fridays overnighter on the boat

 started bout 1 on friday arvo havin a troll for tailor in the river after bout 2 hours we had about 8 rangin from just size to 1 at 42 cm kept a few live and few on ice then we decided to brave the south wester and go to rotto took us about  45mins to get there.

We had a couple of balloons out in the hope of a sunset macky or tuna  til some not so good skipper run over me mates balloon line and cut it, it was only 60m out we werent in a main traffic area or any think he did have the whole ocean but any way, he cut it off.

what happens next you wont belive we pulled anchor went to get old mates rig/ ballon took us bout 5 minutes to get there i lean over the side and off the bloody balloon goes at about a million miles an hour against the wind  snaps the balloon trace and goodby cheers to that skipper i recon you lost us our first metro mack for the year

 up at sunrise for a troll behind rotto no mor than 10 minute driven birds bust ups everywear bout half hour later i got the first run to chrissen my tyrinos 30 with 15kg and my first shark macky stoked! this was followed by joe reefs stripey tuna then 2 lost fish called for tuna joe reef picked up another shark mac and i got a rat king on the biggest lure out there angry little bugger 

we then had a spin at the kings only managed a few rats on halco twisty and sticks but after gettin a couple they were very hard to tempt with anythink smart fish cause i love kingfish curry and didnt manage one size king

the other photos of a 12 ft bronzie on a trip a few weeks back we werent havin any luck tried 4 or 5 spots at the first 4 nothink, then got a hookup sharked, right get the harness we said drop down a bait bang were on, we took turns for an hour til we got him up after a few picks we poped the hook give him a quick pat and on his way what an amazin creature. he was very calm at boat side and left us in abslout ore at his power check out how much water he can move with that tail in one of the pics est 300kg we werent expecting that big

main lures we were gettin fish on were chrissy trees and pakula micro uzis for tailor, tuna and macs

halco twisty,norcraft inzuma and zip bait sticks for kings 



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axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Nice report, knew the macks

Tue, 2014-01-14 08:44

 Nice report, knew the macks would be around, probably to far out for our tinny, looks like ya had a fun trip.

dj dvd's picture

Posts: 236

Date Joined: 27/03/12

That moment you realise it's

Tue, 2014-01-14 08:48

That moment you realise it's just not belly hair anymore.  Anyway good fishin in metro waters - well done.


 Born to Fish/Forced to Work.

Berin's picture

Posts: 150

Date Joined: 15/07/10

As always

Tue, 2014-01-14 20:07

 Killing it as usual Cal, nice bonito as well. That shark has been following you around since 1982 at least, he has you satellite tagged I think...and is probably putting reports about you on mate !

Posts: 83

Date Joined: 28/12/12

Nice fish there guys...cheers

Tue, 2014-01-14 22:11

Nice fish there guys...cheers