fish id
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2014-08-24 19:37
hi, i was watching a video of spearfishing at north mole and i found this. at the end of the video there is the fish that looks like a rooster fish. is that what it is?do u get them in perth?
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Yeah as a matter of fact you
Yeah as a matter of fact you can get them at the north mole
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Gung Ho spearies
Looks like a gung ho spearfisher person shooting at whatever pokes its head up.
Why shoot a dusky morwong when they are absolute crap eating and the last one looks like it could be an old wife with bugger all meat on even the biggest one
Daniel Y
Posts: 423
Date Joined: 30/09/05
don't know what video you
don't know what video you watched, but no dusky morwong were shot in that video linked above.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
^^ Theres heaps of them
Theres heaps of them around, just never take baits
Daniel Y
Posts: 423
Date Joined: 30/09/05
That last fish was a Crested
That last fish was a Crested Morowng (Cheilodactylus vestitus).
As for your second question, read the title of the video you posted. Might give you a little clue.