Fuel Burn

Hi All,

I am doing some preliminary work looking for a new boat but I’m really struggling to find a solution. 


Most of my time is spent out at the trench either deep drop or dragging lures. So I do 70 mile round trips straight out and back most trips, often more when running lures. 


I like the speed that outboard(s) provide but i am just not sold on twin outboards for the high fuel burn of twins, single outboard is obviously the best choice for straight line burn but diesels obviously kill them all for trolling. Mymate has a Caribbean 40 that used 2.9 litres / hr a side at troll speed (just in gear). Pretty amazing numbers , down side is is 55 lt/hr per side on the way out at 22 kts


I was wondering if everyone with access to fuel flow data would give me their fuel flow figures for normal cruise speed /fuel burn and then say 7 kts (troll speed) in the below format. Happy to share the end product if anyone is interested


Boat type


Engine / Engines

Petrol / Diesel

Fuel Burn 7 kts 

Fuel Burn 25 knots (or your cruise speed - please state the speed)



 Would be an interesting exercise all the same and would love some bigger boats too in the hope of getting a decent data set

 Any help greatly appreciated




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 7m ally with Volvo diesel.

Tue, 2016-07-12 07:37

 7m ally with Volvo diesel.  5 knots is just clicked in gear. 1.4lph. 7-8 knots im burning 4 lph. 25 knots I'm getting 22lph. Wot at 38 knots I'm at 40lph


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

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 I'm running a 7.5m ali

Mon, 2016-07-11 13:54

 I'm running a 7.5m ali walkaround with a tower with twin 175 Suzukis, its actually slightly better on fuel then my 7.2m glass boat with a single 300, the twin rig has a much higher cruise speed.

I'm using about 15L combined at 7 knots doing about 2000rpm. If its calm I can shut down one motor and use a little less fuel, this also halfs the hours you do trolling if you alternate between the motors. I big cost saving when you troll all the time, especially when a service is so expensive these days.

I cruise at anywhere between 22-32 knots using 1lt /km, so at 50km/h im using 50L combined. 60km/h im using 60lt combined. WOT is 44knots.

if you get twins make sure you go with a brand with digital throttles, you will get auto sync which stops all resonating through your hull and is much nicer to use.

A set of twins is roughly the same cost as a single diesel with a leg. 



jdavies_99's picture

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My Boats

Mon, 2016-07-11 15:32


Boats I use as follows:


Boat type - Carribean

Length - 42 (1989)

Engine / Engines - Twin Detroit Diesels 6v92 450hp each side

Petrol / Diesel


Fuel Burn 7 kts - Roughly around 25lph at 8 knots

Fuel Burn 25 knots (or your cruise speed - please state the speed) - 110Lph at 18 knots

POB - Makes no real difference to be honest

NOTE: Above are estimates as this boat has no flow gauges. They should be reasonably accurate though.


Boat type - Carribean

Length - 49 (2015)

Engine / Engines - Twin Cummins QSM11 715hp per side

Petrol / Diesel


Fuel Burn 7 kts - Roughly around 12lph at 8 knots (not 100% sure on this one).

Fuel Burn 25 knots (or your cruise speed - please state the speed) - 160Lph at 26 knots

POB - Makes no real difference to be honest


Boat type - Sea Hunt Fibreglass Walkaround

Length - 23ft 

Engine / Engines - 2006 4 Stroke Yamaha 150hp

Petrol / Diesel - Petrol


Fuel Burn 7 kts - Roughly around 18ph at 8 knots (not a particularly comfortable speed for this hull)

Fuel Burn 25 knots (or your cruise speed - please state the speed) - 23 knots and around 35lph

POB - 3 

I can 


2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury

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Mon, 2016-07-11 15:33



I would be keen on reading the end product if you are compiling the information.  


2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury

southpoint's picture

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Great stuff guys

Mon, 2016-07-11 15:48

 Keep them coming please

Posts: 881

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 8.0 mtr Ali with twin 250

Mon, 2016-07-11 18:24

 8.0 mtr Ali with twin 250 Yamaha 4 strokes. 

7 knots around 15-17 litres 

25 knots around 63ltrs

wot at 48knots 162ltrs



 Get busy living, or get busy dying!

t bone's picture

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7.3m Ali with Suzi 250.

Tue, 2016-07-12 07:16

Very interesting numbers so far. I only have my cruzing speeds at the moment, but home in few weeks and will get others if your still interested by then.

20kn (3400rpm) running @ 27LPH - showing 1.4ltr/Nm
24kn running at 38.6LPH - showing 1.5ltr/Nm
27kn running at 48.4LPH - Showing 1.8ltr/Nm

pelagicyachts's picture

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The Carribean 40 doing 4 l/h

Tue, 2016-07-12 08:30

The Carribean 40 doing 4 l/h per side sounds very lean! - I wish!

rough numbers below
Boat type - Flybridge convertible- 42ft
Engine / diesel - Twin Caterpillar 3208ta (435hp ea)
Fuel Burn 7 kts - circa 20 -25 l/h at 8 knots
Fuel Burn 25 knots - around 160l/h at cruise (20-22knots) and around 180+l/h at 25 knots
POB - 6 usually but as jdavies says it doesn't affect the numbers

have you thought about going for a large single o/b and getting a "kicker" for trolling? - very popular in florida and I have seen set ups where the kicker (around 15-25hp) is linked up to the steering on the main o/b - when not in use it has the leg up and is out of the way - also some comfort in terms of safety - slow trip home but most twin eng boats cant get up on the plane on a single anyway


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Try having a look through

Tue, 2016-07-12 14:32
Ashram's picture

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Fuel Burn

Tue, 2016-07-12 16:27

My boat

Boat type - Wellcraft

Length - 27ft

Engines - Twin 225 Yamaha 4 Strokes


Fuel Burn Trolling between 8-11knts 20 LPH (combined)

Fuel Burn Cruising speed between 22-24knts 85-90 LPH (combined)

Fuel Burn WOT 37-40knts 165-170 LPH (combined)

POB - Makes no real difference


Doc's picture

Posts: 691

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 Not a boat, but our

Tue, 2016-07-12 16:40

 Not a boat, but our motorhome gets 4-4.5 kilometres per litre. Depends on speed (100kmh) and headwind.

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

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that's better than my troopy!

Tue, 2016-07-12 16:57

that's better than my troopy! :-)

Doc's picture

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 That's about 22.2 litres per

Thu, 2016-07-14 17:40

 That's about 22.2 litres per hundred, my landcruiser V8 diesel is good for 14-15. 

Yewiefish85's picture

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 wish my cruiser got 14-15

Thu, 2016-07-14 17:58

 wish my cruiser got 14-15

Doc's picture

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 99% of my driving is at

Thu, 2016-07-14 18:37

 99% of my driving is at 110kmh and into towns, I'd hate to see what it would be in the city. It's also just a tray back.

Yewiefish85's picture

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 i have a 76 wagon, i get

Thu, 2016-07-14 19:06

 i have a 76 wagon, i get better economy around town than when out on the highway, 5th gear is just too short, probably doesnt help with the size of tires i run

Doc's picture

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 Hey yewie, yeah ours is bog

Thu, 2016-07-14 19:20

 Hey yewie, yeah ours is bog standard, just a couple of years old. Hauls pretty hard, but as I said, just a 5 speed manual, but just ticks over in top gear at speed.

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That's better than my patrol

Tue, 2016-07-12 17:22

I'd like to be getting those figures.

Stevo81's picture

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Boat type - Hydra-Sports

Tue, 2016-07-12 19:16

Boat type - Hydra-Sports 2500VX 

Length - 7.8m

Engine / Engines - Twin Yamaha F150's

Petrol / Diesel- Petrol


Fuel Burn 7 kts - Never noticed but will check

Fuel Burn Cruise -26kts @ around 52-57litres/hr combined-depending on how much trim tab im using

POB - Makes no real difference 

WOT - 40kts and never noticed either. A fkload!



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7.5m Ally  300 Yammy 1.2km/l

Tue, 2016-07-12 19:32

7.5m Ally


300 Yammy


1.2km/l at 23-24knots loaded

1.5km/l about 8 knots


Have had her very very loaded and it does not change that much!




36knots WOT no idea how much fuel haha

southpoint's picture

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Thank you everyone for your input

Wed, 2016-07-13 09:05

Please keep them coming


Any one esle with diesels??


mullows's picture

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 Hey mateI got a seaswirl

Thu, 2016-07-14 13:45

 Hey mate

I got a seaswirl 2601Wa with a volvo penta 225hp d4 and cant give you specific figures but like dodgy says above I can get it going pretty quick at 35kts WOT.

Did the Dampier classic a few years back, went out the Thursday night and finished the Monday arvo, no need to refuel so stayed out the whole time with just the runs back to ramp to hand in tags etc. The figures that I can give you is we did 300 nautical miles for 400 litres used, varied speeds with 4 blokes on board + all our gear, piss and food. pretty good really.





The Older I get the better I was :-)

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 Can still get good speed out

Wed, 2016-07-13 10:03

 Can still get good speed out of a modern diesel. Mine will run up to 38-39 knots which is way faster than anyone is usually able to travel at off wa


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 40

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No meter bit can offer a guide

Thu, 2016-07-14 12:55

 fibreglass boat - commodore 670

length 6.7m

200hp Mercury Optimax


40nm round trip (20nm each way, 50 mins) @ around 24knots, normally use 75-80l.

2l per nm

48l per hour



Cruise Control's picture

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Cruise Craft Outsider 685 - 2

Fri, 2016-07-15 13:30

Cruise Craft Outsider 685 - 2 x 115 Yamahas 4S

Troll @ 6 kts = 11LPH
Cruise @ 22 - 24 kts = 38LPH

Posts: 574

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Cruise craft explorer

Fri, 2016-07-15 21:48

 685 explorer, 250 hp 4 stroke Yamaha.

consistently average 1km per litre. Normally driving at 25-28 knots, but do drive to the conditions. Between 18 to 28 all about the same.

it gets better at 8ish knots but haven't paid too much attention, I think 1.2 to 1.4 km per litre.

WOT can scratch 40 knots on a glass off. Seen this using 90 lph.


fishcrazy's picture

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cruise craft 550

Fri, 2016-07-15 22:18

 Got a 550 outsider 115 mercury 4 stroke WOT uses about 40 lt per hour  get about 110 kms from approx 80 litres or half tank @26 knts approx  love the range and the cost at bowser

bouttime's picture

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Boat 6.5mtr Oceanic centre

Sat, 2016-07-16 05:18

Boat 6.5mtr Oceanic centre cab

200hp v6 yamaha 4 stroke

7knts @2000rpm about 10lts/hr 

20knts @3500rpm 25lt/hr cruise speed

25knts @4000rpm 30lt/hr fast cruise speed

30knts @5000rpm about 40lts/hr

WOT 35knts and about 70lt/hr


Usually 3 to 4 peaople on board


Overall average for a days fishing about 1.3km per lt


Griffo84's picture

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Trailcraft - Pro fish 5.35m side console

Sat, 2016-07-16 09:18

Engine - 75hp Mariner 2 stroke

Haven't got too much info about fuel burn at different speeds, however, at 20-25knots I get around 1.8km's per litre.


Do the right thing and there will be fish tomorrow.

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Cabo 32

Sat, 2016-07-16 13:42

Cabo 32 Express

Twin Cummins QSB 5.9, 425hp each

Troll 6-7 knots - 12-14lph

Cruise 24 knots 105lph

WOT 34 knots about 180lph 

POB makes no difference.




JohnF's picture

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Boston Whaler 235 (7.35m),

Sat, 2016-07-16 19:05

Boston Whaler 235 (7.35m), single Verado 250.

1 km/L from 18-25 knots, gets thirstier faster than 25 knots.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

southpoint's picture

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Anyone got a Caribbean 35 with Cummins?

Sun, 2016-07-17 22:21

 Would be interested

Or a Contender 28-31

Stevo81's picture

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 Shitloads of Contender

Mon, 2016-07-18 06:47

 Shitloads of Contender performance #s threads on The Hull Truth


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jng's picture

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 Got a 7.5m ally hardtop with

Sun, 2016-07-17 22:53

 Got a 7.5m ally hardtop with a 250hp Suzuki average 1litre per km average cruising speed of 20-25knotts