First fish on jig

 Well a fewmates and i organised a charter with whitey up at jurien bay for thursday morning so said to me mates head to our shack at grey wednesday arvo spend night there instead off waking up early and going from perth  so headed off a4  in the morning from our shack for the 45min driive to jurien hoped on. I was armed with me new jig combo off a shimano twinpower 5000 and a tcurve vertical series rod and a bag full of jigs. First was to catch some live bait for the bait boys then off to the first drift  2nd drop off the jig resulted in me first lfish  on jigs pulled a bit off string then saw colour and was nice 73cm pinkie mates also brought in a few pinkies and dhuies then that spot went quiet so on to the next lump down went jig again first drop resulted in another pinkie off 65cm  then things wemt quiet for me but the bait boys were still bringing fish in plenty off pinks ranging from low 40s to the biggest of the day off 84cm. Things were still quiet for me ron the jigs seeing the other boys catvhing fish on bait i was about to make the change then i finaly struck was a very short battle  with one quick very short run and up came me first ever dhuie and on jig to of about 63 cm so was wrapped then wed had pretty much bagged out and had 5 out off 6 dhuies onboard were allowed   So whitey made the choice to head out to the 90s to search for a big dhuie for us but to no a avail  so went trolling for a few hour but turned up nothing so headed back in. In all was awesome day out with whitey and richo already planning the next charter with them heres a few pics 

thanks chris 


Owner and maker of WestCoast Assists ur jigging needs

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plogs's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 25/01/13

Solid haul of fish there

Sat, 2013-10-05 18:14

Solid haul of fish there mate, good on ya.  Sounds like a great day out

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

 Good first few fish on the

Sat, 2013-10-05 19:55

 Good first few fish on the jig mate! Best place to do it too :)




scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

Date Joined: 10/05/10

Yee ha

Sat, 2013-10-05 21:30

Sitting at the j bay hotel now just counting the minutes till tomorrow can't wait


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers