EGFC GAMEX'06 - Tournament Rules & Regulations

Exmouth Game Fishing Club
Tournament Rules and Regulations
Gamex 2006

1. All EGFC competitions will be fished within current Game Fishing Association of Australia, Department of Planning and Infrastructure WA, and Department of Fisheries WA rules and regulations.

2. All anglers must be a current member of Exmouth Game Fishing Club or a club affiliated with the International Game Fishing Association or Game Fishing Association of Australia on registration. Failure to do so will require angler to join EGFC.

3. Only registered anglers may participate in any act, which directly contributes to the capture or tag of a fish. They are, driving the boat during tournament, gaffing fish, tagging fish, running out lines, retrieving lines, clearing teasers, taking leader.

4. All Tournament competitors must fish within 60 nautical miles of the Exmouth Post Office, from a boat at sea, with a minimum of two anglers on board.

5. All fish must be claimed on the line class on which they were captured, (ie no line bumping). All competitors are to use IGFA pre-test line.

6. Anglers will fish only from the boat on which they registered. Permission to change boats once registered in the competition must be applied for in writing to the EGFC Committee and each request will be adjudged on its merits. The Committee will meet ASAP after receipt of such application. The Committee's decision is final.

7. A Junior Angler is a person who has not attained the age of 16 years prior to the commencement of the competition.

8. Weigh-In: Fish may only be weighed at the official weigh-in gantry during the times stated in the program, unless otherwise arranged with the tournament weigh master. Anglers must present the fish together with the rod and reel, at least 16m of line, and any double, leader, lure or hook arrangement used in the capture. All tackle must be removed before weighing. Frozen fish will not be weighed. Fish will not be accepted for the tournament after close of weigh-in on the final day.

9. Tag and Release: All details of tagged fish, ie. species, estimated weight, angler's name, boat name, line class, and time of tagging, must be logged with Marine Rescue as soon as possible after release. Tag numbers are not to be logged with Marine Rescue. Tag cards fully completed must be lodged with the weigh-master during the official weigh-in times. The rod, reel, and at least 16m of line used in the capture must be presented to the weigh-master with the tag card to verify the line class used. Tag cards will not be accepted for the tournament after close of weigh-in on the final day.

10. Tag and Release sections: Tag and Release section winners will be decided by:
a) Boat/Angler with the highest total of Tag and Release points.
b) In the event of a tie on points the Boat/Angler with the lowest average line class.
c) If still tied the Boat/Angler achieving the points first according to the time of TAGGING logged with the tournament base station.

Points will be awarded as follows:
T&R Shark 200pts
T&R Sailfish/Spearfish 500pts
T&R Marlin/Broadbill 600pts

11. WAGFA requires all billfish in a sanctioned tournament to be tagged with “NSW Fisheries Australian Billfish” tags. These tags are available from EGFC.

12. Champion Boat and Angler: The winner of these sections will be the highest point scoring Boat/Angler based on the following formula.

Highest point scoring fish on each line class
Highest point scoring fish of each species
Total number of points.

Points will be awarded as follows:
T&R Shark 200pts
T&R Sailfish/Spearfish 500pts
T&R Marlin/Broadbill 600pts

Weighed Shark or Billfish - weight of fish x 50 divided by line class (min 2kg) = points.
Weighed Sharks must be a minimum weight of twice the line class.
Weighed other Game Fish - weight of fish x 100 divided by line class (min 2kg) = points.

13. HPS Gamefish other than Billfish or Shark weighed in on 1-2kg line: For this section only, the minimum divisible line class will be 1kg therefore

Weight of fish x 100 divided by line class (min 1kg) = points.

14. Black, Blue and Striped Marlin will be considered one single species for point scoring purposes for Champion Boat and Champion Angler sections.

15. When live bait fishing for billfish anglers cannot use off-set circle hooks or J hooks. In line circle hooks are to be used.

16. Exmouth Gulf Tag and Release limits: Billfish and Sharks can only be tagged on 1kg to 10kg inclusive line classes to accrue points if tagged inside Exmouth Gulf.

Exmouth Gulf - all waters south and east of a line drawn from North West Cape to S.W. tip of South Muiron Is. to N.W. tip of South Muiron Is. to S.W. tip of North Muiron Is. to N.W. tip of North Muiron Is. to Peak Is. to Observation Is. to Tubridgi Point.

17. Communications: All boats must be fitted with an operational VHF radio system and are required to log on and off each day of the competition in which they fish. Tournament radio coverage will be exclusively VHF. Details will be outlined at the tournament briefing.

18. Lines in and out: Lines in and out will be as printed in the tournament brochure programme. A radio call will be made at five minutes to lines out. At this time any vessel that is hooked up, or hooks up before lines out, must notify the tournament base station and be acknowledged.

19. Protests: A verbal intention to protest must be made to the weigh-master as soon as possible by the protestor. This is to enable the weigh-master to preserve any evidence that may be needed by the Committee if the fish/tag card is presented before the protestor can attend the gantry. All protests must be lodged with the weigh-master in writing with a $100 deposit, which will be refunded, if the protest is upheld. Protests must be lodged before the close of weigh-in at which the fish was weighed or tag card presented. No protests will be accepted after completion of weigh-in on final day. The Committee will consider all protests as soon as possible after receipt. The Committee's decision is final and the affected parties will be notified ASAP.

20. Sanctuary zones: If a competitor is charged by Fisheries WA or CALM with fishing in a sanctuary zone they will be disqualified from the competition for that day. No other protests relating to sanctuary zones will be heard.

21. Conduct: All competitors will participate in a sportsman like manner and embrace the ethics of game fishing. All Billfish and Gamefish offal must be returned to the ocean. The Committee reserves the right to penalise any Boat or Angler by deduction of points or disqualification for part of, or the whole, competition for conduct they consider detrimental to the competition or the EGFC.

22. Cyclones: In the event of a cyclone approaching the Exmouth area during the Gamex competition all fishing will be suspended once a “Blue Alert” has been declared. Fishing will recommence once the “All Clear” has been given. If no further fishing is possible the leading boats/anglers at the time of the Blue Alert will be declared the winners.

23. Disclaimer: The EGFC Committee reserves the right to change any rule, regulation or section which it believes will enhance the Tournament. The EGFC takes no responsibility for loss or damage to competitor’s person, personal effects or vessel and competitors fish the tournament at their own risk.

Posts: 485

Date Joined: 04/02/06


Sun, 2006-02-12 20:16

Whens it on? i,e, What dates?

Whats it cost to join the Exmouth Game Fishing Club?

Who do we get tags off?

What do they cost?

Tagging pole?

Tag record cards?

Is it only amateurs or can a Charter Boat participate?

What if a crew want to charter a boat to enter?

IGFA test? what if you normally fish braide? a IGFA legal "leader" acceptabe?

Any separate category/points for fly caught?

Whats the prize pool?

How many days does it run over?

Just the questions off the top of my head!

Cheers & thanks in advance!