Fishing Knots

Just trying to get an opinion on everyones preference of knots.

Is it one knot fits all ? ie "I only use one knot for all tying" if so what is that knot.

Is it one knot for terminal tying ? ie swivels and hooks.

Or is it "I use this knot for tying to hooks, this knot for swivels, split rings, this knot from leader to mono..Braid ?

I've had a search and read thru past posts, but couldn't get really what I wanted.

Ryan C's picture

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uni knot

Tue, 2013-01-15 10:04

i generally use 5 sorts of knots, (bimini,uni, double uni,albright and loop knot for attaching certain lures)) but to answer your question the uni knot(and its variation the double uni) is the most versatile, you can join lines (either leader to braid or even mono to mono) you can also tie all sorts of terminals with this knot.  cheers

opsrey's picture

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Tue, 2013-01-15 10:39

 Uni, bimmi, and Albright.

chris raff's picture

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Uni for me as well  for just

Tue, 2013-01-15 09:57

Uni for me as well  for just about everything , basic but effective quick and easy in the dark , wind etc ...never personally had one slip nor break even bringing 6ft + sharks up to the boat ...I know it's not flash but the proofs in the pudding for me it works and it's simple...


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DTrain's picture

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The knots I use are:Uni knot

Tue, 2013-01-15 10:16

The knots I use are:

Uni knot - Tieing mono to swivels and hooks.

FG knot - Joining braid to mono. This is a compilcated knot but after a bit of practice they are not too bad.

Dropper loop - Used to do paternosta type rigs, with the bait at the top and the sinker at the bottom.

Snell knot - Used to do snell multiple hooks together, kind of like a gang hook but with line holding them together.


If you are starting out the uni knot would be the closest to the one knot fits all type of knot. It's easy to tie and if you learn the back to back uni knot then you can also join line together. It can be used on almost any line size, you just increase the wraps for lighter line and decrease the wraps on heavier line.

I use the FG knot because it is very strong when tied properly, and also very thin so it goes through your rod guides easily.



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 Hey DTrain just on that

Tue, 2013-01-15 10:55

 Hey DTrain just on that snell not for multiple hooks I had a prob with them last wkend where the top hook kept sliding down through the leader that was tied and ended up sitting on top of the bottom hook with little or no space in between the 2  hooks then I think what happened was I hooked up onto something decent on the top hook slid down to bottom hook then the pressure snapped line to bottom hook then the line just slipped through top hook   If that makes sense. What am I doing wrong ? I could grab the top hook myself and with pressure slide it up or back to make the leader space between the two hooks closer or longer its like it wasn't tied off rigid. 

Ryan C's picture

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Tue, 2013-01-15 11:09

whether you do the "proper"snell or the easier "silly" snell the hooks should never be able to slide, so something you were doing must have been not right when tying the snell , google it to find a video to tie them properly.  cheers

DTrain's picture

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If the snell is sliding then

Tue, 2013-01-15 11:39

If the snell is sliding then something has gone wrong. Double check your doing it right.

stevebw23's picture

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2 knots i use a lot are "uni

Tue, 2013-01-15 12:21

2 knots i use a lot are

"uni knot" for hooks/swivels etc. simple, strong and quick to tie. has never failed me

"FG knot" for braid to leader knot. casts smooth through the rod guides, really strong and easy once you get the hang of it. easier than the pr knot in my opinion and no need for expensive bobbin thingo to tie it



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snapper_seeker's picture

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 I use a double blood for

Tue, 2013-01-15 12:26

 I use a double blood for everything terminal and an albright for connecting two lines together

Ben82's picture

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I use the PR knot for braid

Tue, 2013-01-15 13:36

I use the PR knot for braid to leader, if i have to retie on the water I usually use a bimmini twist to albright or improved albright.

Terminal knot are either polomar, uni or blood knot.

crasny1's picture

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Tue, 2013-01-15 15:08

For most and by far the most versatile.

Modified palomar for braid to swivels etc unless I am after a PB etc. If I feel like this then Bimini double always.


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Leemo's picture

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 bimini to GT knot or the

Tue, 2013-01-15 15:15

 bimini to GT knot or the slim beauty for most applications of braid to leader. Albright when im breaming etc. 

Uni for tying terminals. 


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MattMiller's picture

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Tue, 2013-01-15 15:39

still yet to have a bimini to GT break and Albrights are good for light line connections

Cruise Control's picture

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Braid to leader - bimini to

Tue, 2013-01-15 16:58

Braid to leader - bimini to albright or braid leader knot

Mono to swivel or hook - Centauri knot - IMO the easiest, quickest, strongest knot you can tie and you can tie it in 2kg or 150kg mono

Paternoster - Twisted dropper loops

Braid to swivel - bimini with cats paw