Exmouth April report (very late)
So this report is very late... got back from exy and have been flat out at work ever since.
Went up with the old man and brother during April for a 2 weeks and managed to tick a few boxes so overall the trip was a success.
We decided that this trip we were going to have a good crack at deep drop so a trip into Compleat angler nedlands and 3 shimano forcemaster 9000s, 3 daiwa grandwaves and about 5km of braid and we were sorted.
The trip up was eventful after blowing a tyre on the boat trailer and then having to stop in Carnarvon for a few hours to have a rear car wheel replaced after sheering off 3 of the 5 studs and nearly losing it (long story...). Finally made it to Exmouth and itching to get fishing.
First day we decided to spend a few hours pulling skirts out deep while looking for potential ground for a deep drop. We found a bit of ground holding fish so down went 1 rod. Withing seconds the rod was loaded and tension was high because this was the first time any of us had been deep dropping. As soon as we saw red it was high fives all round and alot of shouting... our first ever drop and we managed a double of rubies. Next drop same story. They werent big rubies from the photos ive seen but they were rubies none the less. By this stage we were all on cloud nine and the monkey was off the back for the trip because we had already ticked one off the list and managed to get a few fillets for the freezer. We ended up with 6 and left them biting to try and find more ground. Didnt manage any more fish for the day but it was a day to remember.
Day 2 and the call was made to try repeat the previous day. Once again out went the spread and we started searching for ground. We had marked a few spots and the call was made to head back for a fish. We were about 300m from the mark and the old man calls out to bring the spread in, to which i replied "there may be a billy in the next 300m". Well about 10 seconds later the short corner went off, got dropped and then shotgun went off... this time it stayed connected. We designated rods at the start of the day to avoid confusion so my brother was up (mine was the short corner...). After what seemed like a lifetime but only 55 minutes later we had a little black marlin boatside. Ive been going up with the old man for 3 years targeting bills each time for nothing and this is was my brothers first trip and the prick nails one on the second day. Regardless, leadering a marlin was by far the biggest adrenalin rush i have ever had fishing (my hands are even shaking while writing this). We estimated it for about 45kg and it swam off nicely after swimming it boatside for a bit.
We then went to the intened spot for a deep drop but didnt manage to get anything besides what i think were snake mackerel. On the way home we put a couple of xrap 30s out hoping for a mackie behind the reef. We had just passed the south passage and off went one lure, but unlike a mackie run this just didnt stop. After dumping about 200m of line on 15kg gear, we gave chase and after about 20 minutes of to-and-fro i had landed my first yellowfin tuna going 18.2kg on the lie detector. This day is by far the greatest day fishing we have ever had, managing to land 2 bucket list fish.
The next few days the wind blew up so we spent a bit of time inside the reef loosing alot of stickbaits to angry spangos. We got across the the murions for a quick look one of these days but the sharks made short work of any fish.
A rest day was then called so a landbased fish was in order. The weed was pretty bad and the water in close was quite murky after the blow so this was unsuccessful.
The next few days were looking to come really good so we had another rest day to prepare for a trip over to long island.
The trip over was a bit lumpy but we were ever hopeful that the weather report would hold true and it would calm as the day went on... well this wasnt to be the case. We spend most of the day tucked in the cover of long island but still managed a few fish. The wind did eventually die off but not till late afternoon, making the run into the island very plesant. I still think this place is one of the most spectacular spots on earth.
The next day and the same story. The wind was up but we pushed through and managed to come home with spangos, red emps and some trout.
The following day it was back out tantas for a deep drop. This morning fast turned into a nightmare, doing a trailer bearing on the way to the ramp and spending 4 hours on dry land after a couple of trips to-and-from exmouth for parts. Finally got in the water around 12, however it turned out to be a very slow day with only 1 greyband coming onboard amongst a heap of small sharks and snake mackerel... damn those slimy things are a pain in the ass! On the way home we put the xraps out again and in the exact same spot near the south passage it went off again. This time we knew it was another yellowfin but i this one just wouldnt give up. Unfortunately it was a strong run-in tide and there was alot of weed around the passage entrance. Try as we did we couldnt get it out of the passage current and after a few runs through the weed banks the line gave way. Devastated! Continuing on we picked up a nice size spanish mack not long after to make up for the slow day and disapointment.
I was due to fly home the next day and after all the mechanical issues we had over the past week dad and brother made the call to get all bearings done on the trailer and head home.
In all it was an awesome trip, managed to get some nice fillets in the freezer, catch a few target species and spending a week up north fishing and drinking beer with the old man and brother when we all live away is great.
Posts: 1278
Date Joined: 16/04/12
Sounds like a cracker trip
Sounds like a cracker trip mate! That YFT pic is a ripper. And I'd have to agree with ya, Long Island and the surrounding area is epic! Did you stay the night out there?
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big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Some real crackers there, well done mate.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
i will defiantly
be packing my tuna like that next time . wiked idea
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 624
Date Joined: 26/07/09
Nice write up mate, some
Nice write up mate, some good times had
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Wow those tuna steaks look
Wow those tuna steaks look absolutely terrible!
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 06/09/14
Yeah they were pretty
Yeah they were pretty horrible so i did everyone a favour and took most of them in exchange for mackie.
Tom M
Posts: 661
Date Joined: 22/09/15
Those Tuna packs look great,
Those Tuna packs look great, will have to stop throwing back and get my cooking skills perfected. Great report and photos.
Tom M
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
great trip had by all. great
great trip had by all. great idea with the tuna steaks, better than just cryovac
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 06/09/14
Cheers guys.I saw a photo on
Cheers guys.
I saw a photo on here a while ago of someone using the trays to pack fish. Briliant idea and will be doing all fish this way now.
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Good pics and fish. The tuna
Good pics and fish. The tuna packs look good but whats the advantage over just cryovacd? easier to pack? cheers well done
Bend over
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 06/09/14
Yeah mate from the photos i
Yeah mate from the photos i saw of others doing it it just looked easier to pack.
I found that its also alot easier to pack them onto trays and then into a bag than it is sliding fillets into a bag.
You can also write on the bottom of the tray before you cryovac, that way there is no chance of the label rubbing off.
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Better late than never
Great report. Great too tick a few boxes. Well done.
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 27/11/15
All good things come in
All good things come in time, what a great sounding couple of weeks.
That tuna looks awesome waiting in the trays to be cryovaced.
It always seems the way when you take someone out for the first time, they nearly always catch the best fish
Great report and photos ....well done
My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!
Posts: 84
Date Joined: 23/01/15
That yellowfin, dream fish!