Friday arvo

 Got the call Fri lunchtime from a mate who should have been in the goldfields. His gold prospecting partner had heart problems last night and is in the hospital getting monitored. Do i want to go fishing??

Loaded the car and kissed the missus goodbuy.  Launched at Mindarie around 3ish and headed out about 100m, well just the other side of 3 mile. Was planned for a bread and butter fish with a few floaters out the back. 

We got a good sounder reading in the middle of nowhere and decided to pull up in the 10m mark. As soon as we stopped there was a sizable silver shadow moving below us and in our haste to rig up i tangled my rig up so Darren got the first line in the water. Bastard hooked up straight away and landed a 78cm pinkie.

78cm Pinkie

That was a good start so we repositioned the boat and dropped the anchor. Got the bearley going and had a hot session with a heap of skippy landed and a few blistering runs (not landed) over the next few hours.

Ended up with 2 pinkies and a bucket of skippy. Pretty good for an arvo not planned for.

Friday arvo


 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

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Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Everyones having a ball

Sat, 2015-08-15 10:57

Everyones having a ball inshore at the moment, great time of year for it, couple litres of fuel is all you need!
