Flying the fly round 3 picture heavy
Well everyone, with the long weekend just gone, i got two solid days of fishing in. Head back up to tamanuri (not correct spelling)....
Sunday woke up to a cold misrable foggy day...what can you do the weather wasnt with us, but there was zero wind. So couldnt really complain, on went the thermals, t shirt, waders jumper then rain jacket. Met up with my guide and talked about the plan for the next two days. The morning was to head off to a new river, in search of bigger browns and rainbows, but just less of them. The afternoon was more sightfishing in small streams for spawning fish.
We headed off into the AWSOME senic landscapes of rolling hills, fog in the vally, till we finally came to a point in the river. Right he said pointing out where to cast, where they will be sitting etc etc. Hes teaching me as eventuelly im going to do it by myself and venture out into the wilderness all on my own. The first hour not much was happening, till my guide noticed some orange peel and a couple foot steps directly behind we were fishing, right he saids stop fishing the edges, extend your trippet and straight in the fast water. First cast bang i was on. A nice small 4 pound rainbow was soon on the shore. Again next cast right into the middle o the fast water, and bang i was on with a slightly bigger , very acrobatic rainbow going 5 pounds.
We started talking what to look for on the shore line for factors about where the fish will be, generally the fast water they dont like unless the push deep, or are some what spooked. Its a good place to fish if all else fails working the side currents of the rapid.
We mooved on with a bit of a treck and rapid wading through some AWSOME scenary. Next pond was going to be a challenge witha huge cast required to get over to the fishy waters...i was struggling so i looked up and posed the question what about at the bottom of the rapids, and he was like yeah i was going to get you to fish there next, and a through a short 3-4m cast into the first current and bang i was fighting a sizeable fish, after roughly 5-10 mins of running up and down into rapids out of rapids trying to not get burried by this guy, i sort of new it a brown, and yerh my PB brown was netted a few snaps and we were swimming him for around 3-4 mins till he gave me his kick and off he went, we pulled another couple rainbows from the deeper pool nothing to write home about. (photo 4/5)
With the weather setting in we had some lunch and mooved back up the river, its started getting fairly wet and the rocks were slippery, and we came across a nice deep pool and off i went at the bottom of the rappids and let it swing out and it didnt last longer then 30 seconds till my indicator went down and i had a very decent acrobtic bouncing around, we both just didnt know how big, till tens minutes later with the fish netted i had got my PB rainbow being over 8 lbs, the photos werent the best as i left the camera at home and resulted to my iphone.....(photo 6/7 )
We left this larger river system for a small stream comming off it and it was time for a new lesson big fish really really small systems. I kind of laughed at my guide saying we will catch shitty little one pounders and boy i was wrong from small systems with the width of 3 m half of it would be a deep pool, and put it in the fishy areas generally resulted in a rainbow. We did this fishing all the way up the stream with him teaching me about sight fishing when we came across pairs getting ready to spawn.
Monday, woke up with glorious sunshine but alot of fog throughout the valleys but that soon cleared. Plan was to go out and have some fun where we fished last week and find pools of spawning fish waiting for the next set or rains to moove further up the system. Most pools we encountered had at least one fish, with 3-5 fish not uncommon. Got some nice browns and rainbows through out the morning.....
Afternoon came and he said right we are gonig to go stalk spawning pairs now properly, so we drove up to where we finished last night, and the rules were set, ultra quiet do not stand in the skyline, and no pointing, talk to each other softly when coming across fish. We fishing always water gnerally less then a foot deep for actuel pairs of fish. Proper sight fishing. afternnoon was spent chasing pairs and single fish with some sucess, i generally spooked the fish off with not so accurate casts.... Large river systems you have a nice range to get it into the right waters, small spawning streams if your not accurate generally the fish are spooked after the first cast. We came across some nice awsome browns and a couple rainbows, but generally all browns. Highligh of the day was a brown burring me in a hole only for us to somehow get it out and via the net and hands! haha
its getting to the point now where nice fish we dont even bother photoing unless there all coloured finally understanding the facination and skill of fly fishing and everyday its grows more on me...i love the challenge!
a hard days fishing still beats work
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I wonder why all those kiwi bros are moving to windy ol Karratha, they have it so much better in NZud.
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Mate I know you are in New Plymouth
But from my school days there isnt any decent trout streams in Taranaki. Is this fantastic stuff a little more toward Waikato country?
Anyway dreaming the dream, they are awesome fish to stalk and catch. True sports.
Thanks for sharing.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 22/08/07
Awsome mate, Cant wait for
Awsome mate, Cant wait for my first trout.
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
more photos added.....mind
more photos added.....mind the sunglass's lads i left my polaroids back home and bought a cheep pair for now....
everthing is within a 2.5 hr drive mate....out of teranaki, but there are some streams in teranaki i have already fished and pulled some fish from nothing of this size though, can give youn more info if you really want.
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC membercrasny1
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
All I got from taranaki streams where so nice fat eels.
Thanks for info, but Im just jealous now!
(love the retro sunnies!!)
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Great post and pics
Thanks for the great post and pictures,did you let all the fish go or keep some
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
generally we release all
generally we release all fish...over the two days we caught and released 20+ rainbows and browns.
We were mainly fishiing for spawning pairs/fishing mooving into the streams to head up to spawn (one day) in the smaller streams, they are ALWAYS released to do there thing. and then larger river systems with fish mooving up to spawn as well(time of year)
The large river systems if you can find a nice fish that hasnt been in the system that long, and is a nice and silver colour rather then dark, i would contemplate keeping him/her if there dark there just not worth it.
The previous two trips i have kept a fish on each trip.
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberterboz123
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
sorry all didnt mean to
sorry all didnt mean to repost in this thread, trying to see if i can save the photos onto my work PC.
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC membermucsavage
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 10/05/12
Savage fish there mate, and lovely scenary.
Where is that fishing available. I would love to get into fly fishing over here.
I used to do quiet abit of it back home in Ireland. But cant seem to find anywhere over here. :(
Any info would be great?