exmouth deep drop

 had an good last week in exmouth. weather was not the best but we got out wide one day in 298m an  had a amazing day catching rubys, grey band an 8 bar. only got 5 fish before the sharks set in. my first drop getting a double header grey band an nice ruby. not the best photos il put up sum better ones soon.

also raised a nice marlin on the way home


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

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reece's picture

Posts: 522

Date Joined: 10/07/08

 also thanks to the boys at

Mon, 2011-02-07 08:57

 also thanks to the boys at oceanside tackle and marine for my combo and advice


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Nice goldfish and a good cod

Mon, 2011-02-07 09:06

Nice goldfish and a good cod too!


grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

Date Joined: 09/07/09

very nice. well done mate.

Mon, 2011-02-07 09:26

very nice. well done mate. fantastic ruby


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

Posts: 6

Date Joined: 06/02/11

Nice fish mate!

Mon, 2011-02-07 09:40

Hey mate, I am from nth Queensland recently moved to Perth, and I gotta say did not think you would catch amazing redfish like thus from WA!! Obviously didnt do my homework. I am hearing such good things about exmouth, gotta get up there at some point. What species is the giant redfish? Forgive my ignorance!! I am really looking forward to getting into fishing over here in the west and look forward to learning more about species you get over here and how to catch them!!


crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Hi Nikki

Mon, 2011-02-07 10:02

Well, The east THINK they have redfish, but here we DO have redfish, and plenty off them. The fish in question is a Ruby snapper, Etelis carbunculus , but this is a very red one. Normally a whiter bottom to the fish.

Good eating but the other red fish probably just beat it IMO.

Hope this helps a little.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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Thanks For the info Neels,

Mon, 2011-02-07 10:33

Thanks For the info Neels, definitely good to know. I will have to get out and start catching some decent table fish, saw coral trout for $60kg the other day and thought 'hmm there must be an alternative' !!!

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

top work out deep mate,

Mon, 2011-02-07 09:43

top work out deep mate, cracking haul of quality there

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

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Wow awesome Ruby. I would

Mon, 2011-02-07 09:44

Wow awesome Ruby. I would love to catch one of them, great colour.


Bring on April

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

PS Bloody nice rube

Mon, 2011-02-07 10:04

Thats quality in one. Yes and I think in that depth with that double header you would probably have/had to use the electricity. Other than that I would say pulling up those without assistance 5 fish would have seen the end of me, let alone having to worry about the taxman.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

awesome job reece,

Mon, 2011-02-07 13:03

top effort mate. cant wait to see some good pics of that ruby. looks a bit windy. how hard was it to hold bottom?

synthos's picture

Posts: 522

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Mon, 2011-02-07 13:04

My gawd the sinkers the size of the foot eihter ur small or its a load of led, those are some whopper fish fillets.

cudbfishn's picture

Posts: 1311

Date Joined: 06/04/09

Hahaha. You look knackered.

Mon, 2011-02-07 15:07

Hahaha. You look knackered.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 great effort. those fish

Mon, 2011-02-07 15:13

 great effort. those fish would have tested out your stamina for sure. thats a great looking Ruby and a monster of a grey band. your going to be eating well for a bit. congrats


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Marky's picture

Posts: 420

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Nice fish, yea you look

Mon, 2011-02-07 18:16

Nice fish, yea you look pretty knackered and understand why.. woulda been a nice tug of war from that depth.

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

nice fish

Mon, 2011-02-07 18:24

great fish there reece ,where you north or south of town mate ???




Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 my guess would be somewhere

Mon, 2011-02-07 18:26

 my guess would be somewhere out west of town .


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Adam Gallash's picture

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Mon, 2011-02-07 19:09

Looks like those spots you got paid off mate, quality fish. Cant wait to get back out there.


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