Morning Sunrises with a couple of fish

Been some superb sunrises lately. Some pics of my past three early morning runs.

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Stevo81's picture

Posts: 1278

Date Joined: 16/04/12

 Top stuff mate, Good looking

Fri, 2017-07-14 19:18

 Top stuff mate, Good looking bags!


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

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Red sky in the morning

Fri, 2017-07-14 19:24

Sailor take warning, red sky at night sailors delight.
I think that is how the ditty goes, some great pictures there.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Wow! What a bag! Nicely done

Fri, 2017-07-14 19:52

 Wow! What a bag! Nicely done mate.


Love the West!

Diggedy's picture

Posts: 67

Date Joined: 08/01/17

Pics look spectacular, nearly

Fri, 2017-07-14 22:40

Pics look spectacular, nearly as good as the bags of fish.

Jackalchub's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 10/03/12

 Solid bags and an better

Sat, 2017-07-15 01:16

 Solid bags and an even better ride in that whaler! can't say i get too many red throat.. north of perth? how do the gold spotted morwong chew? 

snuffs's picture

Posts: 140

Date Joined: 06/08/12

Hi mate, I head out from

Sat, 2017-07-15 06:51

Hi mate, I head out from Hillarys... only had the boat there for a month or two, but I do seem to consistently be getting a lot of red throat so far. Gold spotted fish was a mistake ... horrible! :) :) :)

Jackalchub's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 10/03/12

 Haha, live and learn. Good

Sat, 2017-07-15 16:13

 Haha, live and learn. Good to see Red throat getting around. Nice work 

richie68's picture

Posts: 165

Date Joined: 07/08/11

Gold Spot sweetlip.

Sat, 2017-07-15 07:35

put up a reasonable fight but taste like Sh*#! Great to see some Redthroat Emperor there. I reckon they taste great.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 great feeds for sure. prob

Sat, 2017-07-15 10:44

 great feeds for sure. prob with the red throat is they dont have a lot of meat on them realy but do taste great. 

pics look great


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Francis's picture

Posts: 326

Date Joined: 17/06/08

 Great fish and pics! I love

Sat, 2017-07-15 10:49

 Great fish and pics! I love that there are red throats in the metro area! Need them to come a bit further south to Rockingham !!


What's that red fish poking his head out on the second photo? Is that a gurnard ?


And are those sunset pics taken using HDR ? Love the colours, well done.


snuffs's picture

Posts: 140

Date Joined: 06/08/12

Hi mate, yep it's a gurnard

Sat, 2017-07-15 20:49

Hi mate, yep it's a gurnard poking out. I like the taste,, but don't get stung whilst filleting otherwise it can get ugly. Friends hand blew up impressively within 10 mins when spiked.
Pictures were taken on Canon 5D III. Cheers, John

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 looks like a gurnard. i know

Sat, 2017-07-15 11:04

 looks like a gurnard. i know them also as scorpion fish, taste great but them spikes sure are painful even only if you get scratched by one. learnt the hard way


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Top feed

Sat, 2017-07-15 16:25
