Furuno 620 deepish water setting
Submitted by ctan1968 on Sat, 2014-04-12 11:50
Hi all,
will be using the sounder next month up north in about 115m and was just comparing settings for the best picture.
I will always use bottom lock on the left screen and sounder will be in 200KHz.
At that depth, I look for fish schools as the bottom is quite featureless.
Range will be probably 20m and I will use the "shift" function to get bottom onto the screen.
In the past I have had the gain up towards 8.5/10.
Any suggested feedback would be great.
Thank you
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 01/09/09
627 settings
Sounds like the same settings I run except I don't use that much gain , try running your interference on low just incase you have any "noise" in the system and turn your colour erase up , I run mine up around 30% I think this is about the light blue / green level on the scale .This will allow you to run a higher gain but cut out all the clutter on the screen and still show you the harder darker return signals your looking for especially in those depths .
A few guys I've noticed are using there tvg but I haven't played with it yet so I can't comment .
hope this helps cheers fishfish ..