give me a hoy. 


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Ashen's picture

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Family loved it

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:05

 The family ate the whole lot... lol

Chris,  yes the portion was on the bone with skin on.  Scaling was quite easy.  I started around the edges and then moved towards the main body of the fish.   As for the sauce, no it's not tangy.  A bit of soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet chilli sauce, sugar and diluted with water.  Because we made rice paper rolls which we dipped in a fish sauce based dipping sauce, I really watered down the main garnish.  If we were having steamed rice with the fish, then I would only add a bit of water so that the garnish can really add flavour to the rice.


Andy, keep in touch! Lol 




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claymore's picture

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make sure ya eat the wings

Wed, 2017-01-04 09:10

make sure ya eat the wings aswell, steamed with a bit of chilli and pepper.

keep all ya quality fish really simple to in my opinion, no need for sauces n junk all over it.



Gadsy's picture

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On the subject of cooking Dhui's

Wed, 2017-01-04 09:26

 Does annyone lightly microwave or grill their dhu fillets? I usually shallow fry after dusting in self raising flour, but have heard that they taste good microwaved too :).

crasny1's picture

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Wed, 2017-01-04 09:37

and yes, I personally believe they have a crayish flavour.
And nothing beats simplicity with dhu's IMO. Just filleted and skinned, into butter - drool!!


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carnarvonite's picture

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Got it Right

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:01

Crasny1 has got it spot on.

Why destroy the gentle taste of dhufish or any other quality fish for that matter with spices and sauces, you might as well get rubbish from overseas add that junk and it will taste exactly the same. All that is needed is a small amount of butter not margarine to stop it sticking to the pan.

If you must have the spices then put it in a separate bowl, swallow a teaspoon of it then take a bite of the fish, another teaspoon of junk and so on

Curndog's picture

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Fillet pan fry oil or butter or best beer batter deep fry!

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:04

 I think dhu is the best fish in the ocean! Beautiful white flesh and texture. It also freezes better than any other fish I have ever had. I believe it's best cut into small chunks and beer battered and deep fried. Just need the right batter mix. Although a healthier option pan grilled in oil or butter after coating in plain flour. totally agree not to rub herbs and or sauce all over it. Ruins it. How ashen has cooked it looks really good but IMO steamed or grilled brings out the fishy taste in it (although that's how some people like it to taste) that's why I steer clear of that. Dam My mouth is watering after typing that haha nom nom nom

Ashen's picture

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Wed, 2017-01-04 10:11

 I steamed the fish seperately. Added the sauce when plating up. If you steam the fish together with the sauce, the sauce will be very "fishy" which can put people off..


A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Ashen's picture

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 Well, sorry for adding

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:04

 Well, sorry for adding sauces and spices to fish.  I'm Asian and used to adding sauces to our dishes.

Will heed advice and keep it simple next time.




A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Ush's picture

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 Dont be sorry mate... each

Wed, 2017-01-04 23:50

 Dont be sorry mate... each to their own and taste buds. Go hard sauce n spice the Dhuey to your liking. Others can have plain jane n salt pepper mash on the side. 


Got keen?

Curndog's picture

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Everybody is different

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:14

 Everybody has different taste buds and some people might thinks it plain on its own. If you loved it the way you cooked it then keep doing it! 

hezzy's picture

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ashen , mate you cook it how

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:48

ashen , mate you cook it how you bloody well like it , dont worry about others tastes , your the family thats eating it !! and you caught it , so follow your own tastes mate

now having said that i personally agree with crasny and carnarvonite in that i like it plain and simple ,

i just dust each fillet in flour , melt some butter in a pan , then roll the fillet in the butter,, they lay the fillet in the pan , butter side up , stick it under agrill and cook till golden colour , then salt & pepper , or a small squeeze of ornage juice on it and grill .......

cant beat it like that imo for me .. with mash spud and salad !!! and only cook it till you see the milk juice start to show , then remove and hoe in



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Ashen's picture

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Cheers guys

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:59

Yeah, I know what you're saying. All good.  Will try Dhufish in a simple batter or butter fried next time. If I don't like it, I'll go back to asian style.. lol 


Now, off topic but when eating Beef Steak and meat pies, I do not add sauces to them.. love eating them plain!   Sauces ruin the steak taste and tomato sauce ruins the pie taste! 


A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

duges66's picture

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Ashen, you can't win mate.

Wed, 2017-01-04 17:30

Ashen, you can't win mate. It'll be ooooo batter ruins it, ooooo use ghee not butter. F' em, cook it the way you want. I reckon if what you served up tasted half as good as it looks it would 've been fantastic. As for the goi coun dhuie & nouc mam... Mmmm stealing that one from ya.


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Ashen's picture

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Tastes great!

Wed, 2017-01-04 21:49

 Don't want to sound like I'm boasting, but it tastes better than it looks.. Feel free to "steal" the cooking method". 


If you really want to impress your family/dinner guests,   heat up abit of oil (peanut oil is best) until it starts to slightly smoke.  Drizzle the hot oil onto the fresh spring onions. The spring onions will start to sizzle right in front of the diners.  Stand back and hear all the "Wows".  Haha!


You sound like you know Vietnamese food.  FYI, I saved the Dhu head and tail for "canh chua" (tamarin sour soup).  Should be awesome! Lol




A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Jackfrost80's picture

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Haha sauce to steak...

Wed, 2017-01-04 23:40

Haha sauce to steak... cracking comeback mate. When the above posters start handing you dhuey fillets home delivered maybe they can tell you how it should be cooked until then enjoy it the way you like it


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Each to their own but I

Wed, 2017-01-04 11:46

Each to their own but I wouldn't say no to dhu cooked that way, looks good. dhu is over rated in my opinion and definitely don't stuff up a good steak with sauce.

Rick's picture

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Very Tasty

Wed, 2017-01-04 23:20

Mate that dish looks a treat, dont feel bad about sharing your recipes, Im sure plenty on here will try it out. Me for one haha


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crasny1's picture

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Hold on

Thu, 2017-01-05 07:50

Nobody on here was criticising Ashen's cooking. We all have different tastes and I personally love dhu. I agreed with Ashen it tastes like shellfish, probably "dhu" to their taste for crays ( red emps also have this flavour IMO)
By saying I keep it simple is stating how I like it, not critical of his way at all.
As a matter of fact it looks better than some restaurant serves.
Sorry Ashen if it offended. Was simply stating my preference for a nice fish.
PS. I suppose I like most seafood simple, either raw, very lightly cooked and as close to natural as possible. JMHO.


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Saulty2's picture

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im another that wont confuse the flavour

Thu, 2017-01-05 10:18

dust with flour /melted butter in fry pan , salt &pepper of course try dhui,baldy, snapper,break sea ,then you will appreciate their texture &flavour and after that start experimenting with other condiments , i will only  batter fish that are not cat. 1 -demersal ,to each their own ,but for me always  seem to revert back to basics.

Ashen's picture

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All good!

Thu, 2017-01-05 13:46

 Hey guys, lets clear the air a bit...


I am not offended by any of the above comments.  As we all know, everyone has different tastes and I respect that.   Those that think I should've battered or butter fried the Dhufish coz its how you make Dhu taste great, no probs at all. I will try it next time.  And those who have stood up for me, thanks guys.  When I have time, I will post up the ingredients and cooking method for people to try, if they want something a bit different from the usual batter, fry, grill etc.  


End of the day, it had taken me years to finally land a legal-sized Dhu so I get to finally eat what some/most of you have had the privilage of eating for years.  I used my favourite method for cooking and eating "meaty" fish.  The family loved it, especially my sister and niece who came over from Melbourne for the Xmas/New Year break.  They didn't know what a Dhu was.. So based on the positive feedback from family, I decided to post up and share the excitement on Fishwrecked.  


Hopefully when I post up the recipe, fellow members can have an alternative to how they cook and eat their fish...


Tight lines and happy fishiing!  I'm off to whip a new recipe for crays! 



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

sea-kem's picture

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 Nicely put mate. I gave a

Thu, 2017-01-05 15:47

 Nicely put mate. I gave a heap of fish to my lunch bar owner including a whole Pink Snapper and some crays. She nearly fainted with excitement and started to tell me how she would cook it all for her family at Xmas. They are an awesome Vietnamese family who work really hard and are battlers like us. 


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Thu, 2017-01-05 19:00

 My 2 fishing mates (the skipper and his neighbour) nearly fainted with excitement when the dhu was landed.   You would know! Haha 


Yes, most Viet families are very hard working.  But as with all races, there'll be some that'll give a bad rep for the rest of us..

I am sure the lunch bar family would be very excited with fresh fish and crays.   Their lunch usually consists of whatever they can quickly grab  and nibble on while busy working.  For dinner they would mainly eat the days leftovers.  So yes, it would be a very welcomed treat for them! 




A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

little johnny's picture

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Eat how you like it

Thu, 2017-01-05 14:06

 Flavours , plain , doesn't matter . F@$k what people think. As long as you enjoy it :):). Good feast by the look.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

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 Looks farken yumo!!!

Thu, 2017-01-05 15:38

 Looks farken yumo!!!

Curndog's picture

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Hahaha I was only putting in my two cents

Thu, 2017-01-05 16:00

 hahaha I was only putting in my two cents and stating how I best like it! In saying that my Mrs dosent rate dhu and dosent like it plain like I do. I would give ashen recipe a crack for sure! I think all the other ways people have suggested is great and I will continue to experiment. 

Callum24's picture

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Looks flash as to me mate

Thu, 2017-01-05 17:05

Looks flash as to me mate nice chefin


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t bone's picture

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Fri, 2017-01-06 17:24


I have worked up around Asia for near on 7 years or so now and love the difference in styles of cooking to what we do back home. I personally have never even thought of steaming fish. I can assure you that will be something I try when home next thou.

If your ever passing thru Geraldton, flick us a msg on here and i'll try help ya out (if im home) catching a few more Dhuy's

Ashen's picture

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Sat, 2017-01-07 07:45

 Thanks for the offer mate.  Very rarely go up north.  Furthest I've been is Jurien Bay. But if I'm ever up your way, I'll endeavour to catch up with you! 



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

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Well i might as well put my 2 cents worth in

Fri, 2017-01-06 18:11

 I've tried heaps of different types of fish cooked in different ways, top fish like dhuie and the like go well like everyone has stated. My favorite is panko crumb atm but trying different ways will always be the way I am and your dish looks awesome, I'm looking forward to you posting the recipe coz I'll be making that for sure. Just gotta get out and catch some bloody fish

Posts: 24

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Make sure you tuck into the

Fri, 2017-01-06 21:59

Make sure you tuck into the cheeks- best bit of a dhuie!

I cut them out, skin and shallow fry. Fish nuggets from heaven!

Dale's picture

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Fri, 2017-01-06 22:03

 I thought that was a secret mate, your right but, the best bit for sure


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little johnny's picture

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The pearl

Fri, 2017-01-06 22:16


Ashen's picture

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Fri, 2017-01-06 23:47

 Geez, the pressure is on now.... lol 



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

sea-kem's picture

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 Lol opened a can of worms

Sat, 2017-01-07 05:43

 Lol opened a can of worms mate 


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Walfootrot's picture

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Ashen mate, that looks good,

Sat, 2017-01-07 11:23

Ashen mate, that looks good, and the best part is that it has the bones in, little waist, can get boring eating fish the same way all the time so its good to mix it up a bit.
55-65cm Dhu's cook up nice on the BBQ, wrap in foil with white wine and lemon slices on both sides. great for pink snapper too.
Meat pie and sauce :)


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