
At the keep Aus fishing rally the other day , and someone (maybe on here) turned up towing a big glasscraft.

The hull shape was way different to anything else I've seen in the way the forefoot was really vertical , like a displacement hull.

Just looked like it would eat up a rough day no probs.

Looked a little further into it and some reports of them being quite bad in a following sea for broaching?

Anyone been on one? And if so , what did you think.


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

Rick's picture

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 22/12/06

saw that boat

Sat, 2012-09-08 09:10

 i saw that at the leeuwin ramp before we left. that was one big solid boat and in pretty good nick for its age too


PGFC Member


Rod P's picture

Posts: 725

Date Joined: 20/05/08

Amazing boat. Weight in the

Sat, 2012-09-08 09:32

Amazing boat. Weight in the arse end made them mint and no issue for broaching..


I did a report on one the other day. It had its sixth engine in it. Original owner from new. Boat was all original. Floor the lot.


Ugly as sin but the boat you really want in rough weather..

marble's picture

Posts: 778

Date Joined: 03/09/09

Grandad had a 25 footer

Sat, 2012-09-08 13:25

Grandad had a 25 footer built, dads still got it. On its 3rd or 4th motor now ( volvo diesel )

Solid old boat, leans a bit thanks to the deep vee and I think its a bit wet but it ploughs through the shit pretty well.

Theres one in a yard here in Exmouth that hasnt moved in over 2 years, not sure if its a goer or not.

Second the ugly as sin comment :-)


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

Posts: 85

Date Joined: 22/09/09


Sat, 2012-09-08 18:11

Glasscraft Wildcat, built as a offshore racing boat FUGLEY AS, but I challenge a mordern hull to perform as these do when the going gets tough!!

and a credit to Eric as the man who made these, (a true craftsman) and anybody who has had the pleasure to deal with him will agree.

A Glass Crafstman!!