Garden island squid

Went out for some fishing of all sorts yesterday but with the wind being up a bit we decided to try for squid. drifting with jigs had no success and neither did anchoring and throwing them out. so we decided to set out some penicil jigs with trumpter and herring. the squid love them! we only ended up with 7 and dropping two before we headed home. but we had 3 over 30cm (33, 35 and 30) and then 4 over 20cm so didnt really need anymore. but yeah i dont know why but not a single jig was taken what so ever, even when put right next to the squid that had dropped of a pencil jig.

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snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

nice squid there!!

Mon, 2012-06-18 10:42

seems strange they wouldnt take the jigs? was the weather calm? murkey water?




Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

water was a little murky. Was

Mon, 2012-06-18 11:04

water was a little murky.


Was out Saturday afternoon, we managed 25 in 2 hours (about 5 were cuttle fish!).


Some good sizes too!

Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

where did you guys go

Mon, 2012-06-18 11:35

where did you guys go out?

drifted around carnac then thought it might be a bit fast so we put out the drift anchor with same availe. then yeah pencil jiggs got them excited but when anchored so we couldnt cover much ground ( we went to like 4 differnt spots)

Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

just out from the woodman

Mon, 2012-06-18 11:42

just out from the woodman point boat ramp. Woodman point side of the shipping channel


Plenty of weed, just look for weed with sandy holes, nothing deeper than 5 metres.

Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

oh nice, well if my spots

Mon, 2012-06-18 11:52

oh nice, well if my spots ever dont produce i might give there ago for a nights feed of squid. did you drift? there were some ripper squid out in the bays of carnac and garden in 2-3m of water like right near the shore

Toby Roe's picture

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 01/02/10

Do you anchor up just drift

Mon, 2012-06-18 13:22

Do you anchor up just drift for them?

Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

drifted with jigs for a while

Mon, 2012-06-18 13:44

drifted with jigs for a while then gave up and anchored with the whole fish pencil jigs.

Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

drifting by far the best

Mon, 2012-06-18 14:25

drifting by far the best technique

ben89's picture

Posts: 100

Date Joined: 10/05/11

What kind of action do you

Mon, 2012-06-18 16:49

What kind of action do you use with the baited pencil jigs?

Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

 let them float out th back

Mon, 2012-06-18 17:47

 let them float out th back of the boat. we had four out at differnt lengths. then you just wait haha zero acrion done by you. i prefer jigss but they jusr wouldnt work

Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

dont use baited jigs. Use

Mon, 2012-06-18 16:57

dont use baited jigs.


Use normal squid jigs :)