Kalbarri Trip

Hi All.

Had a mate tell me he was heading up to barri the week before the school holidays for a few days to hopefully get a surf or 2 in and I had a bit of time up my sleeve and not exactly smashing it in Perth so decided to have a bit of a mates trip away and take the boat up as have another mate up there and had fished a few times there and thought we might get a couple of good days fishing in.

Ended up fishing every day mostly between 30 and 50km north of town the weather was not super but winds were mostly NE or NE and even if howling sticking close to the cliffs gave us some protection and were able to motor along nicley the worst day was the first when it unexpectley turned SW and took 3hrs to get back in slop but was made up for with the several pods of whales we got to see doing there thing just awsome. The last day was the best wind wise and even got a bit of glass so went a bit deeper but could not get anything size apart from 1 baldy.

Did OK on the fish my local mate put us onto some good areas and I think I am starting to understand my new sounder a lot better to see what I am over even managed to hover over a likey looking spot and another mate had a good snapper onboard within almost a minute, have includes a couple of sounder (Elite 9Ti) pics below and still no expert but we pulled good fish off these spots any feedback on them good or bad is appreciated we fished mainly within 500m of the coast due to the wind in 10 to 20m and got a good asortment of pinks and baldies and one dhie which was my first size on the boat and even some good bycatch including a first flounder and my biggest flattie by a long shot.

Booked a house thru KAS at 48 Mortimer and can highly recommend it for a group of boys to go away even a family it had a great outside area and a fire pit which was a nice touch at the end of the day as well as a short walk to the pub (only night we went down for a couple was karaoke night thanks to the locals for the entertainment!), also if OK to say want to give a big up to Jane at the jetty outdoors supplies shop?? got my fuel from there and she looked after me with my bait and some tackle as well as an afterhours number if we came in late and needed fuel.

Lastly a big thanks to my local mate I am a plumber and he is a sparky so destined to clash but to know him is to like him and he fished with me every day except one when he went to Gero for the day for Chemo! without him don't think i would have ventured as far and got many fish a champion considering his health is not the best.

Thanks for reading sorry the pics are not nearly as good as some others post but was more keen to fish than take photos and conditions made it a bit tricky on the boat to stay still, hopefully better ones to come in the future.


Pulled the dhu and a baldy from here before bagging out our only time.

Got 2 snapper and 2 baldies as well as the flattie here.

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big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Fri, 2017-07-14 10:25

Can only see the one pic TF. Good to knock off some good eating fish.

Did you do any trolling for macks? Evolution Fishing have been killing it lately up the way you were fishing.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

TF in DZ's picture

Posts: 48

Date Joined: 06/01/17


Fri, 2017-07-14 17:23

Thanks Big John not sure about the pics I can see em???

We did throw the lures out a few times only once saw a bait ball getting smashed by some big fish but they disappeared before we got within 100m, only heard of one mackie getting caught while I was there.

Didnt get to do any jigging but put one of you hard leadhead jigs on a paternoster setup with a bit of occy and did OK with a few fish and especially a patch of blue line emperors were consytanly hitting it instead of the hooks.

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Fri, 2017-07-14 17:31

Yeah a sweetened leadhead is one of the best tricks in fishing. It catches fish but its cheap and humble, not flash and fancy. Most people are conditioned these days that expensive gear is the only way to catch fish. ;)


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

TF in DZ's picture

Posts: 48

Date Joined: 06/01/17


Sun, 2017-07-16 12:12

Tried again with the pics my internet is a pain at work see how they go.